How can you say that you suffer?! THIS WORLD IS FAKE! God is not behind "bad things that happen to you." That is MAN's SIN! Try finding an area with light, and no shadow besides His Kingdom.
God IS Existance. God Created you, your sister, and EVERYTHING PURE! But then the snake comes up and says, "Heeeeey try somma this shiiiiiiiit! I'm trippin ballz out here maaaaaaan!"
and Eve said, "Um... Okay."
And then Eve ate the symbolic apple. She goes up to Adam and says:
"*Vomits* Heeeeeey theeeere! Wanna get Eaaaaaaarthly pleaaaaaasure by being a hooooooe who disobeeeeeeys the Creatooooor? *holds out hand with apple*
Sin is in us all. We have the capacity for good and the capacity for evil.
The Story of Adam and Eve is symbollic, but sin causes evil. And through sin comes prayer. Surely you must realize that evil exists in man.
As to why you can't a girlfriend... it may be because when you don't believe in God, you don't have to have morals, therefore, you have no "Diety" to remind you that you have to be nice to everyone. Also... a sense of humor sometimes works!
How is denying God's True Existance solving anything? I will add you to my list of names and pray for you to find His Eternal Grace.
Oh and by the way, I was just kidding about the "stoner apple" theory.
God Bless,