Active Member
This is what it boils down to, Alien.This is something I have thought about in the past. If god is truly superior to us in ability and knowledge, then it's not something we can experiment on. The explanation is the same as why we experiment on mice, but mice don't experiment on us. We have the power to limit the actions of mice, and the mice have no such power over us.
It's all very well to set up an experiment to test a superior being, but we have to remember that the being has no obligation to cooperate, and we have no way to enforce that cooperation. It would be perfectly reasonable to suggest that god deliberately ignored all the prayers in that study.
Something else I worked out, and actually tried. How do you find out about a god-like being, starting with its existence of course? My conclusion was that the only way that made sense was to ask, politely, knowing that the only way I would get an answer was if god decided to respond. If I got a response, whoopie! If not, either god didn't exist or didn't want to talk to me. Either way I'd learned something.
We know God does not move on any discernible level here on earth. Yet here we are, all 8 billion of us. Against all odds starting out, we somehow managed to beat hunger, disease, wild beasts, natural disasters and all the rest. We should have lost the race going out the gate. The first two of us who managed to evolve to procreate should have been eaten by hyenas or something. Yet here we are. Alone on a planet with a God somewhere out there who either doesn't exist or doesn't want to interact with a single one of us, best as we can observe.
Go figure.