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There is no such thing as a gay Christian

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Angel slayer
kevmicsmi said:
Incest. It doesnt make it right now. We dont stone people to death for sinful behavior any more either.

I agree and I respect your opinion and belief, but I do not believe that the Adam and Eve story is meant to be taken literally.

Thank you for your replies.


Well-Known Member
Orichalcum said:
I agree and I respect your opinion and belief, but I do not believe that the Adam and Eve story is meant to be taken literally.

Thank you for your replies.

I dont know if it is a litteral story or not, I was just responding to your post, assuming it is to be taken literally.


Well-Known Member
For me, as a professing Christian, salvation happens when we REPENT, which is a word that many do not understand. It means to change one's mind. To accept God's plan of salvation, and not our own way. God's plan is that Christ paid for our sins and offers salvation freely to all who have trusted Christ that He paid for their sins. We come to Christ just as we are, He saves us, then He begins working in us to change us more and more into His image. We still have our sin-nature, and will still sin, but we will change and be conformed to His image more and more as we grow in grace. We will all stumble and sin occaisonaly, but God loves us and corrects us, or chastises us, guides us, and leads us in the way we should go. This is a process that is different for each person, for each person is weak in different areas, and God deals with each of us personaly, lovingly, and patiently. Are there Christians that struggle with sin, whatever that sin may be? Of course, all Christians struggle with sin of some type. If we truly want to be good Christians, God will help us to grow and will show us what the sins in our life are that He wants to free us from. Well, that's all for now.


Well-Known Member
joeboonda said:
For me, as a professing Christian, salvation happens when we REPENT, which is a word that many do not understand. It means to change one's mind. To accept God's plan of salvation, and not our own way.
How many times must one repent, joeboonda?


Well-Known Member
Squirt said:
How many times must one repent, joeboonda?

Repenting, changing one's mind about how they are saved, is a one-time event. Salvation is a free gift offered to all who trust in the blood of Christ to pay for their sins and His righteousness inputed upon us instead of our righteousness. Since I am not gay, I do not know about their deal. I can only guess that since it is listed as a sin in the Bible, that God will deal with Christians with that particular sin individually, hopefully leading them out of that lifestyle. Just like Christians can fall into other sins, like excessive gambling, drinking, smoking, self-righteousness, a critical spirit, etc., so can some fall into this sin, too. If a Christian does not see this as a sin, which the Bible plainly teaches, the Holy Spirit will show them if they are open. I got saved when I was 8. I have sinned since then. Duh. Sometimes I did not recognize and admit the sin was sin. But sin has its way of bringing destruction into our lives to the point where we recognize the sin, and ask for deliverance from it. The sin does not make us 'lose our salvation', it brings lack of fellowship with the Lord, destruction of varying degrees, and loss of 'fruit-bearing' and reward, and as in Corinthians, Paul said that for their carnalness some of them were sick and had died, like prematurely. Anyway, repentance unto salvation is a one time event, but if you mean 'turning from sin', which is not the definition for repentence, then that would be something we do daily, minute by minute, hour by hour, and is all together a different thing.


Flaming Queer
AlanGurvey said:
Well theroretically, they could repress thier sexuallity......

sorry, i am not aiming this directly at you, but that would not be a healthy psychological state to be in! to be honest, while i was repressing my sexuality, i was hating God!


Well-Known Member
Haven't really read this thread so I am just really commenting on the title. I have cable and often have what I consider the misfortune to tune into those evangelical channels...not for long...but just long enough to say they all look pretty gay to me...hands in the air....inane smiles as they imagine the spirit rushing through them in a way it doesn't for 'the others'...yep they definately look gay....by which I mean happy of course....that's what this thread is about right???? Sombre orthodox hegemony versus happy and gay evangelicals???? This said they do look happy and gay...they also look like a load of brainwashed *******, I'm not big on the orthodox christian churches....but give me sombre learned clerics over gay, happy, and brainwashed evangelicals anyday.

Or did I misunderstand this thread?


Well-Known Member
Nehustan said:
Haven't really read this thread so I am just really commenting on the title. I have cable and often have what I consider the misfortune to tune into those evangelical channels...not for long...but just long enough to say they all look pretty gay to me...hands in the air....inane smiles as they imagine the spirit rushing through them in a way it doesn't for 'the others'...yep they definately look gay....by which I mean happy of course....that's what this thread is about right???? Sombre orthodox hegemony versus happy and gay evangelicals???? This said they do look happy and gay...they also look like a load of brainwashed *******, I'm not big on the orthodox christian churches....but give me sombre learned clerics over gay, happy, and brainwashed evangelicals anyday.

Or did I misunderstand this thread?​

Yeah, those 'charismatic' churches and preachers do more harm to true Christianity than all the bars put together.


Mike182 said:
sorry, i am not aiming this directly at you, but that would not be a healthy psychological state to be in! to be honest, while i was repressing my sexuality, i was hating God!
You werent hating God, you were struggling with him. If you keep repenting and giving your self to God and your still gay then thats all you can do. The world wants you to conform to it and God wants you with him. The world is a hard habit to break. I'm lucky enough not to struggle with homosexuality, I struggle with abstinence. I repress as long as I can. Which I learn makes me a stronger better person. Then maybe I give in to the temptation. I repent, pour out my heart and surrender back to God.
Joeboonda spoke my mind better then I could.


High Priestess
ckirkland said:
ive got sin everyone does but the diffrence is my life stlye isnt one of sin, as far as that goes its the same as any strait person who lives in adultry,or,fornication.
So, are you saying that there are no adulterous Christians or fornicating Christians as well? I don't remember Jesus saying that only the holy and righteous could be Christians. In fact don't there have to be sinners, otherwise Jesus' purpose on Earth would have been a little moot.

literal visionary

Active Member
Do you think that gay people LIKE being persecuted or cut because of what they prefer in the bedroom? Whose decision is that to make or judge?

Only God knows whats wrong and hes clearly stated that in the bible.

Furthermore all Christians sin but to be forgiven you first must face that what your doing is wrong, which if your a gay christian living in sin, and insisting that your way is right , and not God's is right, then how God forgive you? You can be gay if your christian but you must recognize that what you did before was wrong, and was a sin, and ask for forgiveness.
- But if you choose to be a prostitute, living days out on the street, then you are saved and you make a big a show at the church but then you just go back and do what you were doing before, and not even try to change, how sincere could you be?

Only God knows mankinds heart, if he can find it within himself to forgive murderers, rapists, and child molesters, then of course he can forgive Gay people. You just have to face the facts, and admit being gay is a sin, and you must try your hardest not to repeat your sin. It might be hard but is a sex life that necessary? Our modern society puts alot of stake on sex, but if its your immortal soul couldn't you leave your perversion behind, and admit your wrong?

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
:banghead3 I really, really hate being compared to murderers, prostitutes, rapists and child molesters and having my life being called a perversion. :banghead3 I really try not to be bitter towards the religion I left, Christianity, but when I read things like that, it's very hard to remain neutral.


New Member
very well said, and im sorry if ur offended but the fact is that homosexuality is a sin, and an abolmination of a life style.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Oh, I'm not offended, per se. I've heard much, much worse before. Just peeved that you feel like you have a right to degrade others simply because of what your religion says about them.

literal visionary

Active Member
I really, really hate being compared to murderers, prostitutes, rapists and child molesters and having my life being called a perversion. :banghead3 I really try not to be bitter towards the religion I left, Christianity, but when I read things like that, it's very hard to remain neutral.

Im not comparing murderers, rapists, and child molesters to gay people Im making a point by saying they are worse sins than being gay, Dont jump to conclusions Just because you like to use being persecuted as an excuse- so you cAN ASSERT that christian and conservative people are wrong A BOUT HOMOSEXUALITY


Well-Known Member
Not every Christian takes the Bible's messages so literally. Jesus sympathized with all kinds of socially demeaned people.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
literal visionary said:
Im not comparing murderers, rapists, and child molesters to gay people Im making a point by saying they are worse sins than being gay,
Sorry, must have missed where you said that murderers, rapists, and child molesters are worse than gay people. Could you point that out please?
Dont jump to conclusions Just because you like to use being persecuted as an excuse-
:biglaugh: That was the funniest thing I've read in a while, thanks for the laugh.
so you cAN ASSERT that christian and conservative people are wrong A BOUT HOMOSEXUALITY

I believe you are wrong, why shouldn't I say so especially when it's Christian and conservative people that are behind denying BLGT Americans equal rights?

But I think we're getting a little off topic. ;)


Well-Known Member
I suppose there are no divorced Christians (with a few exceptions), either? I recall Jesus having something to say about that as well...possibly also something about not judging?

Say, has anyone ever read this article? I thought it was one of the nicest things I've ever read that I also disagreed with quite strongly. I think I might have to post more about it at some point, I like it that much. http://www.crossministry.org/howtolove.htm

But one of the points I rather liked was that simply telling people that they're an abomination doesn't get you much of anywhere.
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