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There will be no end time. Here is scripture to prove it.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
There will be no end time. Here is scripture to prove it.

I do not ever expect God to return at some end time because I see His judgment at the beginning of our birth in Genesis as the only judgment that he need render. God does not reverse His judgments.
Genesis 1:31
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day
He said In Genesis it was very good. I upgrade it to perfect with this.
Deuteronomy 32:4
He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.
To have Him return, red faced, to fix a perfect world is beyond my understanding and definition of God. He gets things right the first time, every time. Never does He fail in creating perfection.

I believe that when we, through Adam and Eve, left the garden, we did so with God being proud of His perfect works and not ashamed that He had started us off on the wrong foot, so to speak, for the beginning of our journey.
I know that most see our beginnings as a fall but I would suggest it was a fall up, not down. Without the knowledge of good and evil we would not have a moral sense and this I think should be unacceptable to any rational mind.
Many think that just because evil is here that that is somehow a flaw in God’s system. I disagree.
Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Like all things that God created, evil is perfect for the purposes that He created it for.
All are born sinners as God wants us to repent and we must all sin or do evil of some kind.
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
If all must come to repentance to not perish then all MUST sin.
God’s plan then is to never have to return to fix His PERFECT systems.
Thus there is no end time.
Who here will challenge the perfection of our God given and perfect systems?
Please us scripture to show where perfection can produce imperfection and where God admits to failing to create us as He desired and that all things are not progressing as He desires.
Thank God His will cannot be thwarted.

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Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
This is an extraordinary way of ignoring the vast majority of the scriptural witness.

Which quote above would you ignore and does a loser God who must fix His works strike you as the truth?
How many strikes do you give God before He hits a homer?



Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
In about 5 billion years, the sun will expand to engulf the first two planets and push Earth a bit further out. Earth will be reduced to a barren rock.

This is a scientific fact.

That a good enough end time scenario?


Well-Known Member
Which quote above would you ignore and does a loser God who must fix His works strike you as the truth?
How many strikes do you give God before He hits a homer?


I wouldn't ignore a single one of them. And it's not God who has to fix his words; it's you who has to fix his understanding of the texts you're working with. I simply suggest that you take up a study both of exegesis and systematic theology (not to mention the tensions between those approaches to scripture). Having done that, you'll be in a better position to critique the text more intelligently. As it stands, however, your readings betray a very sophomoric handling of the texts.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't ignore a single one of them. And it's not God who has to fix his words; it's you who has to fix his understanding of the texts you're working with. I simply suggest that you take up a study both of exegesis and systematic theology (not to mention the tensions between those approaches to scripture). Having done that, you'll be in a better position to critique the text more intelligently. As it stands, however, your readings betray a very sophomoric handling of the texts.

Duh. Tanks.



Mr Invisible
I wouldn't ignore a single one of them. And it's not God who has to fix his words; it's you who has to fix his understanding of the texts you're working with. I simply suggest that you take up a study both of exegesis and systematic theology (not to mention the tensions between those approaches to scripture). Having done that, you'll be in a better position to critique the text more intelligently. As it stands, however, your readings betray a very sophomoric handling of the texts.



This is nice and all, but you can't take part of the Bible seriously and ignore books such as Revelations. If you aren't ignoring Revelations, then what do you think it means?


The Lost One
Riverwolf said:
In about 5 billion years, the sun will expand to engulf the first two planets and push Earth a bit further out. Earth will be reduced to a barren rock.

This is a scientific fact.

That a good enough end time scenario?

Perhaps, the humans would reduce the earth to a barren rock long before the sun can even expand.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
This is nice and all, but you can't take part of the Bible seriously and ignore books such as Revelations. If you aren't ignoring Revelations, then what do you think it means?

Constantine hoped it meant fear God enough to do as I say.
Seriously, as some bible scholars say, the book needed a dramatic finish and Revelation almost did not live through the final cut.

I show a logic trail as to what should be for a God as described in scripture. The trail that most get from scripture is Religulous.

I do not believe in talking snakes or seven headed monsters.



Well-Known Member

>There will be no end time. Here is scripture to prove it.

So sorry, but I fear you've missed the boat!

The End Times already came and went about a century and a half ago, fulfilling prophecies in the process!

But they in fact referred to the end of the Age, NOT to the end of the world--that was a mistranslation on the part of the compilers of the King James Bible.

So they've already happened, and accomplished a great deal in the process!

Best, :)


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member

>There will be no end time. Here is scripture to prove it.

So sorry, but I fear you've missed the boat!

The End Times already came and went about a century and a half ago, fulfilling prophecies in the process!

But they in fact referred to the end of the Age, NOT to the end of the world--that was a mistranslation on the part of the compilers of the King James Bible.

So they've already happened, and accomplished a great deal in the process!

Best, :)


Like what? Certainly not a new God for 1000 yrs. or Satan in the lock up.

I like that you agree that we need not wait for another end time.



Well-Known Member
What a waste of time, your thread. Doesn't matter how you read the bible. You are going to die, that fact we do know. To me that is the same thing as God coming back, because either way we are going to face the creator.

As touching scripture I suggest you look at Corinthians where it talks about corruption must put on incorruption. It also goes over how this world and those within are like seeds in the field. In order for the seed to bcome what it will, either a good plant or a bad plant the seed must die first. So is our life, we must die before we can become what we will.

Glory be to God.


Well-Known Member
There will be no end time. Here is scripture to prove it.
God admits to failing to create us as He desired and that all things are not progressing as He desires.
Thank God His will cannot be thwarted.


You know, what strikes me as odd is the verses you have selected do seem to support your point of view. However there is a lot of other information in the bible. Like God destroying those around Noah.

The fact is, you can't be certain that the destruction of this world or God coming back is not part of his plan to begin with. Your choice scripture is indicitive of that, but I think it is very presumptuous to assert what is and isn't God's perfect plan.