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There is no such thing as a gay Christian

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literal visionary

Active Member
Your (momentously) distant aquaintance with "truth" makes you a pretty poor candidate for spokesmanship.

yeah like ive said before, why dont you back up your childish little statements with the weight of proof?

If you cant bring meat and potatoes to the table why would you come to dinner?
You could at least bring a salad but your throwing a crotuon my way

you can play with your thesaurus and tell me how wrong Iam all you want, but im not interested in your opinion unless you can actually back it up, mr guy


literal visionary said:
yeah like ive said before, why dont you back up your childish little statements with the weight of proof?
The proof of my statement is evident throughout this thread; 100 points of ignorance within half as many of your words. Quite an accomplishment.

btw, you're welcome to take your own advice here.

If you cant bring meat and potatoes to the table why would you come to dinner?

You could at least bring a salad but your throwing a crotuon my way
A food fight would prove more then your ramblings and mewlings. Is that your point?

you can play with your thesaurus and tell me how wrong Iam all you want, but im not interested in your opinion unless you can actually back it up, mr guy
Lucky for you you've no interest in implementing this regime whereupon filtering and stating "facts" for your own "points". How generous of you.


Well-Known Member
literal visionary said:
There is no point to a gay relationship, except sex, you might adopt and play house but there is no true point in explaining this.

Why is there no point? If you could explain it, you might actually have a case.

literal visionary said:
Being Gay is an unnatural perversion of gods way

Good for god. I could give a **** what he thinks about me. I don't believe in him.

literal visionary said:
OUR SOCIEty will be even m,ore f**** up than it even is today! yay more problems for mankind to deal with... with done such a good job with our other problems.....

What specific problems would gay marriage cause?

literal visionary said:
I agree with you, im totally right and you cant prove this otherwise

You fail to see the sarcasm in my statement.

literal visionary said:
and yes you are forcing something on me, by allowing my gov. to recognize your marriage IAM sinning against my God.

Oh, so it's only YOUR government? How would the government recognizing gay marriage cause you to sin against god? No one is making you enter into a gay marriage. And it's completely secular marriage we want.

literary visionary said:
Thats very rude and unfair to ask of me, just so you dont feel guilty when your sinning against GOD

I ain't asking you to do ****! I don't feel guilty about being gay and I don't believe in your freakin' god!

literal visionary said:
Why do you think you deserve such ungodkly rights?

Because we live under a secular government and there is no secular reason that has been presented that actually shows how gay marriage would "damage" society. I also don't see why gay relationships are any less dignified that straight ones. I just want the same rights heterosexuals have. Your life isn't going to change at all.

literal visionary said:
Do I have a right to make up my own laws and change the constitution and force my singular opinions down everybodies throat?


literal visionary said:
Besides you people are traveling to states and cities violating the FEd Gov.s laws and the laws of the US people youre the one that has alot of nerve.

What the hell are you talking about?


Veteran Member
Literal Visionary,

I have a few things to say to you.

1 ) As one of my favorite TV characters says, "Bite my shiny metal ***!" You have a serious problem. Your concious tells you being gay is wrong, what about another Christians concious(spelling?) who isn't gay, but their concious tells them it's right and God is okay with, are you going to tell the millions of people who think that way to F-off?

2 ) You have no real point except to degrade and dehumanize the GBLT community. I pity you and your future family(oh, I forget, you don't like sex, so I guess you won't be having one).

3) You are not gay/lesbian/etc and obivously you never will be. There is no way that you can tell them that it isn't about love. You have NEVER been in their shoes, you can NEVER tell them that it isn't love. Next time you love your parents, what if they said "You don't love us, you just pretend to love us and play our daughter."

4) You are preaching nothing but hate here, and it's rather sad coming from a self-proclaimed Christian. Unforutnatley we have to endure your type in the world. There is no way you can say any of this with love.

5) You are convincing nobody but youself that there is no such thing as a gay Christian. I believe there are LOTS of gay and lesbain Christians, I don't agree with it, but I at least I can acknowledge that they exist, instead of, like yourself, pretending that they are nobodies and are worth nothing.

6) Again, you say concious, but where is your proof to back it up? You demand proof from us, but then you give us nothing in return but hate-filled lies from your own head.

7) Do you have anything better to do with you life then demean others?

Edit: To add on.. read these, they are similar

8) A GBLT relationship is not all about sex; neither is a heterosexual one; but then you would know nothing about a married relationship, would you? You've never been in either, and you have NO right to tell me or anyone else here that their relationship is all about sex. I feel sorry for your future family...oh that's right, you wont' be having one due to you perceived evil of sex.

9) People like you is what make this country stink. All you see is one side of the picture and allow NOTHING else, because, of course, you are right and everybody else is wrong. Sorry to dissapoint you, but you have things backwards.

10) Shape up, if all you did was come here to preach your little gospel of hate, then leave, nobody wants to here that. Why do you even call yourself a Christian anyways.


Well-Known Member
After, finally, having taken my time to wade through this thread,

standing alone,

I admire your patience in answering <self-censored> posts. Would that I were 1/3 of my age and of your inclination!

Becky, I've fruballed you as well. Taught me not to judge a person by my opinion of their faith (not that I did, but anyhow).

Maize, loves ya.


Active Member
ckirkland said:
ive got sin everyone does but the diffrence is my life stlye isnt one of sin, as far as that goes its the same as any strait person who lives in adultry,or,fornication.

The Bible also teaches us not to judge.

Welcome to the world of the un-Christian.



Active Member
literal visionary said:
There is no point to a gay relationship, except sex, you might adopt and play house but there is no true point in explaining this.

Mankinds biggest goal in life is to pass on his dna, whats the most important of any animals life? Finding a mate and passing on its DNA

Being Gay is an unnatural perversion of gods way

By your definition, a couple that has no intentions of reproducing, there would be no purpose to their marriage either, and I would assume, they too would be considered "not Christians". If they are purposely avoiding God's plan for us to reproduce, then they couldn't possibly be Christian.

And what about 99% of the straight population out there that is having premarital sex, and continues to do so, even though they know it's a sin. They aren't repenting. Is it also impossible for them to be Christian?

What about the recent study that came out that shows the majority of people who have abortions are Christians, and the largest denomination of that group were Catholics? How could this be? There's no way any of those people could be Christians either, correct?

literal visionary said:
marriage is defined as between a MAN and aWOMAN

By whom? By you? You do realize that marriage is not a religious institution? Marriage has been around far longer than any religion.

literal visionary said:
Yeah the truth hurts, you could care less? That why people are marching down the street yelling that what they do is okay,

Actually, it is you who is avoiding the truth. You have made statements that are completely untrue. You have defined marriage, the purpose of life, etc., based on what YOU think. Not based on what God or Christ have taught us.

literal visionary said:
and yes you are forcing something on me, by allowing my gov. to recognize your marriage IAM sinning against my God. Thats very rude and unfair to ask of me, just so you dont feel guilty when your sinning against GOD

Ha ha ha. How hypocritical. YOU are forcing YOUR beliefs on me. MY God tells me that you are full of it. My God has taught me love and acceptance, and has told me I should treat others as such. You don't follow any God that I know. Perhaps this is Satan's pull on you, and you just don't know it. Cause that sure isn't the message any God I know has ever taught.


Following Christ
/me wonders why he clicked on this thread in the first place.:banghead3 Ishould have known better.
ckirkland said:
...God loves you and he sent his son to die for you, if you believe you can be free from all sin.
Amen. Perhaps you are not familiar with this verse. It has become one of my favorites.:162:
John 3:17 - For God sent not the Son into the world to judge the world; but that the world should be saved through him.
Being Christian means that you accept Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God who died on the cross for our sins, and you try to live as Christ taught.

I have read the Bible many times over the years, and the only New Testament references to homosexuality I have found are in a couple of Paul's letters. Some translations only refer to adulterers and lechers, so I wonder about the accuracy of the few that use the term homosexual. I can't find that Jesus ever mentioned it, so I would say that makes it an issue only between you and God.

Every Sunday, I see plenty of gay Christians in our church, so I would have to say the title of this thread is inaacurate.:)


ckirkland said:
To be a Christian is to be Christ like. Christ was perfection and the Bible is the unfalliable word of God, no matter how you try to manipulate the word it still states its case on homosexuality. God created Adam and then his mate was Eve. HIS MATE...Thats how God created it but i dont bring a message of hate but of love it is because of that love that I am writing this trying to shine a light into the darkness. God loves you and he sent his son to die for you, if you believe you can be free from all sin.

This statement is not convincing.

Christians are those who believe in Christ. No external or internal identity has power to break Christ's hold on a person.


beckysoup61 said:
Literal Visionary,

I have a few things to say to you.

1 ) As one of my favorite TV characters says, "Bite my shiny metal ***!" You have a serious problem. Your concious tells you being gay is wrong, what about another Christians concious(spelling?) who isn't gay, but their concious tells them it's right and God is okay with, are you going to tell the millions of people who think that way to F-off?

2 ) You have no real point except to degrade and dehumanize the GBLT community. I pity you and your future family(oh, I forget, you don't like sex, so I guess you won't be having one).

3) You are not gay/lesbian/etc and obivously you never will be. There is no way that you can tell them that it isn't about love. You have NEVER been in their shoes, you can NEVER tell them that it isn't love. Next time you love your parents, what if they said "You don't love us, you just pretend to love us and play our daughter."

4) You are preaching nothing but hate here, and it's rather sad coming from a self-proclaimed Christian. Unforutnatley we have to endure your type in the world. There is no way you can say any of this with love.

5) You are convincing nobody but youself that there is no such thing as a gay Christian. I believe there are LOTS of gay and lesbain Christians, I don't agree with it, but I at least I can acknowledge that they exist, instead of, like yourself, pretending that they are nobodies and are worth nothing.

6) Again, you say concious, but where is your proof to back it up? You demand proof from us, but then you give us nothing in return but hate-filled lies from your own head.

7) Do you have anything better to do with you life then demean others?

Edit: To add on.. read these, they are similar

8) A GBLT relationship is not all about sex; neither is a heterosexual one; but then you would know nothing about a married relationship, would you? You've never been in either, and you have NO right to tell me or anyone else here that their relationship is all about sex. I feel sorry for your future family...oh that's right, you wont' be having one due to you perceived evil of sex.

9) People like you is what make this country stink. All you see is one side of the picture and allow NOTHING else, because, of course, you are right and everybody else is wrong. Sorry to dissapoint you, but you have things backwards.

10) Shape up, if all you did was come here to preach your little gospel of hate, then leave, nobody wants to here that. Why do you even call yourself a Christian anyways.



Wonder Woman
Trying to read through this thread causes one giant headache...it would help if it didn't cause the knee-jerk reaction to do this: :banghead3 constantly! The pure unadulterated ignorance and constant wearing of very large religious blinders by certain un-named people in this thread is absolutely astonishing. Why not look at FACT? Or is that a new concept for these people? First I refer to a statement I made on the very first page:

Draka said:
You know, I always find it interesting to note that Christians are those who follow Christ. They usually put more stock in the New Testament than in the Old Testament. In fact I have heard several times that parts of the New negated some of the Old. Now...nowhere in the New Testament does it state intolerance against homosexuals. Nowhere does it state that homosexuals couldn't be Christians. Jesus was about love and compassion to ALL. Last I checked he never said "love your neighbor...unless of course you neighbor is a homosexual".

On the flip side of this is Jewish faith. Which do hold to the Old Testament a bit more because they don't veiw Jesus as savior, but a prophet. I have yet to see any debate on how it is impossible for a homosexual to be a Jew. I don't see Jews as a whole going off about homosexuality. So how does this whole argument of homosexuals not being Christians make any sense?

Besides this I need to point out another thing some fail to realize...RELIGION IS PERSONAL! Believe as you believe and keep it to your damn self. Inflicting this belief is no better than your ignorant claim that homosexuals are "forcing" themselves and their lifestyle on society! Please! It's crap! A homosexual is like any other person anywhere and can believe any damn way that they want! It is personal and within your own heart and mind and that is not to be tampered with by anyone else. It is this line of thought that caused such atrocities as Jewish concentration camps, the crusades, the witch hunts, hell...even the crap we are facing now in the Middle East. The "I'm right and your wrong" line of thought backed only by religious belief has caused enough heartache in this world. Try looking at fact for once.


Well-Known Member
Draka said:
Trying to read through this thread causes one giant headache...it would help if it didn't cause the knee-jerk reaction to do this: :banghead3 constantly! The pure unadulterated ignorance and constant wearing of very large religious blinders by certain un-named people in this thread is absolutely astonishing. Why not look at FACT? Or is that a new concept for these people? First I refer to a statement I made on the very first page:

Besides this I need to point out another thing some fail to realize...RELIGION IS PERSONAL! Believe as you believe and keep it to your damn self. Inflicting this belief is no better than your ignorant claim that homosexuals are "forcing" themselves and their lifestyle on society! Please! It's crap! A homosexual is like any other person anywhere and can believe any damn way that they want! It is personal and within your own heart and mind and that is not to be tampered with by anyone else. It is this line of thought that caused such atrocities as Jewish concentration camps, the crusades, the witch hunts, hell...even the crap we are facing now in the Middle East. The "I'm right and your wrong" line of thought backed only by religious belief has caused enough heartache in this world. Try looking at fact for once.

:clap Damn, I'm out of frubals. Excellent post! :clap


Glass half Panda'd
.... why cant you believe in the god you choose?

what does sexual orientation have to do with anything?

If you follow Christ, you're a Christian. end of story.


Well-Known Member
Buttons* said:
.... why cant you believe in the god you choose?

Dontcha know? Believing is not enough, you need to make your religious beliefs the law of the land!:rolleyes:

Buttons* said:
what does sexual orientation have to do with anything?

It shouldn't, but unfortunately, there are always some ignorant people out there.

Buttons* said:
If you follow Christ, you're a Christian. end of story.

Don't you wish it was that simple for some of these other people? :)


Well-Known Member
Buttons* said:
.... why cant you believe in the god you choose?

what does sexual orientation have to do with anything?

If you follow Christ, you're a Christian. end of story.

Yeah, but then "Real" Christians wouldn't have as many people to judge. Seriously though, does this sort of thing go on in other religions? I think it does, often. I seem to remember there being a bunch of anti-Wiccan Wiccans too. Must just be human nature to exclude others. This idea though that if you sin by having homosexual relationships you're worst than the rest of the sinners is rediculous. The bible teaches that everyone sins. How can anyone be more or less of a Christian than anyone else. Either you are or you aren't and that's up to Christ to decide....if you believe in that sort of thing. ;)


Wonder Woman
Ormiston said:
Yeah, but then "Real" Christians wouldn't have as many people to judge. Seriously though, does this sort of thing go on in other religions? I think it does, often. I seem to remember there being a bunch of anti-Wiccan Wiccans too. Must just be human nature to exclude others. This idea though that if you sin by having homosexual relationships you're worst than the rest of the sinners is rediculous. The bible teaches that everyone sins. How can anyone be more or less of a Christian than anyone else. Either you are or you aren't and that's up to Christ to decide....if you believe in that sort of thing. ;)

That's the thing here isn't it? People wanting to step into the role of Jesus and God and determine who is "right" in Their eyes. Pretty arrogant, in my opinion, to assume you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, what a deity thinks.


Well-Known Member
Draka said:
That's the thing here isn't it? People wanting to step into the role of Jesus and God and determine who is "right" in Their eyes. Pretty arrogant, in my opinion, to assume you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, what a deity thinks.

Yeppers! And it goes a bit further, IMHO. They think they are better than other people too. It's the only explanation for the treatment they eagerly dish out to people different from them. Boy, that shoe does have a funny way of getting on the other foot though, doesn't it?
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