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There is no such thing as a gay Christian

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Glass half Panda'd
literal visionary said:
let me point out before you jump on the "happy go lucky we can do what we want and nobody cares" bandwagon there is such thing as right and wrong

everyone on earth can be defined as right or wrong there is no such color as grey
in your opinion, perhaps *smiles*

literal visionary

Active Member
I would be interested to see if anyone can actually claim that anyone who professes to be a christian is not one.

usually you dont trust people who try to gain some kind of wealth, from their faith
you could call them phonies

Yet Jesus himself never said it was wrong, it was Paul who said it, in Corinthians, which I have previously mentioned.

Yeah my point is he never said, but we still have the old testament to fall back on,

You know, 1/2 the most important book in the history of mankind!

literal visionary

Active Member
So we should be putting do death those who commit adultery? These are the old laws. And Jesus most certainly did say something about who to love. He said love everybody. He said love your neighbors, and he said Judge not.

Yes the story in the book where jesus stopped them for stoning harlots,

but he never told us that gay was okay, you cant forget the old test. no matter how unpleasant.


Veteran Member
literal visionary said:
usually you dont trust people who try to gain some kind of wealth, from their faith
you could call them phonies

Yeah my point is he never said, but we still have the old testament to fall back on,

You know, 1/2 the most important book in the history of mankind!

The Old Testament laws were made moot by the coming of Jesus Christ(in 99.9% of all Christians views). He was the fufillment of the laws and they(the Jews), were being prepared for the coming of Christ and His gospel by the Mosiac law.

Then again, what does anything you said have to do with the OP?

literal visionary

Active Member
Actually, yes, they believe their God, the God of the earth and the Heavens gave them that authority, who are you to tell them any different?

Just because we believe they believe in God doesn't mean he condones oor actions


Veteran Member
literal visionary said:
but he never told us that gay was okay, .

But he never said it wasn't, except in the Old Testament and if you refer to my previous post it'll explain.


Well-Known Member
sojourner said:
But, one must substantiate one's claims, if one wants to be taken seriously. if one claims Biblical authority, then one has to provide a compelling Biblical argument to support one's claim. The claim that "there are no homosexual Christians" cannot be seriously supported Biblically -- at least not with a shred of realistic thinking.

I fully agree, personally. I've always believed that a person who believes that Christ is their lord and savior is a Christian. As far as sin the logic goes that even Christians will live in sin therefore the commission of sin does not drop you out of the faith for it is one's faith which defines themself as a Christian. I do not know of a way to validate my idea of a Christian other than appealing to a higher authority, which I don't believe, or to tradition, of which I lack a full historical understanding on this issue.

I just have a hard time understanding how one can prove anything when it comes to an issue such as this one. I admit that part of my disillusionment with religion in general was the whole idea of presenting scriptural evidence as a factual basis for this world.

So maybe this athiest should bow out now while the bowin's good.


Veteran Member
literal visionary said:
Just because we believe they believe in God doesn't mean he condones oor actions

Aha! Then they can be Christians, they can believe in Christ, but their actions may not be condoned. Is that what you are saying?


New Member
As a christian I was taught to hate the sin, but love the sinner. Homosexuality is a sin read 1 Cor. 6:9-20. Homosexuality is a sin and therefore we must turn away from sin.

literal visionary

Active Member
Nah, the most important book in the history of humankind is the dictionary.

yeah look at the history of our race and say that....wishful thinker you are

The Old Testament laws were made moot by the coming of Jesus Christ(in 99.9% of all Christians views). He was the fufillment of the laws and they(the Jews), were being prepared for the coming of Christ and His gospel by the Mosiac law.

Then again, what does anything you said have to do with the OP?

What the heck are you talking about??????????

your in the LDS a sect of christianity most christians dont believe what your saying,
99.9% are you nuts?
why dont you just use the old test. as toilet paper if you dont believe 99.9% of what it says?


Well-Known Member
literal visionist said:
yeah look at the history of our race and say that....wishful thinker you are

Ha ha... It was a joke. I don't think we can single one book out as the most important book in human history.


Veteran Member
literal visionary said:
yeah look at the history of our race and say that....wishful thinker you are

What the heck are you talking about??????????

your in the LDS a sect of christianity most christians dont believe what your saying,
99.9% are you nuts?
why dont you just use the old test. as toilet paper if you dont believe 99.9% of what it says?

And desecrate a holy book, I don't think so. I believe the Old Testament, I believe in it very literally. You obviously haven't taken the time to read over any other posts but this one and the bathroom one. I suggest you take a look around and see what else this wonderful forum had to offer.

Besides, I'm getting off the point. I do believe homosexuality is a sin, but there can be such things as homosexuals Christians and Christian homosexuals.

literal visionary

Active Member
Aha! Then they can be Christians, they can believe in Christ, but their actions may not be condoned. Is that what you are saying?

Ive only stated that they can go to heaven if they admit what they are doing is wrong,
and at least try to stop, ive said this before, maybe you should read my posts more slowly, Who am i to say gays cant go to heaven?
But you still need to know right from wrong.


Veteran Member
literal visionary said:
Ive only stated that they can go to heaven if they admit what they are doing is wrong,
and at least try to stop, ive said this before, maybe you should read my posts more slowly, Who am i to say gays cant go to heaven?
But you still need to know right from wrong.

So are you going to go to heaven? Exactly, who are you to say gays aren't going to heaven. I do know right from wrong and if you have been reading my posts, you will find out I believe it is a sin. Hello?!


High Priestess
Mr 12:33 - Show Context And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.
Lu 6:35 - Show Context But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.
Joh 13:34 - Show Context A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
Joh 13:35 - Show Context By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
Joh 14:23 - Show Context Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

literal visionary

Active Member
Ha ha... It was a joke. I don't think we can single one book out as the most important book in human history.

If not the bible then what HUH you got any better ideas for the humans races greatest literary achievement?

Besides, I'm getting off the point. I do believe homosexuality is a sin, but there can be such things as homosexuals Christians and Christian homosexuals.

not if what they believe that what they are doing is right
God hates arrogance, you cant make up your own rules you have to live by his


Veteran Member
literal visionary said:
If not the bible then what HUH you got any better ideas for the humans races greatest literary achievement?

the alphabet, the written word

literal visionary said:
not if what they believe that what they are doing is right
God hates arrogance, you cant make up your own rules you have to live by his

I am not being arrogant, although you seem to think so. I'm just stating plainly what I believe. I live by what I believe God's rules are, you live by what you think God's rules are, another person will live by what they think God's rules are. In fact we all have different interpretations, now dont' we?:)


Well-Known Member
literal visionary said:
If not the bible then what HUH you got any better ideas for the humans races greatest literary achievement?

I would think our language is the greatest literary achievement. I mean, can't write something without it. I also said in my post that I don't think a single literary work can be singled out as the greatest literary work in the history of mankind.

literal visionary

Active Member
So are you going to go to heaven? Exactly, who are you to say gays aren't going to heaven. I do know right from wrong and if you have been reading my posts, you will find out I believe it is a sin. Hello?!

yeah i believe in loving everyone, but the hard fact is the bible is what tells us wrong from right, the bible says being gay is a sin

If you dont tell them that what they are doing is a sin then you are sining for letting think they can violate Gods laws, were supposed to enlighten people about god on earth- thats what being christian is all about.
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