I believe you must be amazing to see back millions of years and know exactly what is happening. What you see is what remains after all that time.
Strawman, I didn't say I know "exactly what is happening".
But evolution is a slow gradual change, we can see this from countless fossils. The evidence for DNA consists of thousands upon thousands of
biochemists, and other fields of study have spent uncountable hours, days, weeks and years doing the hard work of compiling, studying, collating and testing millions of bits of disparate data from all over the world and the scientific spectrum, to arrive at such rigorously-tested and reviewed theories and facts that make up our current comprehension and understanding of the true state of human evolution.
Humans are great apes morphologically, behaviorally and genetically we are great apes.
And yet you believe stories from anonymous authors, changed by scribes an unknown times, mirroring all the religions that came before it and literally occupied their lands for centuries. The 40 other Gospels are gone (except the found Dead Sea Scrolls) and these authors were prone to making up miracles and fantastic supernatural stories for Emperors and and hero they wanted to push. The Church fathers did more editing, created 7 fake Epistles and added endings to Mark and other text. What you see is what remains after all that time. To make it work you have to invoke a magical being, who has no evidence, and one of 10,000 and say he is actually real and made them come out just right.
The biggest confirmation bias ever.
If science is wrong, it always has new grad students attempting to disprove theories to become instantly famous, it will always self correct because the goal is to debunk all your theories until you are sure they are solid and have massive evidence. Religion, nope, the exact opposite.
Each religions theology dept has members sign a "statement of faith" saying they will never say negative things about the movement or will be subject to termination.
It happened to Mike Licona when he suggested the dead saints rising up from the grave in one of the passion narratives (Matthew) was added flare.
He was let go of his teaching position at some fundamentalist university.
Way to get the truth. Not.