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There is no such thing as a gay Christian

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Veteran Member
literal visionary said:
Or perhaps you can bring the person who brainwashed to this discussion?

Give me someone intelligent to argue with

In english?

If you want someone to argue with, how about you start your own one-on-one debate?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member

Everyone here knows, or should know, that Rule #4 prohibits "rude or insulting posts". Attack each other's ideas all you want, but don't attck each other.

(Note: I'm going offline now. When I come back online, I will be certain to read this thread. Any violations of Rule #4 will incur sanctions, regardless of who the perpetrator is. Take heed! If you feel you can't control yourself, then get out of this thread now.)


Veteran Member
literal visionary said:
And the little link above ooh, im shaking in my space boots,
Ive studied this subject my whole life, I have stacks and stacks of info , proof, against your own beliefs,
but im not going to type e very little thing out because my arm doesn't work, and something tells me that you still wouldn't believe

because you want to believe yourself so badly youll reach out and grasp at anything, because you want to justify yourlifestyle

If you have stacks, info and your supposed proof, how about you floor us all and tell us?


Veteran Member
Thanks Sunstone for the heads up, I will make sure I do not personally attack anyone in this forum, could you send me a PM if I already have?


literal visionary said:
I know but iM just a hard person Im very very, tempermental
your right but its in my family, IM german and mexican
almost everything ive ever said have has been forceful or yelled

get mad when they tell you what they think.

im not mad, im just atrouble maker and i like to stir people,
i know its wrong but im just that way
Wow! You really are a strange cat. I thought I was wierd, we'd probably get along.
You sounds as if your defending your temper. You know you can't be a hot head and be a Christian?

literal visionary

Active Member
[But the important aspects of the bible stay true through the ages,
yeah occurances like these ar e few and far between,

im talking about little things like clothes..not an abomination against God

1 - The hilighted part is extremley unchristian and nobody believes a word you say

2 - Insulting and name-calling is against forum rules. I'd watch out if I were you.

hey somebody called me a zealot,

anyways i was just joking,
Get over yourself,
Im not alowed to **** you off I guess

Don't tell me Im unchristian you dont know me,
besides being a christian isn't about wriggling around on the ground like a worm
Just because your older thatn me doesn't me mean you can dictate me

For your info I do have fibro and the only reason why I sayed something was because of my spelling


High Priestess
Buttons* said:
frubals when i can, my Alt. rock love, frubals! :D
Aww, thanks. It's the thought that counts.

literary vision said:
Id rather read the original translations
Let's look at what the bible says.
There is a verse in the bible that does say that if a man lays with a man is if a woman, blah, blah, blah. But let's look at it in context.

bible said:
Lev. 20:10 If a man commits adultery with a married woman-if he commits adultery with his neighbor's wife-both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death. 11 If a man sleeps with his father's wife, he has shamed his father. Both of them must be put to death; their blood is on their own hands. 12 If a man sleeps with his daughter-in-law, both of them must be put to death. They have acted perversely; their blood is on their own hands. 13 If a man sleeps with a man as with a woman, they have both committed an abomination. They must be put to death; their blood is on their own hands. 14 If a man marries a woman and her mother, it is depraved. Both he and they must be burned with fire, so that there will be no depravity among you.

Have you ever seen Jerry Springer? He aught to just put a noose on the stage so he can hang all those sinners after the show.:eek:

Now, if you are a Christian, and follow Jesus, you will know that he talks about the 'law' of the old testament, he wasn't talking about the 10, he was talking about all the dogma. Jesus was chastised for not washing his hands before dinner, and he said, that nothing he puts into his mouth is offensive to the Father, it's what comes out of the mouth that matters.

He also taught that we will not be judged by our actions alone. We could do good all day long, and it wouldn't do us any good if our hearts are in the wrong place. I would think say that a gay person who has a heart full of love, and compassion, and understanding that Jesus preached about, has a better shot at heaven than a judgemental, bible thumpin' Christian. :shout I will pray for you, that YOU will be enlightened, since that is what you seek.


literal visionary

Active Member
If you have stacks, info and your supposed proof, how about you floor us all and tell us?

It all in my garage

Wow! You really are a strange cat. I thought I was wierd, we'd probably get along.
You sounds as if your defending your temper. You know you can't be a hot head and be a Christian?

unfortunately we all can't be saints


Veteran Member
literal visionary said:
hey somebody called me a zealot,

Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself. By the way, zealot isn't exactly and insult, it means "One who is zealous, especially excessively so. "

literal visionary said:
anyways i was just joking,
Get over yourself,
Im not alowed to **** you off I guess\

It hasn't seemed once to me that you were joking. You continuted to insult me, Standing_Alone and Buttons* throughout this thread.

literal visionary said:
Just because your older thatn me doesn't me mean you can dictate me

No it doesn't, and I'm not, I'm just informing you of a rule that has been in place since this forum was established.

literal visionary

Active Member
unfortunately we all can't be saints

yeah it takes all kinds of weirdos

It takes cojones to be a christian, because your always automatically wrong

1 - The hilighted part is extremley unchristian and nobody believes a word you say

Yeah jesus was kind and godly and forgiving, but he was frikeen god,

And he wasn't some skinny white guy flailing his hands around while people struck him down,

he was a strong individual who endured torture for his children
and he wasn't white


Well-Known Member
EnhancedSpirit said:
Ad hominem, have you been hanging around with Angellous, and JayHawke too much.

Nah, I just call things as I see them.

EnhancedSpirit said:
Those are words for the debate masters. I thought you were more the trickster type.

I like to dabble in the debate. Actually, when I first came to RF, debate was all I'd really do. I've actually only got into the whole "trickster" thing rather recently. Before hand, I was pretty much all debate. But thanks for implying that I can't debate. ;)


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
literal visionary said:
Only God knows whats wrong and hes clearly stated that in the bible.

Furthermore all Christians sin but to be forgiven you first must face that what your doing is wrong, which if your a gay christian living in sin, and insisting that your way is right , and not God's is right, then how God forgive you? You can be gay if your christian but you must recognize that what you did before was wrong, and was a sin, and ask for forgiveness.
- But if you choose to be a prostitute, living days out on the street, then you are saved and you make a big a show at the church but then you just go back and do what you were doing before, and not even try to change, how sincere could you be?

Only God knows mankinds heart, if he can find it within himself to forgive murderers, rapists, and child molesters, then of course he can forgive Gay people. You just have to face the facts, and admit being gay is a sin, and you must try your hardest not to repeat your sin. It might be hard but is a sex life that necessary? Our modern society puts alot of stake on sex, but if its your immortal soul couldn't you leave your perversion behind, and admit your wrong?

Well...this thread has gotten uglier than Joan Rivers in the shower...:eek:

Your moniker says it all...LITERAL. You've obviously chosen the "God said it...I believe it...that settles it" argument. Oh well. They used to insist that the earth was flat, too...

"Only God knows what's wrong and God's clearly stated that in the Bible."...
Steerike One!!! (Weak argument)

"but to be forgiven you must first face what you're doing is wrong"...
Steerike Two!!! (forgiveness is freely offered)

"you just have to admit being gay is a sin, and you must try your hardest not to repeat your sin."...
Steerike Three!!! (We can't do anything to save ourselves. We don't "have to," or "must" do anything to be loved by God)

You're outta there!!!


Veteran Member

I know we usually dont' see eye to eye, but you defintley got frubals and my heart-felt backup on this one.

literal visionary

Active Member
It hasn't seemed once to me that you were joking. You continuted to insult me, Standing_Alone and Buttons* throughout this thread.

no i haven't you can percieve what you like because you want to demonize me because of past arguments, Im not nice, i dont have to be nice

and think real hard this is about religion, its never been a "nice subject"

Ill i can tell is the truth if you were standing in front of me I would say the same things

literal visionary

Active Member

hey somebody called me a zealot,

Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself. By the way, zealot isn't exactly and insult, it means "One who is zealous, especially excessively so. "

maybe i took such offense to being called such
either way you realyy couldn't care about what offends me,
just people who agree with you.


Veteran Member
literal visionary said:
no i haven't you can percieve what you like because you want to demonize me because of past arguments, Im not nice, i dont have to be nice

and think real hard this is about religion, its never been a "nice subject"

Ill i can tell is the truth if you were standing in front of me I would say the same things

So I just perceive being called a loser as an insult? Try again. Loser is a definite insult to anyone you call it to.


Veteran Member
literal visionary said:
maybe i took such offense to being called such
either way you realyy couldn't care about what offends me,
just people who agree with you.

You took being zealous in your faith as an insult? Why so, dont' you want to be zealous for Christ like you are doing so in this thread? You are just living up to that defintion and there is no way around it.
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