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There is only one absolute truth


Well-Known Member
Rationalism isn't an axiom; it's a reliable process. It's usually considered to be the opposite of faith and dogma.

Rationalism is a doctrine, and your assertion that it is a reliable process is by definition axiomatic. Not necessarily wrong, but certainly axiomatic.

You have chosen your fixed point, the anchor for your frame of reference. This is an act of faith; upon this rock, you build your church of reason.


Veteran Member
Rationalism is a doctrine, and your assertion that it is a reliable process is by definition axiomatic. Not necessarily wrong, but certainly axiomatic.

You have chosen your fixed point, the anchor for your frame of reference. This is an act of faith; upon this rock, you build your church of reason.

It certainly is not an act of religious faith, the trust one can place on rationalism can be supported by the efficacy of the method, it is also falsifiable. We could easily design a test to see which method produces the most objectively correct results. Though we already know that of course, as basing one's actions on knowledge and reason will easily outstrip religious belief for objective results.

Lets test it then, using reason and knowledge all the atheists will post their messages on here using technologies derived from the scientific knowledge that claims the result is they will appear on this site. The theists can all use religious faith or pray for them to appear, and at the end of a year we will be able to test the result.


Well-Known Member
If there is any kind of "absolute truth," my guess is that it would exist as some kind of enormous equation - like the sum total of all existence, way beyond human comprehension. Compared to that, anything our puny little human brains can think up probably wouldn't amount to a hill of beans.

As for politics, we've been winging it all along.

Here's an absolute truth of the Christian Gospel - you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
No equations involved.
There are many such absolute truths in the Gospel.


Well-Known Member
It certainly is not an act of religious faith, the trust one can place on rationalism can be supported by the efficacy of the method, it is also falsifiable. We could easily design a test to see which method produces the most objectively correct results. Though we already know that of course, as basing one's actions on knowledge and reason will easily outstrip religious belief for objective results.

Lets test it then, using reason and knowledge all the atheists will post their messages on here using technologies derived from the scientific knowledge that claims the result is they will appear on this site. The theists can all use religious faith or pray for them to appear, and at the end of a year we will be able to test the result.

How many absolute truths there are remains open to debate.

Meanwhile there are, we can be confident, three absolute certainties; death, taxes, and the alacrity with which fundamentalists will rush to defend their creed, be that religious or secular. And here you are Sheldon, with your sword and your banner, ready to defend your doctrine of reason from heretics and apostates.
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Non-debating member when I can help myself
I don't see how that makes any difference. If someone writes down their assumptions and other people believe it, then it's still derived from assumptions, whether directly or indirectly.
Baha'u'llah claimed that what He said was from God. After investigating this claim, I believe His claim.

For you, of course, you would have to come to the same conclusion I did after investigating, for you to believe it was not His imagination, or He was not lying, or He was not making assumptions.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Axiom: There is only one absolute truth, and that is, all belief systems are built on a set of axioms.
Don't think so. An axiom is a statement or proposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true. I do not think that there is any kind off general acceptance, and therefore I might restate your axiom thus:

Axiom: There is only one absolute truth, and that is, all belief systems are built on a set of assumptions.

And let's be clear, we humans make all sort of assumptions, all the time -- some of them ridiculously absurd. If that what all belief systems are built on, then you will understand why some of us don't think very much of such belief systems.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
If a human. Being. Being human is all of us.

One species human as dominion on earth.

We explain express our fixed position.

O one planet itself not a human.
One heavens stable life support also not human. Gods owned the teaching human stated.

Then theist science human prove they are liars.

It's exact advice....human.

Before ice was a hot unstable earth. No bio life. Before the hot unstable earth bio life destruction life was supported was cooler. Bio life lived.

Before ice now no thesis exists. Exact. As cold frozen and ice fixed a stable life. O one earth body mass.

Told exactly to all humans. No theory whatsoever exists.

Which you all just happen to ignore because you want to.

A human says after the nature garden body of which is millions of diverse types exists. Suddenly my human life is owned. After the gardens life first.

Exact. Not a thesis. Not an explanation. The human teaching for humans being humans says it legally. Trust in that exact advice was taught.

No thesis. Legal life of a humans holy position for humans to exist.

Pretty basic legal human advice.

Humans say I name God earth. I name God owner of its ownership of its own heavens.

A human making personal claim life with God as a holy human. Conscious. Advised. As a holy life thinker.

Legal. No thesis. As you didn't create your own life. Legal. Your stories thought first are just human. Those stories do not own my life existing. Legal. Life human is human only. Exact.

One said humans. Holy.

One human one species but two of holy also. One and Two. Holy.

Number one.

One day.
One month. Notice one day is not the same as one month. Yet number one only is used.
One year. The same circumstance.

Year we live on earth is 2022 circuits. Yet each was a one.

So a human says as you use numbers. I live into a future from my age now to 100.

One the term is holy future human 100. ...only. Then I die.

So calculating to 100 as an addition from one is only one. Each day. Advice says future owns no scientific term. No numbers.

As the stable state now supports life born. The same stable state also supports my future death. Predicted known.

So day one by one means I can die on any one day. So it's not predictive also. As death is varied as sex first does not produce the one exact same human baby.

Determined truth absolute truth.

Exact human term.

Maths thesis therefore owns no position in science about life now or in a Future. All humans die already predicted in a future.

Only human bio physical sex keeps human life present. Also not scientific as it's physical biology chosen as a physical activity.

Why one was taught as non arguable versus science thinking how to destroy what exists naturally.

In science their thoughts also just human. Known to human thinkers. Why they need to stop lying. Says they can cause early age death in scientific causes as their chosen purpose.

Says science is lifes destroyer as chosen by humans who think destructively.

As pretending you created life by science tried to infer science was holy first. It was a ploy used by just humans against life naturally existing.

Inferring science could control and give back life and not own death to just a human man. The theist of science. As he is in fact pretending he can control biologies life and death by science and machine.


Veteran Member
How many absolute truths there are remains open to debate.

Meanwhile there are, we can be confident, three absolute certainties; death, taxes, and the alacrity with which fundamentalists will rush to defend their creed, be that religious or secular. And here you are Sheldon, with your sword and your banner, ready to defend your doctrine of reason from heretics and apostates.

I'm guessing you have again missed the irony of resorting to Ad hominem to defend your beliefs here. You're still playing the ball and not the man I see, probably best since your claim was obviously wrong, quicker and easier to shoot the messenger, than try and address the message.

If you want an example of fundamentalism rushing to "defend" their beliefs, try the religious nonjob who just tried to murder Salman Rushdie. Of course you'd want to believe that my defence of rationalism against your false claim was fundamentalism, it makes it easier to dismiss. However you're just wrong a second time, obviously otherwise you'd have addressed the post with a cogent argument.

Ella S.

Well-Known Member
Rationalism is a doctrine, and your assertion that it is a reliable process is by definition axiomatic. Not necessarily wrong, but certainly axiomatic.

You have chosen your fixed point, the anchor for your frame of reference. This is an act of faith; upon this rock, you build your church of reason.

Reason is a self-correcting mechanism, not a doctrine. It can disprove its own beliefs that it comes to, which is something that doctrines can't. That's the strength of reason.

You're making a false equivalency.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
A human. Is exact. Legal. The human.

When not a human you don't exist. No stories exist either. Quantified human theist. A Thinkers position.

Legal says quantified position means no thesis and no calculus no science.

The human con artist sophist says numbers exist before humans. Mass says no numbers exist just zero mass.

Then the liar by legal terms says so I own nothing as a theist human first inferring lying first I own everything.

Legal thinking position exact. Known. Known human lying.

Real thinkers are a natural human living only.

Stated earth a God O is a self entity. Atmosphere stable position heavens. Cooled. Natural light. Ice mass. Exact legal position before new human life on earth.

Then says by story only and not maths by words....
The nature garden a huge body is in the water...in sea water and on bare naked ground. It is living rooted into ground chemistry before me. Biology exists first to ground position.

As part of human science is words...themes. stories.....observation before anything else. Calculus is not even involved first...legal position.

A legal human position says the stable atmosphere owned why the first human parents natural health life. Our bio life human exact. Our consciousness human exact. Not any thesis

So Mr liar says Jesus...being a lie existed before our parents. By term stable. Ice had. Stable atmosphere had. And it's not Jesus.

Stable in human science says there is no thesis whatsoever. Legal. As ice the saviour to cool to balance was the given title to ice only.

Teaching says sciences first position is observation only. First position anywhere is natural first of anything. As a human also.

As a topic or subject is human word chosen and naturally observed first.

If you know a human is sick or mutated it's because you see it. Neither of those statements existed before a healthy human. As a stable state owns human life health.

Human sex caused... if damaged DNA procreated life sin an inherited hurt body. As heavens law is stable only.

Theists have been trying to convert human DNA into one only world community body. By belief an expressed DNA mutation of their choosing.


Meaning any sickness now by theur scientist thought they would be eradicated. In thesis he claims means highest human body type only position. Then he expects a replaced science controlled by machine sacrifice.

As first two humans for everyone owned the same DNA. As the human type whole human not just DNA data.

Therefore. As we are all baby humans from one sperm one ovary. We are in natural self our human history. Innocent. A mutual equal holy human baby life.

Innocent babies first mutual life legal do not thesis science as a baby human adult did. The illegal human man liar. Known exactly.

Teaching is exact. Humans legal rights.

Who historic by taught awareness life hurt had outlawed science as it had human lied. Observation is first position as are stories in science terms. As a human. Stories are said first. Not calculus.

Outlawed science of man who had predicted where we live now by a non science condition future.

Only innocent meek caring conscious mind would have healed in human life and returned. A prediction only by outlawed science status.

Instead science caused new fallout above vacuum taken away law by their chosen nuclear converting of new earth mass not in the data a Jesus bible predictions.

Meek mind is now leaving. Position inherited by evil human science is absolute life destruction. Warned.