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There is no such thing as a gay Christian

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Sunstone said:
Suppose someone is a Christian pedophile who molests a child, but afterwards repents of it. Then molests a second child, but again repents of it. And a third, but repents. And so on.

Will this Christian pedophile be accepted into heaven? Is he more likely to be accepted into heaven than is the homosexual couple down the street who, not thinking they commit sin, sin without repenting?
I can't speak for God. But as long as he repents with his heart and really wants to change I'd say God would except him? I think a sin is a sin. A lie and a murder are all the same, disobedience to God. It's how you come to God and want to change. He see's our heart.
Again this my opinion and am not trying to answer for God. He judges with perfect love and judgement.
I'm glad I don't have his job.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Abram said:
I can't speak for God. But as long as he repents with his heart and really wants to change I'd say God would except him? I think a sin is a sin. A lie and a murder are all the same, disobedience to God. It's how you come to God and want to change. He see's our heart.
Again this my opinion and am not trying to answer for God. He judges with perfect love and judgement.
I'm glad I don't have his job.

It's a moot question. The gospel message tells us that God doesn't hold our sins against us.

literal visionary

Active Member
Suppose someone is a Christian pedophile who molests a child, but afterwards repents of it. Then molests a second child, but again repents of it. And a third, but repents. And so on.

Will this Christian pedophile be accepted into heaven? Is he more likely to be accepted into heaven than is the homosexual couple down the street who, not thinking they commit sin, sin without repenting?

First of all, if you were evil enough to molest a child or rape/ violate someone in such an evil way in the first place, even if you did it once, what makes yuo think that your just not an evil person, some people are just evil.

I think its questionable that you even have a soul. in the end God knows the heart of man, and if your evil enough to do such a thing in the first place, how sincere could you be?

people dont change, unless they want to, and let me tell you if you choose to be evil oncehow do you go back? i think its impossible (for them to go t heaven)given the nature of man.

yeah, they really are so innocent people in america wont let them get married, they could of taken one of the many hints, like the bible,
They just dont want to admit they are wrong.
If your living in a country that has tv your not innocent because you have the tools to seek out enlightenment.


Well-Known Member
literal visionary,

I hate to be rude, but what the hell are you trying to say? Using punctuation in your posts might make them coherent.

literal visionary

Active Member
If you wear a garment of two fabrics, in defiance of Leviticus, does that mean you're not a Christian?

this law is a dead given, the bible has a fiew things like not eating pork in there
but times change,

But the important aspects of the bible stay true through the ages,
occurances like these ar e few and far between,

besides maybe this was an misinterpretation,

or maybe we should where robes,
personally i think jeans chafe

literal visionary

Active Member
sorry I watch tv and I have fibromyaliga, so i cant use my left arm till it unstiffs, why do you think im online?

holy crap, you're one of the best examples of a Zealot i've ever seen... enjoy hell

if i cared about your opinion Id become offended
but i dont so At least prove to me that im wrong,...iCRAVE IT
give me your best shot


Glass half Panda'd
literal visionary said:
why do you think im talking to you losers?
Cause you like us! ;)

if i cared about your opinion Id become offended
but i dont so At least prove to me that im wrong,...iCRAVE IT
give me your best shot
nah, I dont feel like wasting any of my wisdom on you, you arent worth it :D

literal visionary

Active Member
the original question of the post

is there such a thing as a gay christian?

yes if you at least understand that its wrong
and try to stop,
but we have to be sincere and try to get over our earthly vices


Glass half Panda'd
I vote yes, because anyone who follows Christ is a Christian (little Christ). If you exemplify what it means to be like the person Yeshua was, that is what you are, annointed. *smiles*


Glass half Panda'd
literal visionary said:
wisdom? more like inane blather

Whats with the 1 liners
If you cant bring any weighty arguments to the table why are you even here?
To diss on people or agrree with liberal?
my god, you've hit the nail on the head!

Please say im stupid or g 2 hell again!
or maybe you can just nod your head and agree w others like a mindless brainwashed drone th
I never said you were stupid or told you to GO to hell, i asked you to enjoy it! :D (although, I dont even think hell exists, so its really not an insult)

Yes, i'm a brainwashed drone, which is why I'm Gnostic, just like everyone else!


Well-Known Member
literal visionary said:
besides maybe this was an misinterpretation

Hmmm... Perhaps like this one:

Corinthians 6:9:
The passage: In his first epistle to the church at Corinth, Paul lists many activities that will prevent people from inheriting the Kingdom of God (heaven). Robertson's Word Studies refers to this passage as: "a solemn roll call of the damned even if some of their names are on the church roll in Corinth whether officers or ordinary members."
The King James Version of the Bible translates verse 9 and 10 as:
[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]1Corithians 6:9-10: "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." (Emphasis ours)[/FONT]

This verse has been translated in many ways among the 25 English versions of the Bible that we have analyzed. The two activities of interest here have been variously translated as:
-[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]effeminate. In the English language, this covers a wide range of male behavior such as being unmanly, lacking virility. One might think of the characters "John," the receptionist on NYPD Blue, or "Jack" on Will and Grace. [/FONT] -[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]homosexuals, variously described as:[/FONT] [FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]"men who practice homosexuality," (ESV);[/FONT][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]"those who participate in homosexuality," (Amplified); [/FONT][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]"abusers of themselves with men," (KJV); [/FONT][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]"practicing homosexuals," (NAB); [/FONT][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]"homosexuals," (NASB, CSB, NKJ, The Great Book: The New Testament in Plain English); [/FONT][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]"homosexual perversion," (NEB); [/FONT][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]"homosexual offenders," (NIV); [/FONT][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]"liers with mankind," (Rhiems); and [/FONT][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]"homosexual perverts." (TEV) [/FONT][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Many of these entries are restricted to gay males; lesbians are often excluded. Unfortunately, the term "homosexual" is commonly defined in two different ways: as a behavior (engaging in same-sex activity) or as a sexual orientation (being sexually attracted only to members of the same sex). Most of the biblical translations appear to refer to behavior rather than orientaiton.[/FONT]
-[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]male prostitutes, also described as "men kept for unnatural purposes." It is not clear whether the term "male prostitutes" (NIV, NRSV, CSB) is restricted to homosexuals or may also include men who are heterosexual prostitutes.[/FONT]-[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]catamites, also described as "boy prostitute." This is a young male who is kept as a sexual partner of an adult male. (Jerusalem Bible, NAB, James Moffatt)[/FONT]-[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]pederasts: male adults who sexually abuse boys; an abusive pedophile (an adult who molests young children) or abusive hebephile (an adult who molests post-pubertal teenagers).[/FONT]-[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]perverts: a person engaged in some undefined sexual perversion. (Phillips, The Great Book: The New Testament in Plain English)[/FONT]-[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]sodomites: a name derived from the city of Sodom which is described in Genesis 19. (NRSV, NKJ). The men of the city are described as wanting to rape male visitors; many Christians interpret this as a blanket condemnation of all homosexual behavior.[/FONT]



De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
literal visionary said:
If you wear a garment of two fabrics, in defiance of Leviticus, does that mean you're not a Christian?

this law is a dead given, the bible has a fiew things like not eating pork in there
but times change,

Why don't "times change" for homosexuality, too? Are you the one who determines what is or isn't "an important aspect of the Bible" that "stay true through the ages"? Or do you follow someone else's thought on this? If so, whose?

besides maybe this was an misinterpretation,

What, then, is to say that the alleged prohibitions against homosexuality are not misinterpretations?


Well-Known Member

Further discussion: -[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]The NIV contains the phrase: "homosexual offenders." Suppose for the moment that Paul had written "heterosexual offenders" or "heterosexual sexual offenders." We would not interpret this today as a general condemnation of heterosexuality; only of those heterosexuals who commit sexual offences. Perhaps the appropriate interpretation of this verse is that it does not condemn homosexuals. Rather it condemns homosexuals who engage in sexual offences.[/FONT]-[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]The original Greek text describes the two behaviors as "malakoi"(some sources quote "malakee,") and "arsenokoitai." Although these is often translated by modern Bibles as "homosexual," we can be fairly certain that this is not the meaning that Paul wanted to convey. If he had, he would have used the Greek word "paiderasste." That was the standard term at the time for male homosexuals. We can conclude that he probably meant something different from persons who engaged in male-male adult sexual behavior.[/FONT]-[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]"Malakoi" is translated in both Matthew 11:8 and Luke 7:25 as "soft" (KJV) or as "fine" (NIV) in references to clothing. It could also mean "loose" or "pliable," as in the phrase "loose morals," implying "unethical behavior." In the early Christian church, the words were interpreted by some as referring to persons who are pliable, easily influenced, without courage or stability. Non-Biblical writings of the era used the world to refer to lazy men, men who cannot handle hard work, and cowards. [John] Wesley's Bible Notes defines "Malakoi" as those "Who live in an easy, indolent way; taking up no cross, enduring no hardship." 6 One knowledgeable but anonymous reviewer of our web site said that the word translated here as "effeminate" really "means men not working or advancing ideas so as to concern themselves with love only. Not working for the good of the whole....Our present culture has all sorts of connotations associated with the word 'effeminate' that simply don't apply" to Paul's era. It would seem that the word "effeminate" can only be regarded as a mistranslation. [/FONT]-[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]"Arsenokoitai" is made up of two parts: "arsen" means "man"; "koitai" means "beds." The Septuagint (an ancient, pre-Christian translation of the Old Testament into Greek) translated the Hebrew "quadesh" in I Kings 14:24, 15:12 and 22:46 as "arsenokoitai." They were referring to "male temple prostitutes" - people who engaged in ritual sex in Pagan temples. 4 Some leaders in the early Christian church also thought that it meant temple prostitutes. Some authorities believe that it simply means male prostitutes with female customers - a practice which appears to have been a common practice in the Roman empire. One source refers to other writings which contained the word "arsenokoitai:" (Sibylline Oracles 2.70-77, Acts of John; Theophilus of Antioch Ad Autolycum). They suggest that the term refers "to some kind of economic exploitation by means of sex (but no necessarily homosexual sex)." 2 Probably "pimp" or "man living off of the avails of prostitution" would be the closest English translations. It is worth noting that "Much Greek homosexual erotic literature has survived, none of it contains the word aresenokoitai." 5[/FONT]-[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Still others thought that it meant "masturbators." At the time of Martin Luther, the latter meaning was universally used. But by the 20th century, masturbation had become a more generally accepted behavior. So, new translations abandoned references to masturbators and switched the attack to homosexuals. The last religious writing in English that interpreted 1 Corinthians 6:9 as referring to masturbation is believed to be the [Roman] Catholic Encyclopedia of 1967.[/FONT]-[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Many would consider catamites, (a boy or young male who engaged in sexual activities with men) to be a likely valid translation for the first behavior. Such boys were often slaves, kept by rich men as sex partners. The second term might then refer to the men who engaged in sex with the catamites. That is, they are abusive pedophiles. The New American Bible 3 contains a footnote which reads:
"The Greek word translated as 'boy prostitutes' [in 1 Cor. 6:9] designated catamites, i.e. boys or young men who were kept for purposes of prostitution, a practice not uncommon in the Greco-Roman world....The term translated 'practicing homosexuals' refers to adult males who indulged in homosexual practices with such boys."[/FONT]-[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Harper's Bible Commentary (1998) comments that the passage refers to "both the effeminate male prostitute and his partner who hires him to satisfy sexual needs. The two terms used here for homosexuality... specify a special form of pederasty that was generally disapproved of in Greco-Roman and Jewish Literature."[/FONT]-[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Many religious liberals might agree that the center portion of 6:9 might be accurately translated as: "male child abusers and the boys that they sexually abuse." i.e. the two behaviors probably relate to that portion of pedophiles who are child rapists, and the male children that they victimize. The verse would then refer to the crime of child sexual abuse and has no relation to homosexuality in the normal sense of the term: i.e. consensual sexual relations between adults of the same gender.[/FONT]-[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]It is worthwhile to check the words attributed to Jesus by the author of the Gospel of Matthew. He also had a list of sins that could bring doom on a person: Matt 15:18-20: "...those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man..." It is worth noting that homosexual behavior is not one of the behaviors that is mentioned in this passage. One might conclude that Jesus did not consider it important.[/FONT]

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