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There is no such thing as a gay Christian

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literal visionary

Active Member
Actually, I agree to, I couldn't understand either. So we are oversexed? So we should not have children and not continue the human race?

What so we as americans (+the rest of the world aren't oversexed)?

We are sex is just like everything else- it belongs in its proper place


Veteran Member
literal visionary said:
Then read more slowly-

by your statement-

your underlying meaning is that since in your opinion that Gays are sometimes persecuted-

and that Conservative christians are doing such persecutional actions-

that this means that they are wrong just because they dont agree with the opinions of Gay people

cha ching

just because christians are being mean to the poor sad Gay people, and not lettin Their national Gov. recognize the perversion of Gay marriage

They are inherintly wrong-in your opinion of course-

basically you think that
Christians are automatically wrong because they are mean to gay people, by not letting them have their way.

Wow, you actually think you are getting somewhere with this? I'd actually try a different approach.

I think homosexuality is a sin, but you do not go around seeing me say(anymore, I've defintley changed) that they shouldn't get their civil rights or that they aren't christians.

You are as bad as you think everybody else are. You are saying gays are wrong because they are sinning, but that's only your view on the subject, and obviously you think you are right and everybody else is wrong, I'd love to see your view on the LDS Church. Knockout


Veteran Member
literal visionary said:
What so we as americans (+the rest of the world aren't oversexed)?

We are sex is just like everything else- it belongs in its proper place

And that's the bedroom(private) if you know what I mean. Get out of peoples bedrooms, that's their private lives and not yours.


Well-Known Member
literal visionary said:
Then read more slowly-

Or you could write more coherently.:sarcastic

literal visionary said:
just because christians are being mean to the poor sad Gay people, and not lettin Their national Gov. recognize the perversion of Gay marriage

Well, why shouldn't the SECULAR federal government not recognize marriage for same-sex partners? And how would gay marriage be a perversion?

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
literal visionary said:
Then read more slowly-

by your statement-

your underlying meaning is that since in your opinion that Gays are sometimes persecuted-

and that Conservative christians are doing such persecutional actions-

that this means that they are wrong just because they dont agree with the opinions of Gay people

cha ching

just because christians are being mean to the poor sad Gay people, and not lettin Their national Gov. recognize the perversion of Gay marriage

They are inherintly wrong-in your opinion of course-

basically you think that
Christians are automatically wrong because they are mean to gay people, by not letting them have their way.

Those who stand in the way of legal equality for all people on the basis of one religion and force their religious laws into the country's laws, are wrong. That is what I believe.

literal visionary

Active Member
I think that's a good idea. We can prevent further cases of AIDS so that humans in the future, er, wait a second here...

All im saying less sex... less problems for the human race... not that big of a deal...

Apparantly. I've sure been missing out on this though.

maybe you have, your not my age, I was born into a generation of americans where frieds w benuifits exists, where you went to health class and you were handed condoms and told basically that whatever is pleasurable and feels good is goood....
Go ahead masturbate have sex w people you have no relationship with... its all good

You have to understand this was like handing a fat kid cake and saying, eat as much as you want, it okay as long as its brings you pleasure right now

literal visionary

Active Member
Those who stand in the way of legal equality for all people on the basis of one religion and force their religious laws into the country's laws, are wrong. That is what I believe.

whatever you think is fair majority rules...
ie it doesn't matter how you feel, just the majority.

Gay marriage is perverted and the Gov. which represents the majority of people does have a right to tell people what their rights are...

Just one thing instead of dissing my spelling or just agreeing with someone else why dont you back up your beliefs with the weight of proof..

Prove to me that Being gay, and gay marriage isn't a perversion

name one viable spec of proof..
other than people should do what they want... because in reality they shouldn't and don't have a right too.


Well-Known Member
literal visionary said:
Prove to me that Being gay, and gay marriage isn't a perversion

Nah, how about you prove that gay marriage would be a perversion. And do it without using religion - since this government is supposed to be secular.


Veteran Member
literal visionary said:
whatever you think is fair majority rules...
ie it doesn't matter how you feel, just the majority.

Gay marriage is perverted and the Gov. which represents the majority of people does have a right to tell people what their rights are...

Just one thing instead of dissing my spelling or just agreeing with someone else why dont you back up your beliefs with the weight of proof..

Prove to me that Being gay, and gay marriage isn't a perversion

name one viable spec of proof..
other than people should do what they want... because in reality they shouldn't and don't have a right too.

I agree, I think homosexuality is wrong, but so what, God will take care of that in the end if it's such a big problem, I'm not going to demean people because I think it is wrong, like you have done. Do you have one 'speck of proof' that it is a pervsion except the Bible?


Steel Magnolia
The thing about this is that gay people know they are living in sin. But they won't admit that they are sinning, and they are not asking for forgivness. If a gay person truly wanted to follow God, they wouldn't be gay at all.

literal visionary

Active Member
Well, why shouldn't the SECULAR federal government not recognize marriage for same-sex partners? And how would gay marriage be a perversion?

gay marriage is wrong is illegal and always should be illegal

How old are you?

I just turned 18

Certainly you're not saying masturbation is bad, are you? Is that to be outlawed too?

Why wouldn't masturbation be bad for you, is there any proof that t isn't?

Well, at least they encouraged safe-sex.

Safe sex is a cop out, youre telling me to hang my whole life- all my dreams and aspirations on a piece of latex? You are talking to a member of gen AIDS here

Besides the one and only cause of ovarion cancer is abacteria that is spread by just touching skin to skin private areas


Veteran Member
Christiangirl0909 said:
The thing about this is that gay people know they are living in sin. But they won't admit that they are sinning, and they are not asking for forgivness. If a gay person truly wanted to follow God, they wouldn't be gay at all.

That's where you are wrong. What if gays don't believe in God, how are they sinning? They aren't. Your arguments are ridiculous, childish, and only have one viewpoint.

If someone doesn't believe in God, they aren't sinning. For example, I don't believe that the Prophet Muhammad was a prophet. In the Muslim faith, I would be sinning, but since I don't believe he was, does that make me a sinner? No.


Veteran Member
literal visionary said:
gay marriage is wrong is illegal and always should be illegal

According to you. Personally, I dont' think they should call it marriage, BUT, they should have the same dang rights as the next straight person. You my girl, are VERY discriminatory.

literal visionary said:
I just turned 18


literal visionary said:
Why wouldn't masturbation be bad for you, is there any proof that t isn't?

Well, they used to say masturbating would cause blindness, and does it? Nope. I don't agree with it, but it doesn't mean I'm going to condemn everyone who does it to hell.

literal visionary said:
Safe sex is a cop out, youre telling me to hang my whole life- all my dreams and aspirations on a piece of latex? You are talking to a member of gen AIDS here


literal visionary said:
Besides the one and only cause of ovarion cancer is abacteria that is spread by just touching skin to skin private areas
Where do you get your information?

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
literal visionary said:
whatever you think is fair majority rules...
ie it doesn't matter how you feel, just the majority.

Gay marriage is perverted and the Gov. which represents the majority of people does have a right to tell people what their rights are...

There's a reason why we're NOT a democracy... you just demonstrated it. :)
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