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There is only one absolute truth


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about my Christian friends and their belief systems. Every belief system is built on a set of axioms. Axioms of a belief system are a set of assumptions which are accepted as being true without any evidence or proof. If someone has an axiom you don't hold as true, then language they use will sound crazy or insane when it is implicitly using the axiom. When we speak, all the ideas coming out of our mouths will be perfectly aligned with our axioms. For our language to have any meaning at all, we implicitly use axioms as anchor points of meaning.

Many times, for axioms of a belief system to become absolute TRUTH, they have to be repeated over and over again until they sink into long term memory. "See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." a quote from George W Bush.

The reason why we have so much political division in this country is Republicans and Democrats have a completely different set of axioms in their belief systems. For example, "Q is a patriot" a quote from Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Now I don't want to upset my Christian and Republican friends by claiming my set of axioms are better than the ones they hold dear. All I am saying, if you want to understand someone else's way of thinking, you have to first identify the other person's axioms of their belief system so then you can see the "reality" the other person is experiencing.

Axiom: There is only one absolute truth, and that is, all belief systems are built on a set of axioms.
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Veteran Member
I've been thinking about my Christian friends and their belief systems. Every belief system is built on a set of axioms. Axioms of a belief system are a set of assumptions which are accepted as being true without any evidence or proof.
There is evidence for religious belief systems, although there is no proof. Evidence is not proof.

Evidence is information that indicates that something is true and causes you to believe it is true.

Evidence helps to establish if something is the truth but it does not establish it as a fact.

Proof is what establishes evidence as a fact.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I've been thinking about my Christian friends and their belief systems. Every belief system is built on a set of axioms. Axioms of a belief system are a set of assumptions which are accepted as being true without any evidence or proof. If someone has an axiom you don't hold as true, then language they use will sound crazy or insane when it is implicitly using the axiom. When we speak, all the ideas coming out of our mouths will be perfectly aligned with our axioms. For our language to have any meaning at all, we implicitly use axioms as anchor points of meaning.

Many times, for axioms of a belief system to become absolute TRUTH, they have to be repeated over and over again until they sink into long term memory. "See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." a quote from George W Bush.

The reason why we have so much political division in this country is Republicans and Democrats have a completely different set of axioms in their belief systems. For example, "Q is a patriot" a quote from Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Now I don't want to upset my Christian and Republican friends by claiming my set of axioms are better than the ones they hold dear. All I am saying, if you want to understand someone else's way of thinking, you have to first identify the other person's axioms of their belief system so then you can see the "reality" the other person is experiencing.

Axiom: There is only one absolute truth, and that is, all belief systems are built on a set of axioms.

If there is any kind of "absolute truth," my guess is that it would exist as some kind of enormous equation - like the sum total of all existence, way beyond human comprehension. Compared to that, anything our puny little human brains can think up probably wouldn't amount to a hill of beans.

As for politics, we've been winging it all along.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Science a human actively by a humans choice is about history. Their position first is civilisation greedy rich men and lists.

History on earth position no human. Everything existed created. The nature garden existed. No lying human did.

Exact human position notification human scientists are liars.

All day long owning a self taught evil human language ...sciences only....they try to indoctrinate everyone into believing machines and technology are first and not bio natural human existence.

As they act like they are a man god. Always did.


Non-debating member when I can help myself
I've been thinking about my Christian friends and their belief systems. Every belief system is built on a set of axioms. Axioms of a belief system are a set of assumptions which are accepted as being true without any evidence or proof.
Welll, that is a litlle off, in my opinion. Axioms are applicable to Math or Geometry, but religious evidence has nothing to do with axioms.

Another thought I have been having lately is that belief is overrated. If your belief system gets you on spiritual high, and does productive things for mankind more power to you. I won't stand in you way.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
A long time ago my religious science healer medical brother learnt.

He said our satanic occult brother sun theist had lied. Destroyed all origin life on earth as he had broken the law of freeze.

Fused frozen mass. Rocks law with space a freeze that saved a holding as its saviour to own presence gods rock flesh.

He abominated heated space holy mother womb. It wasn't holy anymore. He knew exactly what science had caused. Freeze of space law removed.

Only freeze the ice had saved earth from opening into the old nuclear sun attack. O sun time.

O sun time. Bored holes tunnels right through earth like a mini sun.

Space law saviour freeze had stopped it.

So gods body owned thin plates mass O nearly a hole but mother space freeze had stopped it. Hence it was nearly a hole already by loss of energy fused.

As our science brother caused one third asteroid planet stars to fall burning as he'd personally by earth science had broken spaces law.

The exact warning.

Natural psychic human visions themes are first. Not scientific thesis. Every human is psychic first. Warnings about earths mass are first.

So earth only now owned a Heated space. As cold origin Rock law was gone. Ice the saviour the only reason no new sink holes opened.

Why even Alchemy had been legally outlawed as he was so afraid of the evil. Witnessed the causes of fission to earth mass.

Earths mass in various origin positions is so thin in energy holding binding. So when cloud mass shifts keeping the ground cooled sink hole opens. By ice melt clouds mass above changes ground protection.

What he taught Satan cloud mass saved life.

Ice saviour with Satan cloud accumulated the cooling activity to keep sin from reappearing opening into cavities.

When it did life was near its end total bio life ground destruction as the sign and seal.

The church founded the legal position no science itself was acceptable and agreed by all nations in science terms. As earth was very close to non mass existing. New sink holes.

Before science was earths owned sun attack. The law.

All men's brain mind thesis about space was only ever based on a cold sun cooling exploding. Then attacking planet earths cold mass.

As science terminology is first cosmic only and not earth based.


Veteran Member
Many times, for axioms of a belief system to become absolute TRUTH, they have to be repeated over and over again until they sink into long term memory. "See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." a quote from George W Bush.

The reason why we have so much political division in this country is Republicans and Democrats have a completely different set of axioms in their belief systems. For example, "Q is a patriot" a quote from Marjorie Taylor Greene.
The dems and pubs once shared an axiom: democracy is a good thing. Some pubs seem to have dropped that one.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Father said our brothers axiom is about don't give god a name. Yet he does.

Same old behaviour life's destroyer.

Status....to theory first is a conscious confession only. Stories. Beliefs. Agreements. Wants to. Confession first. Choice the past destruction chosen already acted upon.

So asks his family to stop him.

Stated.....the backdrop of the universal powers support why any human lives today on earth. They all existed first the powers.

He tried to name every type of power.

Today he says I think one more God type power of the suns I haven't yet identified or named. When I do I will convert it and finally destroy our universe.

Only I dream of converting it into another dimension.

As to a theist a universal backdrop isn't earths heavens that owned no radiation. Law... as vacuum sucked it away. Gases filled in space with water volume.

A confession his axiom.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I've been thinking about my Christian friends and their belief systems. Every belief system is built on a set of axioms. Axioms of a belief system are a set of assumptions which are accepted as being true without any evidence or proof. If someone has an axiom you don't hold as true, then language they use will sound crazy or insane when it is implicitly using the axiom. When we speak, all the ideas coming out of our mouths will be perfectly aligned with our axioms. For our language to have any meaning at all, we implicitly use axioms as anchor points of meaning.

Many times, for axioms of a belief system to become absolute TRUTH, they have to be repeated over and over again until they sink into long term memory. "See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." a quote from George W Bush.

The reason why we have so much political division in this country is Republicans and Democrats have a completely different set of axioms in their belief systems. For example, "Q is a patriot" a quote from Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Now I don't want to upset my Christian and Republican friends by claiming my set of axioms are better than the ones they hold dear. All I am saying, if you want to understand someone else's way of thinking, you have to first identify the other person's axioms of their belief system so then you can see the "reality" the other person is experiencing.

Axiom: There is only one absolute truth, and that is, all belief systems are built on a set of axioms.
Currently on RF, the absolute truth has something to do with the number 19....:unamused:


Well-Known Member
Ah yes.

The Grand Equation. The answer to and source of everything.

According to wave function realists, this would be Schrodinger's equation. Accepting that a universal wave function can account for all of reality comes at a metaphysical cost, however. Seemingly it requires accepting some form of higher dimension configuration space, Everettian 'Many Worlds' scenario, etc. At least according to two books I've recently read on the subject; The World in the Wave Function, by Alyssa Nye, and Something Deeply Hidden, by Sean Carroll.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
A man's code.

I wrote it myself. I Inherit future coded namesake. As I did it. Not owning mass as any name.

Is your name maths?

No numbers only are.

Did names exist first?

No. Same answer.

I wrote Jesus code by number to letter. Forming new words coded exact. It owned a story.

Have you changed gods earth body mass its flesh since?


Code removed then.

Did you write the advice after science removed mass then so did asteroid mass change everything?


So it's not any science beginning number one?


Do you only practice science seeing natural everything is natural?


What's sciences exact position practice?

Moment you convert anything.

That conversation says you created destruction. Your axiom.

The Hammer

Premium Member
According to wave function realists, this would be Schrodinger's equation. Accepting that a universal wave function can account for all of reality comes at a metaphysical cost, however. Seemingly it requires accepting some form of higher dimension configuration space, Everettian 'Many Worlds' scenario, etc. At least according to two books I've recently read on the subject; The World in the Wave Function, by Alyssa Nye, and Something Deeply Hidden, by Sean Carroll.

Doesn't the wave function break down within quantum mechanics though, leaving mostly probability such as Heisman's uncertainty principle?

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Another axiom.

Did a human man thesis invention first?


Did he quote like God machine didn't couldn't hurt him?

Yes. What about machines reaction?

Did a man owning thinking using a machine invent human life by a thesis. Stories told in his man head?


Then why do you support machine experiments direct contact to biology?

Water mass oxygenated stable. No movement law. Funny how you put in cement law. Do you own the phone control too?

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Doesn't the wave function break down within quantum mechanics though, leaving mostly probability such as Heisman's uncertainty principle?
Science said in I con...verse at ion.

As a theist.

Equals equals equals. A wave function answer equals a wave function as the answer.

Everything would only be equals. And it's not your human answer.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Father said once a man scientist could argue and be heard respected and a theist would back down.

Nowadays by greed and want of new anything scientists have other scientists destroyed if they contest a thesis based only on human greed..


Well-Known Member
Doesn't the wave function break down within quantum mechanics though, leaving mostly probability such as Heisman's uncertainty principle?

In most interpretations, yes. Within the wave function, particles are in a superposition, which collapses on measurement. Or something like that. But to a wave function realist, there is no superposition collapse, all possible outcomes are real; probabilities either branch into parallel worlds, or remain consistent in a higher dimensional reality, the 3N dimensional space, where N is thev number of particles being modelled.

This is one way of resolving entanglement, super-luminary causation, non-locality, the 'spooky stuff at a distance' that Einstein didn't like. And the wave function is fully deterministic, there's nothing random about it's evolution. The Old One, in this scenario, does not play dice.
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