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There is no such thing as a gay Christian

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Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Christiangirl0909 said:
The thing about this is that gay people know they are living in sin. But they won't admit that they are sinning, and they are not asking for forgivness. If a gay person truly wanted to follow God, they wouldn't be gay at all.

I'm glad we believe in different Gods then. :)


Veteran Member
Maize said:

There's a reason why we're NOT a democracy... you just demonstrated it. :)

Exactly, BTW, Literal Visonary, this is a secular government not a Christian government, if you want that go try living at the Vatican or buy your own private island and set up your rule of tyranny there.


Steel Magnolia
That's where you are wrong. What if gays don't believe in God, how are they sinning? They aren't.

So you're saying that if somebody killed someone, but they don't believe in God, that wouldn't be sinning? No matter what you believe in, you are still sinning. You don't have to believe that you are sinning, but in God's eyes, you still are.

Your arguments are ridiculous, childish, and only have one viewpoint.

Not nearly as ridiculous and childish as that. Post your debate, tell us what you believe. We don't have room for unnecessary comments.

Since people choose to be gay and can just stop being gay simply like flipping a light switch.:rolleyes:

Yep. Why would God have said homosexuality is a sin if it is something you are born with? God never lets Satan give us anything we can't overcome.

literal visionary

Active Member
Nah, how about you prove that gay marriage would be a perversion. And do it without using religion - since this government is supposed to be secular.

Yeah right thats why bush is president, whatever you like to say the bible is proof that gayness is bad

Plus its unnatural bad for the body

one little short story-
I have a gay uncle, who had a very vigourus sex life, he had to start wearing diapers at the age of 35 because he cannot control # 2 anymore.....
this is actually common


Biologically speaking when a man pursues a women he seaks to pass on his dna w her
this writes a contract between the sexes
-the female race has always controlled the heterosexual sex field, and since women
said when they would breed there was more monagomy and less sexual diseases and such, marriage had a value in society when this was true

When 2 gay men are attracted 2 eachother there lies no purpose because no child will come of such arelationship,No Dna passing on, no future biologically speaking-this is
a relationship based on sex
therefore relationships become less valuable,
this brings society down because people are not sticking to their usual contracts
This takes away the purpose of marriage, and causes society to be more promiscuous.


Well-Known Member
literal visionary said:
maybe you have, your not my age,

literal visionary said:
I just turned 18

Well, actually I'm 18 myself as well. Been 18 since the beginning of June in fact.

literal visionary said:
gay marriage is wrong is illegal and always should be illegal

Now there's a compelling argument. Gives details and everything about how gay marriage is a perversion.:rolleyes:

literal visionary said:
Why wouldn't masturbation be bad for you, is there any proof that t isn't?

Well, I'm still alive and nothing bad has ever happened to me because of masturbation. Do you have proof that it is bad (besides the Bible)?

literal visionary said:
Safe sex is a cop out, youre telling me to hang my whole life- all my dreams and aspirations on a piece of latex?

No, I ain't telling you anything. YOU choose whether you want to have sex (with protection or without), just as I'LL choose whether I want to have sex.

literal visionary said:
You are talking to a member of gen AIDS here

Well, since I'm 18 as well, I guess I'm part of this "generation AIDS" as well.


Well-Known Member
Christiangirl0909 said:
Yep. Why would God have said homosexuality is a sin if it is something you are born with? God never lets Satan give us anything we can't overcome.

Cause I know I chose to be gay. And I could turn myself staight just like that! :rolleyes:


Veteran Member
Christiangirl0909 said:
So you're saying that if somebody killed someone, but they don't believe in God, that wouldn't be sinning? No matter what you believe in, you are still sinning. You don't have to believe that you are sinning, but in God's eyes, you still are.

No in a secular persons eyes, that is not a sin, but a crime, there is a difference.

Christiangirl0909 said:
Not nearly as ridiculous and childish as that. Post your debate, tell us what you believe. We don't have room for unnecessary comments.

Excuse me? I've been stating my view this entire time and all you can do is spout discrimnatory comments like VL.

Christiangirl0909 said:
Yep. Why would God have said homosexuality is a sin if it is something you are born with? God never lets Satan give us anything we can't overcome.


I'm arguing with two brick walls at the moment and it's beginning to be VERY frustrating.:banghead3 :banghead3


Well-Known Member
literal visionary said:
Yeah right thats why bush is president, whatever you like to say the bible is proof that gayness is bad

Not to me it is. I ain't a Christian.

literal visionary said:
one little short story-
I have a gay uncle, who had a very vigourus sex life, he had to start wearing diapers at the age of 35 because he cannot control # 2 anymore.....
this is actually common

Yes, we must stop gay marriage because the gays might poop their pants!

literal visionary said:
When 2 gay men are attracted 2 eachother there lies no purpose because no child will come of such arelationship,No Dna passing on, no future biologically speaking-this is
a relationship based on sex

Ummm, homosexual relationships aren't based solely on sex.

And what about heterosexual people who have sex with no intention of having children - should that be illegal too?

literal visionary said:
This takes away the purpose of marriage, and causes society to be more promiscuous.

How? Methinks once someone gets married they generally have one sex partner (their spouse) and therefore wouldn't be too promiscuous.

literal visionary

Active Member
According to you. Personally, I dont' think they should call it marriage, BUT, they should have the same dang rights as the next straight person. You my girl, are VERY discriminatory.

just because I have these beliefs doesn't make me disrcimatory


Veteran Member
Christiangirl0909 said:
I believe the title of this thread is "there is no such thing as a gay Christian".

Okay, enlighten me, where in the New Testament does it say being a homosexual is a sin?

literal visionary

Active Member
Ummm, homosexual relationships aren't based solely on sex.

And what about heterosexual people who have sex with no intention of having children - should that be illegal too?

Most heterosexual marriages aren't even based on love, biologically your statement that not all homosexual relations are based on sex is wrong,

Gay marriage is wrong, it is unnatural and it shouldn't be condoned

It does break down the fabric of our society..
Let me say again OUR society whether you think its wrong our not its still unnatural and wrong

Gay people should be alowed to have their relations because its their right, but this doesn't mean that they have a right to force us to recognize that they are right by putting it in Americas constitution

The ownly reason why Gay people want Gay marriage to be recognized is because they want the rest of society to tell them that their life choices are okay,

Gays if subconsciously, they believed that being Gay was morally right they wouldn't seek the approoval of the public

Most morman people are looked at by other christians as not right or weirdos but you dont see mormons marching through ohio with signs yelling being mormon is okzy

If it was actually about love they wouldn't relly care about getting married because they would always have eachother, and they would be satisfyed


Uber all member
literal visionary said:
whatever you think is fair majority rules...
ie it doesn't matter how you feel, just the majority.
Wrong, the only majority that counts is the one on the Supreme Court.

Gay marriage is perverted and the Gov. which represents the majority of people does have a right to tell people what their rights are...
The perversion lies with those who do not follow the love of Christ and his command to love.

Just one thing instead of dissing my spelling or just agreeing with someone else why dont you back up your beliefs with the weight of proof..
The weight of proof, eh? Where is yours, epistemologically speaking?

Prove to me that Being gay, and gay marriage isn't a perversion
Because the perversion lies with the homophobe - hate within a faith dedicated to love. Because gayness is a creation of God and it is perverted to deny or respect God.

name one viable spec of proof..
other than people should do what they want... because in reality they shouldn't and don't have a right too.
No! I'm tired of dancing to your tune. Prove that the homosexuality of the Bible is the gayness of today.

literal visionary

Active Member
Okay, enlighten me, where in the New Testament does it say being a homosexual is a sin?

it doesn't have to, you have a coscience, so do gay people thats why there are gay rights demonstrations, because gays are trying to placate thier own conscience telling them that what there doing is wrong a nd perverted


Uber all member
literal visionary said:
Yeah right thats why bush is president, whatever you like to say the bible is proof that gayness is bad

Plus its unnatural bad for the body

one little short story-
I have a gay uncle, who had a very vigourus sex life, he had to start wearing diapers at the age of 35 because he cannot control # 2 anymore.....
this is actually common


Biologically speaking when a man pursues a women he seaks to pass on his dna w her
this writes a contract between the sexes
-the female race has always controlled the heterosexual sex field, and since women
said when they would breed there was more monagomy and less sexual diseases and such, marriage had a value in society when this was true

When 2 gay men are attracted 2 eachother there lies no purpose because no child will come of such arelationship,No Dna passing on, no future biologically speaking-this is
a relationship based on sex
therefore relationships become less valuable,
this brings society down because people are not sticking to their usual contracts
This takes away the purpose of marriage, and causes society to be more promiscuous.
Pure unadulterated crap - all of it. And mostly fostered by ignorance.


Well-Known Member
literal visionary said:
Most heterosexual marriages aren't even based on love, biologically your statement that not all homosexual relations are based on sex is wrong,

Could you please prove to me (a gay person, mind you) that homosexual relationships are only based on sex.

literal visionary said:
Gay marriage is wrong, it is unnatural and it shouldn't be condoned

What great evil will happen if gays marry?

literal visionary said:
but this doesn't mean that they have a right to force us to recognize that they are right by putting it in Americas constitution

Us gays aren't trying to get anything put into the constitution. You anti-gay marriage people are the ones trying to amend the constitution.

literal visionary said:
The ownly reason why Gay people want Gay marriage to be recognized is because they want the rest of society to tell them that their life choices are okay

You've got some nerve saying that to a gay person. I could care less what you think of my life choices. I want to be able to marry the person I fall in love with and form a life-long commitment that is treated BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT the same way as heterosexual marriage. I ain't forcing jack **** on you.

literal visionary said:
Gays if subconsciously, they believed that being Gay was morally right they wouldn't seek the approoval of the public

Yeah, that's it.:rolleyes:

literal visionary said:
If it was actually about love they wouldn't relly care about getting married because they would always have eachother, and they would be satisfyed

Why shouldn't homosexual couples have the same rights as heterosexuals? They're getting secular - not religious - marriage. And how dare we be satisfied when heterosexual married couples get 1,049+ federal rights that travel with them state to state and we get none of these federal rights?

literal visionary

Active Member
Wrong, the only majority that counts is the one on the Supreme Court.

yeah right the gov only has rights that we as a people give them. it goes both ways
There could always be coup, it happens all the time in s. america, besides, when has the supreme court said gay marriage was legal, would the public even listen to them?

The perversion lies with those who do not follow the love of Christ and his command to love.

Yeah i love my best friend who is gay but i dont condone his actions

The weight of proof, eh? Where is yours, epistemologically speaking?

I believe Ive already addressed it just look at the state of our society today,
our society has these problems because the ungodly ways of perversion have been embraced by so many

Because the perversion lies with the homophobe - hate within a faith dedicated to love. Because gayness is a creation of God and it is perverted to deny or respect God.

Clever, yeah
Umm God created a perfect sinless world then there was adam and eve, who commited the first sin, this makin gthe world unperfect. God created Heterosexual sex, mankind created vaseline and gay sex, get it straight smart one

No! I'm tired of dancing to your tune. Prove that the homosexuality of the Bible is the gayness of today.

yeah because you dont want to face the facts babe, homosexuality is homosexuality there is NOTHING new under the sun I wouldn't even have to prove such aridiculous statement

Loving someone isn't telling them that what they are doing is right just to make them feel better when in fact its very wrong

The truth is painful


The truth is painful
Ohhh...hear that? It was your credibilities' death rattle.

Your (momentously) distant aquaintance with "truth" makes you a pretty poor candidate for spokesmanship.

literal visionary

Active Member
Pure unadulterated crap - all of it. And mostly fostered by ignorance.
yeah now try proving your right, or should I just trust your allknowing ness

Could you please prove to me (a gay person, mind you) that homosexual relationships are only based on sex.

There is no point to a gay relationship, except sex, you might adopt and play house but there is no true point in explaining this.

Mankinds biggest goal in life is to pass on his dna, whats the most important of any animals life? Finding a mate and passing on its DNA

Being Gay is an unnatural perversion of gods way

What great evil will happen if gays marry?

OUR SOCIEty will be even m,ore f**** up than it even is today! yay more problems for mankind to deal with... with done such a good job with our other problems.....

Us gays aren't trying to get anything put into the constitution. You anti-gay marriage people are the ones trying to amend the constitution.

marriage is defined as between a MAN and aWOMAN

You've got some nerve saying that to a gay person. I could care less what you think of my life choices. I want to be able to marry the person I fall in love with and form a life-long commitment that is treated BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT the same way as heterosexual marriage. I ain't forcing jack **** on you.

Yeah the truth hurts, you could care less? That why people are marching down the street yelling that what they do is okay,

and yes you are forcing something on me, by allowing my gov. to recognize your marriage IAM sinning against my God. Thats very rude and unfair to ask of me, just so you dont feel guilty when your sinning against GOD

Yeah, that's it

I agree with you, im totally right and you cant prove this otherwise

Why shouldn't homosexual couples have the same rights as heterosexuals? They're getting secular - not religious - marriage. And how dare we be satisfied when heterosexual married couples get 1,049+ federal rights that travel with them state to state and we get none of these federal rights?

Why do you think you deserve such ungodkly rights? Do I have a right to make up my own laws and change the constitution and force my singular opinions down everybodies throat? NO Besides you people are traveling to states and cities violating the FEd Gov.s laws and the laws of the US people youre the one that has alot of nerve.
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