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There is not enough erosion of the continents for them to be many 10s of millions of years old.


Admiral Obvious
that is a valid question Subduction and deserves an answer.

I will try my best to keep this short...

Genesis = God creates a new heavens and new earth...they are both an extension of, and revelation of his character

Satan attempts to corrupt both heaven and earth and ruins Gods character hoping to overthrow him.

Satan succeeds in corrupting the earth necessitating a plan of salvation from God to answer the charge against him made by satan and satisfying the consequences of breaking Gods eternal law (ie the wages of sin is death)...by dying on the cross for his own creation. Death is a consequence becauser fundamentally, God and evil cannot coexist...for us mortals that is really bad...sinful mortal humans die in the presence of God! And before you go down a rabbitt warren, consecrating oneself just before meeting God overcomes at least the immediate consequence (but not the long term one).

The old testament is filled with narratives explaining why and how God has tried to redirect man back to the pathway of redemption and also predicting what will ultimately happen to those who do not believe and obey Gods word and his laws.

New testament, God incarnate dies for the sins of his own creation. The gospel of how that salvation process works is spread throughout the world.


so given all of the above. I conflate Christinaity and Creationism because they are both in the bible.

The Old Testament Creation account explains exactly how a personal God created man in his own image.

The New Testament shows us how those who follow Gods law and have the faith of Jesus may be redeemed back to God and restored to the sinless state in which we were created.

I woudl suggest that those who do not agree that God created Adam and Eve exactly as he said in the Bible are denying Christianity and the gospel and therefore, reject salvation!
Why does this deity of yours allow The Satan so much leeway?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Bold empty claim that does not align with the evidence.

I am going to disagree with the explanation given there. Some fossil graveyards are due to catastrophic floods. Now are poor uneducated friend does not seem to realize that uniformitarianism allows for catastrophic floods. Basically uniformitarianism says that the laws of physics and chemistry were the same in the past as they are now. That is all. And we know at times there were very localized catastrophic floods. We can see variations on it today. There are videos of flash floods and those are just average ones. But there are occasional flash floods that cannot be escaped if one is in the river bottom. If a migrating herd gets caught in such a flood then one can have huge deposits. If those floods occurred in the same place, say once in a thousand years. over millions of years you can get a truly amazing number of fossils built up. One thing that this hypothesis predicts is that such finds would always be very localized. The means not spread across states. That all of the fossils found in a layer would be of that time period. And the various flood models would have to predict the opposite of that. Well we see that those massive dinosaur graveyards are always very localized. Usually to ancient river valleys. And the dinosaurs are always of one time period. We do not see a T-Rex with a Brontosaurus for example.

An example of one such graveyard:



Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
You would think that it would mean that we wouldn't see another special on old creationist ideas that have been long refuted.

So far, we've seen the resurrection of Piltdown Man. Now a discussion of Homo erectus (Java man) and how it isn't real. Soon poor Haeckel will be drug from his grave yet again to be beaten on.

There seem to be two traditional tactics at work here. One, attack ancient history and not all the evidence and recent interpretations. Two, controversy in science means that some random person's personal views win by default.

Based on what I've seen so far, it doesn't seem like a profitable four years.

I started debating creationists in the 1980's. The misinformation and arguments have not changed *at all* since that time. In fact, most of the stuff can be found in Gish's 1972 book.

It doesn't matter that each and every one of the arguments has been refuted in multiple ways over time. It doesn't matter that those who write these diatribes are not even qualified in the subjects they write about. As in the case of *all* conspiracy theories, what matters is that the experts are wrong, probably lying, and that the world just isn't what they claim.

In a sense, I think creationism is an ancestor of the flat-earth conspiracy and climate denial. It started the idea that all of the experts are lying to the masses and that the conclusions of science shouldn't be trusted *at all*. Of course, with creationism, you also get that the scientists are in league with the devil and trying to lead people away from the *one true religion*.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Genesis is an historical record and is in no way a parable.
That is your belief and should be stated as such. Other people have different beliefs in this regard. Also, the actual evidence is contrary to this belief.
How can you explain these fossil graveyards?

What's so difficult to explain? yes, there were floods in the past. Sometimes those floods captured a herd of animals and buried them together. This happens *today* as well.

And yes, we know of very large floods that happened in the past: look at the scablands in Washington, which arose because of a flood produced when a lake in Montana burst through its dike. This was a purely natural phenomenon.

But we also know there was never a *global* flood of the sort described in the Bible.


Active Member
In a sense, I think creationism is an ancestor of the flat-earth conspiracy and climate denial.
you really believe that claim given that it has already been shown by scholars that flat earthism is a modern 19th and 20th century claim?
We have proof that neither ancient greek nor early christian scholars beleived in flat earthism. How is it you dont know these facts? Atheism is so easily convinced by wive tails when they deny christianity...its like a lolliepop

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
you really believe that claim given that it has already been shown by scholars that flat earthism is a modern 19th and 20th century claim?
We have proof that neither ancient greek nor early christian scholars beleived in flat earthism. How is it you dont know these facts? Atheism is so easily convinced by wive tails when they deny christianity...its like a lolliepop
And creationism is not much older. In the US it can be traced largely to various fundamentalists in the 19th century.

As to the Bible you have it backwards. It never openly supports a spherical Earth and quite often appear to support a flat one. One has to do creative reinterpretation to come up with a spherical Earth. Yes, the Greeks and other seafaring nations new that the Earth was a sphere, but we are talking about what the Bible says.


Well-Known Member
Are you trying to discount nature using science?

All that is required is to prove the earth is 6000 and 1 yrs, to prove bible is wrong.

Stay in your lane.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
you really believe that claim given that it has already been shown by scholars that flat earthism is a modern 19th and 20th century claim?
So is the modern version of creationism. In fact, it is a modern, fundamentalist, reaction to the 19th century growth of science. How is it you don't know this?
We have proof that neither ancient greek nor early christian scholars beleived in flat earthism. How is it you dont know these facts? Atheism is so easily convinced by wive tails when they deny christianity...its like a lolliepop
I was talking about modern creationism, which is a thoroughly modern movement. maybe you should read the book 'The Battle for God'?


Well-Known Member
So is the modern version of creationism. In fact, it is a modern, fundamentalist, reaction to the 19th century growth of science. How is it you don't know this?

I was talking about modern creationism, which is a thoroughly modern movement. maybe you should read the book 'The Battle for God'?
6 day creation is believe since Adam and Eve and by countless people since. The false science of billions of years and evolution began in the 1800s. Of course creationists countered these lies and science creationists are very good with science used science to counter the false science of evolution and billions of years.


Active Member
So is the modern version of creationism. In fact, it is a modern, fundamentalist, reaction to the 19th century growth of science. How is it you don't know this?
are you attempting to agree with me, becaused that is exactly what my point was...that it is modern attempts at refuting YEC because of the rise of naturalism that resulted in the spread of flat earthism rumours as a reason why the traditional biblical view must be wrong!

The ancient Greeks for example, did not believe in flat earth.


Active Member
And creationism is not much older. In the US it can be traced largely to various fundamentalists in the 19th century.
sorry but im going to call you out on that one!

I dont care what some redneck nutters in the US might believe, the fact is, such a belief isnt supported biblically, by early church fathers 2 millenia ago...or the ancient Greeks!

We can easily prove that the Isaiah scrolls for example have language that dates back to at least half a millenia BC. It is likely Isaiah was about 700 B.C if memory serves. In any case, he was pre Babylonian captivity [lnk added after my off the cuff memory serves claim]. So given that major writer is very ancient, its pretty well accepted Moses writings are even more ancient. It not possible to make the claim creationism is a modern doctrine...those 19th Century US rednecks you talk about obviously demonstrated an outrageous ignorance of scriptural history!

And before any TEist thinks they have theological support for a non literal reading of Genesis regarding creation, the flood, and destruction of Sodom and Gomorah...

I will start refuting that beginning with the following:

2 Peter 2

4For if God did not spare the angels when they sinned, but cast them deep into hell,a placing them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment; 5if He did not spare the ancient world when He brought the flood on its ungodly people, but preserved Noah, a preacher of righteousness, among the eight; 6if He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction,b reducing them to ashes as an example of what is coming on the ungodly;c 7and if He rescued Lot, a righteous man distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless 8(for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)— 9if all this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment.

Clearly both Jude and Luke believed that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorah was a literal event as they both quote the desctruction like the apostle Peter above!
Last edited:

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
sorry but im going to call you out on that one!

I dont care what some redneck nutters in the US might believe, the fact is, such a belief isnt supported biblically, by early church fathers 2 millenia ago...or the ancient Greeks!

We can easily prove that the Isaiah scrolls for example have language that dates back to at least half a millenia BC. It is likely Isaiah was about 700 B.C if memory serves. In any case, he was pre Babylonian captivity [lnk added after my off the cuff memory serves claim]. So given that major writer is very ancient, its pretty well accepted Moses writings are even more ancient. It not possible to make the claim creationism is a modern doctrine...those 19th Century US rednecks you talk about obviously demonstrated an outrageous ignorance of scriptural history!
You are not listening, but you never do.

How are you going to prove your claims about the Isaiah scrolls? They have been dated reliably to be much younger than that:

The exact authors of 1QIsaa are unknown, as is the exact date of writing. Pieces of the scroll have been dated using both radiocarbon dating and palaeographic/scribal dating. These methods resulted in calibrated date ranges between 356 and 103 BCE and 150–100 BCE respectively.[5][6] This seemingly fits with the theory that the scroll(s) was a product of the Essenes, a mystic Jewish sect, first mentioned by Pliny the Elder in his Natural History,[7] and later by Josephus[8] and Philo Judaeus.[9]



Active Member
They have been dated reliably to be much younger than that:

The exact authors of 1QIsaa are unknown, as is the exact date of writing. Pieces of the scroll have been dated using both radiocarbon dating and palaeographic/scribal dating. These methods resulted in calibrated date ranges between 356 and 103 BCE and 150–100 BCE respectively.[5][6] This seemingly fits with the theory that the scroll(s) was a product of the Essenes, a mystic Jewish sect, first mentioned by Pliny the Elder in his Natural History,[7] and later by Josephus[8] and Philo Judaeus.[9]
you know its funny how individuals who have terrible biblical history and really havent studied theology at all think that they are on a winning ticket with the above...not realising that they have dog barked up an empty tree!

Read my post again...carefully! Ill give you a hint...is the king james bible 2000 years old like the dead sea scrolls? Of course not, but the text from which it originally came most definately is that old! Do you now get my point about the Isaiah scrolls?

You might ask yourself...after you read isaiah, why doesnt he make any mention of the israelite captivity of Babylon, Medo Persia, and even Greece given (as you claim) it was written only about 1 century before Christ? Something wrong there amigo...and the answer is, because Isaiah had already been dead for well over a hundred years prior to the Babylonian captivity!

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
you know its funny how individuals who have terrible biblical history and really havent studied theology at all think that they are on a winning ticket with the above...not realising that they have dog barked up an empty tree!

Read my post again...carefully!
Once again you are not listening. Your argument was refuted by that. Your post did not deal with the previous one. You got distracted by the concept of flerfs. So I gave up on an argument that you couldn't follow and dealt with your latest false claim.


Active Member
Once again you are not listening. Your argument was refuted by that. Your post did not deal with the previous one. You got distracted by the concept of flerfs. So I gave up on an argument that you couldn't follow and dealt with your latest false claim.
dog barking up trees...there is nothing more ridiculous than an individual with almost no theological knowledge trying to refute biblical history! Your claim about creationism being modern was utter nonesense...i moved on from that because its just plain stupid!

If you cannot conceptualise how my referecing the writings of Isaiah refuted your previous nonesense...then my point in this post is made!

btw, Im not saying youre dumb...i think you are probably smarter than i am, however, when it comes to theological knowledge and referencing,, well thats a completely diffrerent story!

I still like to know why you left religion btw. ( i dont recall if you have actually told me)

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
dog barking up trees...there is nothing more ridiculous than an individual with almost no theological knowledge trying to refute biblical history! Your claim about creationism being modern was utter nonesense...i moved on from that because its just plain stupid!

If you cannot conceptualise how my referecing the writings of Isaiah refuted your previous nonesense...then my point in this post is made!

btw, Im not saying youre dumb...i think you are probably smarter than i am, however, when it comes to theological knowledge and referencing,, well thats a completely diffrerent story!

I still like to know why you left religion btw. ( i dont recall if you have actually told me)
Oh please. You have no such knowledge yourself. Your.ignorant claim was refuted.. You have a bad tendency to try to insult others when you have been shown to be wrong.

And until you can demonstrate some honesty on your part personal questions are not allowed.


Admiral Obvious
6 day creation is believe since Adam and Eve and by countless people since. The false science of billions of years and evolution began in the 1800s. Of course creationists countered these lies and science creationists are very good with science used science to counter the false science of evolution and billions of years.
this is even more fumbled up than your usual posts.
You been drinking?


Veteran Member
The fraud was believed to be fact by the mainstream science view for almost 50 years...that is the point amigo.

It actually wasn't.
I know creationist like to spread that lie though.

BTW it is no the only one i have a few others.

Yes, yes... I'm sure you can name a handfull of deliberate frauds that were in fact exposed by the science you wish to argue against and pretend as if those handfull of deliberate frauds are then the "standard" for all scientific evidence, while completely ignoring that you only know about those frauds because scientists themselves exposed them as such.


Honestly, please dont respond without some references...im not interested in listening to an individuals own assumptions that are not referenced.
