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There is only one absolute truth

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Father also said.

Man knows better sun to planet ratios exist. A better earth ideal. Tells himself scientist to scientist....I should travel to that earth myself.

Also says too late.

Father asked you how would you get there phenomena believer I spiritually after death travel through space. Theist scientist occult branch.

He said I'll destroy our universe. Put it into a wave function. And surf on the wave to begin again on new earth.

It's true what you secretly think.


Veteran Member
If there is any kind of "absolute truth," my guess is that it would exist as some kind of enormous equation - like the sum total of all existence, way beyond human comprehension. Compared to that, anything our puny little human brains can think up probably wouldn't amount to a hill of beans.

As for politics, we've been winging it all along.
My definition of Truth:
"That which never changes"


Veteran Member
I've been thinking about my Christian friends and their belief systems. Every belief system is built on a set of axioms. Axioms of a belief system are a set of assumptions which are accepted as being true without any evidence or proof. If someone has an axiom you don't hold as true, then language they use will sound crazy or insane when it is implicitly using the axiom. When we speak, all the ideas coming out of our mouths will be perfectly aligned with our axioms. For our language to have any meaning at all, we implicitly use axioms as anchor points of meaning.

Many times, for axioms of a belief system to become absolute TRUTH, they have to be repeated over and over again until they sink into long term memory. "See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." a quote from George W Bush.

The reason why we have so much political division in this country is Republicans and Democrats have a completely different set of axioms in their belief systems. For example, "Q is a patriot" a quote from Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Now I don't want to upset my Christian and Republican friends by claiming my set of axioms are better than the ones they hold dear. All I am saying, if you want to understand someone else's way of thinking, you have to first identify the other person's axioms of their belief system so then you can see the "reality" the other person is experiencing.

Axiom: There is only one absolute truth, and that is, all belief systems are built on a set of axioms.

Is it your faith to believe that all of these so called axioms are built on nothing but faith? Is not that itself a faith of yours to believe that?


Veteran Member
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Sounds like God.:D

I suppose, although I consider it all the more reason to reject any and all human-derived religious beliefs, where people make assumptions and draw conclusions about things they can't possibly know anything about.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I've been thinking about my Christian friends and their belief systems. Every belief system is built on a set of axioms. Axioms of a belief system are a set of assumptions which are accepted as being true without any evidence or proof. If someone has an axiom you don't hold as true, then language they use will sound crazy or insane when it is implicitly using the axiom. When we speak, all the ideas coming out of our mouths will be perfectly aligned with our axioms. For our language to have any meaning at all, we implicitly use axioms as anchor points of meaning.

Many times, for axioms of a belief system to become absolute TRUTH, they have to be repeated over and over again until they sink into long term memory. "See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." a quote from George W Bush.

The reason why we have so much political division in this country is Republicans and Democrats have a completely different set of axioms in their belief systems. For example, "Q is a patriot" a quote from Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Now I don't want to upset my Christian and Republican friends by claiming my set of axioms are better than the ones they hold dear. All I am saying, if you want to understand someone else's way of thinking, you have to first identify the other person's axioms of their belief system so then you can see the "reality" the other person is experiencing.

Axiom: There is only one absolute truth, and that is, all belief systems are built on a set of axioms.

There is actually, much to be said in your post.

You could almost say that people learn by repeating as the proverb says "Repetition is the best modem of learning".

I think that the media actually drives the division as there are people (Republicans) who are all over the spectrum and may, in fact, have some Democratic leanings but simply prefer influencing the party rather than changing party affiliation.

Certainly, if I use scripture, we would agree with your principle as in But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness" although we wouldn't say it is an axiom and thus may think Christians are "insane".



Christian Evolutionist
I've been thinking about my Christian friends and their belief systems. Every belief system is built on a set of axioms. Axioms of a belief system are a set of assumptions which are accepted as being true without any evidence or proof. If someone has an axiom you don't hold as true, then language they use will sound crazy or insane when it is implicitly using the axiom. When we speak, all the ideas coming out of our mouths will be perfectly aligned with our axioms. For our language to have any meaning at all, we implicitly use axioms as anchor points of meaning.

Many times, for axioms of a belief system to become absolute TRUTH, they have to be repeated over and over again until they sink into long term memory. "See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." a quote from George W Bush.

The reason why we have so much political division in this country is Republicans and Democrats have a completely different set of axioms in their belief systems. For example, "Q is a patriot" a quote from Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Now I don't want to upset my Christian and Republican friends by claiming my set of axioms are better than the ones they hold dear. All I am saying, if you want to understand someone else's way of thinking, you have to first identify the other person's axioms of their belief system so then you can see the "reality" the other person is experiencing.

Axiom: There is only one absolute truth, and that is, all belief systems are built on a set of axioms.

I always viewed axioms to be laws, or principles and evident truths. I think what you're referring to is dogma, or creeds. Axioms work differently. They are verifiable laws and or principles. All belief systems are built on set creeds or dogma ur ideals, but not all are built on axioms or verifiable laws of nature.

Ella S.

Well-Known Member
Every belief system is built on a set of axioms. Axioms of a belief system are a set of assumptions which are accepted as being true without any evidence or proof.

Not me. My meta-epistemology is "process reliablism," and my epistemology is rationalism. I did this intentionally to avoid the problem of assuming axioms.

Truth in love

Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about my Christian friends and their belief systems. Every belief system is built on a set of axioms. Axioms of a belief system are a set of assumptions which are accepted as being true without any evidence or proof. If someone has an axiom you don't hold as true, then language they use will sound crazy or insane when it is implicitly using the axiom. When we speak, all the ideas coming out of our mouths will be perfectly aligned with our axioms. For our language to have any meaning at all, we implicitly use axioms as anchor points of meaning.

Many times, for axioms of a belief system to become absolute TRUTH, they have to be repeated over and over again until they sink into long term memory. "See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." a quote from George W Bush.

The reason why we have so much political division in this country is Republicans and Democrats have a completely different set of axioms in their belief systems. For example, "Q is a patriot" a quote from Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Now I don't want to upset my Christian and Republican friends by claiming my set of axioms are better than the ones they hold dear. All I am saying, if you want to understand someone else's way of thinking, you have to first identify the other person's axioms of their belief system so then you can see the "reality" the other person is experiencing.

Axiom: There is only one absolute truth, and that is, all belief systems are built on a set of axioms.

Your core notion is quite valid, however there is a lot more truth to be had.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I've been thinking about my Christian friends and their belief systems. Every belief system is built on a set of axioms. Axioms of a belief system are a set of assumptions which are accepted as being true without any evidence or proof.
I have three assumptions ─ axioms, if you like ─ which are basic to my views. They have to be assumptions because they can't be shown to be correct without first assuming they're correct. They are ─
1. That a world exists external to me,
2. That my senses are capable of informing me of that world, and
3. That reason is a valid tool.

Fortunately for me, anyone who posts here thereby shows they agree with 1 and 2, and let's hope 3 as well, so we have that common set of starting points. But feel free to disagree, of course.
If someone has an axiom you don't hold as true, then language they use will sound crazy or insane when it is implicitly using the axiom.
In the religious context, I suspect that often it involves a failure to define basic ideas and entities with sufficient clarity.

And a failure to distinguish the purely conceptual / imaginary from the objectively real, that which exists in the world external to the self.
When we speak, all the ideas coming out of our mouths will be perfectly aligned with our axioms.
Hmm. In serious conversation I certainly wish that were the case.
Many times, for axioms of a belief system to become absolute TRUTH, they have to be repeated over and over again until they sink into long term memory. "See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." a quote from George W Bush.
Truth is one of those things that in my view is far too often left without a clear definition. I use the "correspondence" definition: truth is a quality of statements, and statements are true to the extent that they correspond with / accurately reflect objective reality (ie the world external to the self).
The reason why we have so much political division in this country is Republicans and Democrats have a completely different set of axioms in their belief systems. For example, "Q is a patriot" a quote from Marjorie Taylor Greene.
You may be aware of research from a decade or so ago which pointed out that conservatives ─ in this case Republicans ─ tend to be afraid of new experiences and to avoid them, whereas liberals ─ in this case Democrats ─ tend to enjoy new experiences. That's why Trump's wall was an essentially Republican piece of politics, independently of whether clear barrier boundaries are a good idea or not.
Axiom: There is only one absolute truth, and that is, all belief systems are built on a set of axioms.
I respectfully disagree ─ there's only one absolute truth ─ "Outside this sentence there are no absolute truths."


Non-debating member when I can help myself
I suppose, although I consider it all the more reason to reject any and all human-derived religious beliefs, where people make assumptions and draw conclusions about things they can't possibly know anything about.
My religious beliefs are derived not by assumptions, but from my understanding of my faiths Writings.


Well-Known Member
Not me. My meta-epistemology is "process reliablism," and my epistemology is rationalism. I did this intentionally to avoid the problem of assuming axioms.

Then rationalism is your axiom. You have decided to construct your edifice of knowledge on the foundational assumption that reason can reveal the world to you. This is where you have decided to place your faith.


Veteran Member
There is evidence for religious belief systems, although there is no proof. Evidence is not proof.

Evidence is information that indicates that something is true and causes you to believe it is true.

Evidence helps to establish if something is the truth but it does not establish it as a fact.

Proof is what establishes evidence as a fact.
Not this nonsense again. A fact is something proven OR known to be true. Evidence is simply the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. Something can be both a belief and a fact, I believe the world is not flat, this is both a fact and a belief, and a claim. Evidence can absolutely establish facts, and facts are used as evidence.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't the wave function break down within quantum mechanics though, leaving mostly probability such as Heisman's uncertainty principle?

depends on the interpretation. The wave function is deterministic but it gives probability distribution. Once you collapse the wave then all the states are collapsed into one state. How that one state becomes real is non-deterministic. But other interpretations do away with the collapse, like many worlds. So in physics there isn't one truth. It's interesting that at the edge of knowledge we have these different interpretations.


Veteran Member
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My religious beliefs are derived not by assumptions, but from my understanding of my faiths Writings.

I don't see how that makes any difference. If someone writes down their assumptions and other people believe it, then it's still derived from assumptions, whether directly or indirectly.


Veteran Member
Not this nonsense again. A fact is something proven OR known to be true. Evidence is simply the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. Something can be both a belief and a fact, I believe the world is not flat, this is both a fact and a belief, and a claim. Evidence can absolutely establish facts, and facts are used as evidence.
Yes, something that is established as a fact can be both a belief and a fact, but religious beliefs cannot be established as facts since they cannot be proven to be true.

Evidence can establish facts, and facts are used as evidence. For example, there is factual evidence surrounding the Baha'i Faith, facts about Baha'u'llah and what He did on His mission, but it cannot be established as a fact that Baha'u'llah received communication from God.

Ella S.

Well-Known Member
Then rationalism is your axiom. You have decided to construct your edifice of knowledge on the foundational assumption that reason can reveal the world to you. This is where you have decided to place your faith.

Rationalism isn't an axiom; it's a reliable process. It's usually considered to be the opposite of faith and dogma.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Absolute truth. Evolution cooling said a man.

O planet mass owns it's own riches.

Man just a human. Only owns himself. Stole God earths riches. Gave it a fake status. A value it never owned and money that it hadn't created.

So every human says. No matter what lies come out of your mouth every human is one...a self...the human and we were created equally.

It's only Inhumane liars. An agreed man brother group who says otherwise.

Human warning man's greed will have us all destroyed.

Therefore he conjured evil out of rock. Proving once it had existed as a higher spiritual being. A long time ago.

He saw the spirit image and knew knew it wasn't human.

He digs up any type of substance says it only belongs to God. O planet type bodily. Not himself. Notice a human has to live to talk God talk.

Then just thinking as a man human makes man human movies depicting humans as gods. Whose minions are alien beings.

He says the earth is now ripe by population to resource the human body by the alien. As if we exist for his resource only.

Every thought thought only in his own head. Human. Once a baby innocent of those thoughts. No longer innocent by choice to think.

He says to consume eat your body. Greedy man.

Only nuclear power from a suns hell eats bio life.

He's confessed. He told you his greedy life as his story. He knows who he is. He knows his choices....he themed humans as God in science terms.

Direct as a human substance he says out of gods earth body.

Knowing beyond any doubt we aren't. Born by human bio sex.

He wants us consumed by his greed.

Pretty basic you'd better take control over that brothers thoughts before he kills us all.

Wait a minute they already made that choice and mind control acted....wait another minute it's all about those men themselves.

As honest humans confess and halt the bad behaviour rich or poor. They don't seek more control.

Human choice. See him before he is allowed to destroy life on earth.


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about my Christian friends and their belief systems. Every belief system is built on a set of axioms. Axioms of a belief system are a set of assumptions which are accepted as being true without any evidence or proof. If someone has an axiom you don't hold as true, then language they use will sound crazy or insane when it is implicitly using the axiom. When we speak, all the ideas coming out of our mouths will be perfectly aligned with our axioms. For our language to have any meaning at all, we implicitly use axioms as anchor points of meaning.

Many times, for axioms of a belief system to become absolute TRUTH, they have to be repeated over and over again until they sink into long term memory. "See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." a quote from George W Bush.

The reason why we have so much political division in this country is Republicans and Democrats have a completely different set of axioms in their belief systems. For example, "Q is a patriot" a quote from Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Now I don't want to upset my Christian and Republican friends by claiming my set of axioms are better than the ones they hold dear. All I am saying, if you want to understand someone else's way of thinking, you have to first identify the other person's axioms of their belief system so then you can see the "reality" the other person is experiencing.

Axiom: There is only one absolute truth, and that is, all belief systems are built on a set of axioms.

According to this logic, the claim that "all belief systems are built on a set of axioms" is not an absolute truth, since if it is, there could be other absolute truths, and one of these other absolute truths could negate this first one. In order to claim that "all belief systems are built on a set of axioms" is the ONLY absolute truth, you need to state that the claim "there is only one absolute truth" is the absolute truth. But if we do that, it is not an absolute truth that all belief systems are built on a set of axioms.