I disagree… case in point:
My chiropractic friend, Chad, during his schooling was with his atheist friend dissecting a body. The job for that day was to follow a nerve that went from the brain to the neck; to the spinal chord; through the leg; down to one of the toes.
As they were dissecting and following the nerve, the atheist said, “There is no way evolution could have done this” and became a believer.
For him, it was compelling enough. For another person it would not be. Arbitrary for each person. I agree with the position, someone else would not.
To say "There is no evidence for gods sufficient to justify belief.” would deny the reality of the atheist chiropractor. Likewise so is, “ compelling evidence is not an arbitrary threshold."
Goodness! An anecdote about,
about, yes, an argument from incredulity
causing instant Comversion!
There is btw, no such nerve as you describe.
So,yeah, I do deny the reality of yout story.
As to the point you attempt with this apocryphal
accountl -
None could deny that people vary wildly in their
notions of good and sufficient evidence. No effort or story needed to illustrate it.
I am reminded of a stroll across campus with this other girl.
A fine red maple leaf fell at our feet.
" Oh look" she says. "It's a Sign. To represent the
Being a tiresome biology major I said, " So why does it have five parts?".
And ogf she goes about the pentarch.
A dreamy airhead.
Such vapid undisciplined thinking is not really about evidence.
We do have fields inwhich careful thinking , logic, facts,
you know, that tiresome stuff that takes
effort and doesnt
always go where you hope.
Science and law have carefully worked ou what constitutes good and sufficient evidence. " Arbitrary" or " different for each" has no place in science and has meaning
re population dynmamics, how electricity works,
the age of fossils, or organic chemistry.
"Two plus two equals four" is not arbitrary or subje ct to
change because someone indulges in some other belief.
Anything that is wide open to such mushy garbage
as the individual choices for evidence is not worth
any consideration.
As in -
Your notions of "evidence" serve only to duscredit your beliefs.
I got beaten to it twice!