You think that person wouldn't know they were about to commit a felony? And no amount of talking is going to stop a desperate person from doing something desperate.
not every felony is desperate, what if theywere innocent as "supposed" homosexuals are, maybe they didn't know it was wrong....
so you should tell them like your kids....
like im going to tell for the rest of my life to every gay person I know, that what they are doing is wrong.......
Jesus said it's not what we do, it's why we do it. And it's not our place to judge. And as for what I teach my children is that everything they do has a consequence. If you do evil, evil will come back to you, and if you do good, good will come back to you. But either way, a lesson will be learned, and God's will be done.
telling someone right from wrong isnt judging them,
its telling them the truth
And as for what I teach my children is that everything they do has a consequence.
yeah kind of like how being gay is wrong
and being gay has a consequence,
i agree with you I have no place judging people,
but I can tell them right and wrong
so they wont have to pay for it when judgement day does come to call on all of us