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There is no such thing as a gay Christian

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Forum Relic
Premium Member
This idea though that if you sin by having homosexual relationships you're worst than the rest of the sinners is rediculous. The bible teaches that everyone sins. How can anyone be more or less of a Christian than anyone else. Either you are or you aren't and that's up to Christ to decide


Forum Relic
Premium Member
That's the thing here isn't it? People wanting to step into the role of Jesus and God and determine who is "right" in Their eyes. Pretty arrogant, in my opinion, to assume you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, what a deity thinks.
Yet another Bingo


Veteran Member
anders said:
After, finally, having taken my time to wade through this thread,

standing alone,

I admire your patience in answering <self-censored> posts. Would that I were 1/3 of my age and of your inclination!

Becky, I've fruballed you as well. Taught me not to judge a person by my opinion of their faith (not that I did, but anyhow).

Maize, loves ya.

Thank you Anders. I try not to get to worked up, but this was just ridiclous.


Steel Magnolia
Okay, enlighten me, where in the New Testament does it say being a homosexual is a sin?

"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be decieved. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites."

I Corinthians 6:9

Thou hast been enlightened.

If you follow Christ, you're a Christian. end of story.

If you are homosexual, and can't admit that's a sin, you aren't following Christ. If you're doing anything wrong that's been brought to your attention by a brother or sister in Christ, and you can't admit it's wrong, you aren't following Him.


Well-Known Member
Christiangirl0909 said:
Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites."

You do know that the word "homosexual" is thought to be first known to be used in print in 1869, correct? So could that have been added to the Bible or somehow twisted in? It certainly couldn't have been in any Bibles printed before 1869...


Steel Magnolia
You do know that the word "homosexual" is thought to be first known to be used in print in 1869, correct? So could that have been added to the Bible or somehow twisted in? It certainly couldn't have been in any Bibles printed before 1869...

I don't believe that God allows his word to get twisted and changed like that.

So what word did they use for homosexuals before that? We know that there were gay people before then, they were at Sodom&Gomorrah (sp).


Veteran Member
Christiangirl0909 said:
"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be decieved. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites."

I Corinthians 6:9

Thou hast been enlightened.

If you are homosexual, and can't admit that's a sin, you aren't following Christ. If you're doing anything wrong that's been brought to your attention by a brother or sister in Christ, and you can't admit it's wrong, you aren't following Him.

Well, not everybody thinks a sin, I do, but you don't see me waving it in their faces and calling them names and say that they don't follow Christ.

So if I sin, I'm not following Christ, which means I don't believe in Him? Doubt it. That's what repentance is for, a VERY important part of His plan.


Well-Known Member
Christiangirl0909 said:
I don't believe that God allows his word to get twisted and changed like that.

That's great that you believe that, but do you have any proof. Like the original text.

Christiangirl0909 said:
So what word did they use for homosexuals before that?

There wasn't one.

Christiangirl0909 said:
We know that there were gay people before then, they were at Sodom&Gomorrah (sp).

Betcha they just weren't at Sodom and Gomorrah. ;)


Veteran Member
Christiangirl0909 said:
I don't believe that God allows his word to get twisted and changed like that.

So what word did they use for homosexuals before that? We know that there were gay people before then, they were at Sodom&Gomorrah (sp).

So the Bible is perfect and without error and has been since the Apostles and prophets wrote in it hundreds and hundreds of years ago and throughout all it's many translations? Nope.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Christiangirl0909 said:
If you are homosexual, and can't admit that's a sin, you aren't following Christ. If you're doing anything wrong that's been brought to your attention by a brother or sister in Christ, and you can't admit it's wrong, you aren't following Him.
If you wear a garment of two fabrics, in defiance of Leviticus, does that mean you're not a Christian?


Christiangirl0909 said:
I don't believe that God allows his word to get twisted and changed like that.

So what word did they use for homosexuals before that? We know that there were gay people before then, they were at Sodom&Gomorrah (sp).
I agree that if you deny that gay is not a sin then you don't know what the Christian God is asking of you. You can go ahead and believe in your God and his rules. For a Christian the last thing you do is deny a sin, that was the point of Jesus, to admit to your self and God you sin and then ask for forgiveness. Not make up your own rules to live by.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Abram said:
For a Christian the last thing you do is deny a sin, that was the point of Jesus, to admit to your self and God you sin and then ask for forgiveness. Not make up your own rules to live by.

That's why Christians don't get divorced these days, right?


Sunstone said:
That's why Christians don't get divorced these days, right?
I don't remember saying Christians are perfect. In fact I think we can't be true Christians until we pass from here.
If you deny that divorce is a sin and just go about your life getting divorces saying, "where in the Bible does it say not to divorce" or " "the word divorce wasnt around back then, we put that in later." then your not even trying to be a Christian. Your making excuses.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Abram said:
I don't remember saying Christians are perfect. In fact I think we can't be true Christians until we pass from here.
If you deny that divorce is a sin and just go about your life getting divorces saying, "where in the Bible does it say not to divorce" or " "the word divorce wasnt around back then, we put that in later." then your not even trying to be a Christian. Your making excuses.

Are you saying that a Christian who gets a divorce is still a Christian (albeit imperfect), but a Christian who engages in homosexuality is not a Christian?


Sunstone said:
Are you saying that a Christian who gets a divorce is still a Christian (albeit imperfect), but a Christian who engages in homosexuality is not a Christian?
Nope not at all. I welcome any one to Christianity. This thread has been stating that the Bible does not say that Homosexuality is not a sin. The Bible is clear in the Old and New Testament.
Can you be a gay Christian? Yes!
But you must ask God what to do. You must lose your life to gain it. I have sinned, I still do and can't get away from. I ask God through prayer to help and I'm sorry I'm this way. I don't deny that its a sin and turn the other way. I confront it with God the creator of all things.


Veteran Member
Abram said:
Nope not at all. I welcome any one to Christianity. This thread has been stating that the Bible does not say that Homosexuality is not a sin. The Bible is clear in the Old and New Testament.
Can you be a gay Christian? Yes!
But you must ask God what to do. You must lose your life to gain it. I have sinned, I still do and can't get away from. I ask God through prayer to help and I'm sorry I'm this way. I don't deny that its a sin and turn the other way. I confront it with God the creator of all things.

:) I believe homosexuality is a sin, I do. What I'm arguing is that you are saying that they aren't Christians if they are gay/lesbian/etc. It's like saying I'm not a Christian if I dont' read the Bible.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
beckysoup61 said:
What I'm arguing is that you are saying that they aren't Christians if they are gay/lesbian/etc.

I'm confused, Becky. Aren't you putting words in Abram's mouth? He just said, "Can you be a gay Christian? Yes!"


Veteran Member
Sunstone said:
I'm confused, Becky. Aren't you putting words in Abram's mouth? He just said, "Can you be a gay Christian? Yes!"

Ah, didn't see that, I thought he said you can't. My bad. I'm confused too.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Suppose someone is a Christian pedophile who molests a child, but afterwards repents of it. Then molests a second child, but again repents of it. And a third, but repents. And so on.

Will this Christian pedophile be accepted into heaven? Is he more likely to be accepted into heaven than is the homosexual couple down the street who, not thinking they commit sin, sin without repenting?
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