Suffering comes from conflict but so does growth, evolution, adaptation. Were it not for conflict life would have never evolved into what it is today.
There are a couple quotes I like which embody this: from the song "better" by plumb in which the chorus states "in the end, what leaves you broken, in the end makes you better." and another quote(I forget who said this one) "that which does not kill us only makes us stronger."
I think that any "god" would recognize this or he/she/it isn't really a god at all. Now granted I don't really believe in any god(s) either. I just think that any being who has evolved to the point where they actually could be a god would recognize that suffering has to happen in order for life to evovle. It is in the moments of our greatest strife that we truly come into ourselves. Just like a sword needs to be super-heated and beaten in order to become a good sword. It's all about the balance of opposites. Without suffering, without death, without conflict, life would not exist, it could not exist, and even if it could we would not see the wonderful diversity in it that we currently do. Storms may be nasty and destructive, but without them our mother earth would not be able to support us or any form of life. So just because you don't know, or don't understand, or are unsatisfied with the reason it doesn't mean the reason isn't there at all.