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There is no such thing as a gay Christian

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Well-Known Member
literal visionary said:
im new so i dont wanna mess it up

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Forum Relic
Premium Member
Bulletin----the new test. fixed certain things in the old
Which means a lot of the OT is irrelevent.

Jesus treated women as equals, there were women apostles
Yes. I'm aware of that. .

maybe we shouldn't eat pork, it si unhealthy

One robe?
they didn't specify between a man and women did they?

and mybe we should all wear 1 pieces clothes, I dont see any roblem there
Maybe. But nobody has the right or authority to tell people they're wrong and that their sinners because they choose to live that way. Only God can do that.

Im not throwing stones im saying hey watch out for the next hole.
But the thing is, to them, there is no hole. It's solid ground to them. They even step on it. It's like somebody telling you you're black when you're white. You can see your white reflection in the mirror. That's how they view it.


Forum Relic
Premium Member
all sins have a consequence and well have to answer to god our creator,
besides put these laws in place to protect our wellbeing and our society,

but we as people like to abuse ourselves.
I'm talking about earthly consequences. What are they?

literal visionary

Active Member
Which means a lot of the OT is irrelevent.

jesus wasn't that talkitive

Maybe. But nobody has the right or authority to tell people they're wrong and that their sinners because they choose to live that way. Only God can do that.

he does so in the bible

But the thing is, to them, there is no hole. It's solid ground to them. They even step on it. It's like somebody telling you you're black when you're white. You can see your white reflection in the mirror. That's how they view it.

doesn't make "what they see" RIGHT



Wonder Woman
My goodness, what one work shift gone does to a thread! Absolutely maddening to go through I tell you!

Okay, there has been a lot batted around here and I certainly am not about to try to respond to all of it...but I will take a shot at a generalization.

One thing stuck out quite a bit. Basically that gays are in it for sex alone. That the "love of marriage" is only between a man and woman. That has got to be one of the most absurd and uninformed line of reasoning that I have ever heard. First off...love between anyone is love. Whether that be between man and woman, man and man, or woman and woman. If a homosexual couple were to not have sex yet remain together out of love is that a fairy tale or what? There are couples out there, both heterosexual and homosexual that do not have sexual relations for one reason or another. The reasons may be medical or something else. The thing is...if a homosexual couple does not have sex with each other it doesn't make them any less homosexual. They still love and feel more complete with someone of the same sex. The heart wants what the heart wants.

You don't just up and one day think to yourself "you know...being gay is a sin so I'll stop making love to my partner because I don't want to go to hell". Or better yet..."since someone told me that I am living in sin by loving my partner I'm just going to stop them altogether. Yep...I'll just flip that little switch in my head and fall out of love with them". Yeah...that's how it works :sarcastic .

Homosexuality is no different than heterosexuality. Sexuality is not determined by urges in the pants...it is determined in an area of the brain...like everything else. Emotion comes from there...everything. And unless you plan on hooking up electrodes to shock the homosexual out of someone there is not one darn thing you can do about it. It is who and what they are. If God didn't want them to be that way they would have been born heterosexual...but they weren't...hence god made gays. Therefore, why would one of god's creation not be allowed to worship Him or be allowed in His presence after death?

Again...this whole thread seems to have dove into the whole "I'm right and you're wrong, nananananana" shtick again. With the only thing to back it up being personal interpretations of words written hundreds of years ago by mere men. Too bad logic and reason aren't applied here by some. Would make for a more pallatable thread.


Well-Known Member
The thing is...if a homosexual couple does not have sex with each other it doesn't make them any less homosexual

IMO they are not commiting a sin in this case.

And unless you plan on hooking up electrodes to shock the homosexual out of someone there is not one darn thing you can do about it.
dont give anyone any ideas:tsk:

Again...this whole thread seems to have dove into the whole "I'm right and you're wrong, nananananana" shtick again. With the only thing to back it up being personal interpretations of words written hundreds of years ago by mere men. Too bad logic and reason aren't applied here by some. Would make for a more pallatable thread.
:clap I would hope people can agree to disagree on both sides of this issue:)


Wonder Woman
kevmicsmi said:
IMO they are not commiting a sin in this case.

But they are still by definition homosexual are they not? And that is what this thread is about right? Whether a homosexual can be a Christian. Act or no act...they are still homosexual...just repressing their natural sexuality to please someone's idea of how they should act depending on scripture interpretation. Is that any way to live?

kevmicsmi said:
dont give anyone any ideas:tsk:

I certainly meant that comment sarcastically and would hope that it would not give anyone any "ideas". There are people out there who already try to "reprogram" homosexuals...I certainly hope they do not get it in their minds to try such other nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Draka said:
But they are still by definition homosexual are they not? And that is what this thread is about right? Whether a homosexual can be a Christian. Act or no act...they are still homosexual....
I think its safe to say that a majority of Christians, when discussing homosexuals in a sin or biblical context are reffering to people who engage in the act of homosexual sex. HOWEVER, BY NO MEANS DO I AGREE WITH THE OP.
just repressing their natural sexuality to please someone's idea of how they should act depending on scripture interpretation. Is that any way to live?
There are many sins I commit that I have a predisposition to comitting. I dont have gay tendencies, so I cant imagine how hard it would be to live a life trying to repress that. Nevertheless I do not think predispositions make a sin any mor or less sinful. Just to clarify my view, here is what I posted earlier

Secondly, I agree with you the act of homosexual sex is a sin (no greater or no less than any other sin mind you), but do you think all gays that are christian are laughing at Gods laws? I would have to disagree. Reasonable people can disagree on interpretation of God's Book, and if you and I are wrong, or if the other side is wrong, Im sure we will ALL find out in Heaven as long as we put our faith in Christ, and the sacrifice he made for us.

I certainly meant that comment sarcastically and would hope that it would not give anyone any "ideas". There are people out there who already try to "reprogram" homosexuals...I certainly hope they do not get it in their minds to try such other nonsense
My indignant finger wagging was completely in jest:)


Wonder Woman
kevmicsmi said:
Just to clarify my view, here is what I posted earlier

I saw that earlier and understand it. The majority of what I said, I'm sure you realize, was not directed, in point, at you.

My indignant finger wagging was completely in jest:)

While I realize that...you never know with some people:p ...there just may be some that think it an idea to try jumper cables and such...don't put anything past some people you know ;) :)


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