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"There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
That's better than militant, but still a double standard in my opinion. I don't see how Dawkins is verbally aggressive. Not nearly as aggressive as some of the fire & brimstone gay hating religious preachers.
I will admit, straight up telling people they are wrong, and threatening fire and brimstone for not behaving a certain way are different. But, being pushy about your views is still being pushy.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
OK, I feel I should clarify my stance.

I'm not saying they shouldn't do it. I'm certainly not saying they shouldn't be allowed to do it.

However, I don't understand why atheists are emulating the lamentable behavior of theists. Indeed, the very behavior they rightfully deplore.

Maybe it's not fair, but I'm disappointed. Do I have a double standard? Perhaps. I like and admire the vast majority of atheists I've encountered, and I think better of them than this. It saddens me that some atheists are abandoning the high road.

For the record, I don't find the atheist billboards or bus ads or whatever any worse than their theistic equivalents. And again, I am NOT opposed to them.


Lord of the Badgers
OK, I feel I should clarify my stance.

I'm not saying they shouldn't do it. I'm certainly not saying they shouldn't be allowed to do it.

However, I don't understand why atheists are emulating the lamentable behavior of theists. Indeed, the very behavior they rightfully deplore.

Maybe it's not fair, but I'm disappointed. Do I have a double standard? Perhaps. I like and admire the vast majority of atheists I've encountered, and I think better of them than this. It saddens me that some atheists are abandoning the high road.

For the record, I don't find the atheist billboards or bus ads or whatever any worse than their theistic equivalents. And again, I am NOT opposed to them.
I still reckon they were just being ironic. They know they're not going to de-convert anyone with that bus sign, but perhaps they just wanted the theists who paid for/supported the theistic signs to see just how daft the whole idea of religious advertising really is.


Well-Known Member
However, I don't understand why atheists are emulating the lamentable behavior of theists. Indeed, the very behavior they rightfully deplore.

Well, as has been said in the forum a few times now, Atheism is a kind of religion (they don’t like that we think so but……..) or at least it behaves so much like one that they would do well accepting that it is a kind of religion, they preach very strongly against what they see as the evils of religion, for one they think that religious people are unhappy people, that steams out of their belief that practicing or pursuing a virtuous life is boring, that seeking balance and self-control is boring. Another thing that seems to worry them is what we do we our money, but as you can see R. Dawkins paid tithes to his just like we do. I like to think that he does this compel by love for other people that he sees as people living a boring life, a good look at his biography will show that his own life is a tormented one, not one that I would like to live anyway.
Do they have a right to their religion? Absolutely!
You will also understand that they don’t deplore theist’s evangelisation methods, I say that they rather envy them, what could be reason for their lack of success? Maybe God is not in everything after all.


Guardian of Asgaard
You will also understand that they don’t deplore theist’s evangelisation methods, I say that they rather envy them, what could be reason for their lack of success? Maybe God is not in everything after all.

Envy them? i think not. I don't speak for all atheists but i think they've realised the futility of trying to stop and ignore the message send out by some Christian denominations who like to share their message. Maybe instead of trying to stop them doing that, atheists may try to put up their own message instead? At least they won't be told they're going to hell everytime they get on a bus now. I think that would brigthen the day for a lot of people :cool:


Active Member
Well, as has been said in the forum a few times now, Atheism is a kind of religion (they don’t like that we think so but……..) or at least it behaves so much like one that they would do well accepting that it is a kind of religion, they preach very strongly against what they see as the evils of religion, for one they think that religious people are unhappy people, that steams out of their belief that practicing or pursuing a virtuous life is boring, that seeking balance and self-control is boring. Another thing that seems to worry them is what we do we our money, but as you can see R. Dawkins paid tithes to his just like we do. I like to think that he does this compel by love for other people that he sees as people living a boring life, a good look at his biography will show that his own life is a tormented one, not one that I would like to live anyway.
Do they have a right to their religion? Absolutely!
You will also understand that they don’t deplore theist’s evangelisation methods, I say that they rather envy them, what could be reason for their lack of success? Maybe God is not in everything after all.

These are all wrongful assumptions and do not describe all atheists. I love all of my friends, many of them are very happy religious leaning people. You have to remember that this forum is not 'real life'. People come here specifically to engage in debate about religion. In doing so, perhaps the atheists you have encountered here give the impression that they are as you have described, but I don't think they are. I'm not anyway.


Well-Known Member
Well, as has been said in the forum a few times now, Atheism is a kind of religion (they don’t like that we think so but……..) or at least it behaves so much like one that they would do well accepting that it is a kind of religion, they preach very strongly against what they see as the evils of religion, for one they think that religious people are unhappy people, that steams out of their belief that practicing or pursuing a virtuous life is boring, that seeking balance and self-control is boring. Another thing that seems to worry them is what we do we our money, but as you can see R. Dawkins paid tithes to his just like we do. I like to think that he does this compel by love for other people that he sees as people living a boring life, a good look at his biography will show that his own life is a tormented one, not one that I would like to live anyway.
Do they have a right to their religion? Absolutely!
You will also understand that they don’t deplore theist’s evangelisation methods, I say that they rather envy them, what could be reason for their lack of success? Maybe God is not in everything after all.

Your privilege has been upset and nothing more.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Well, as has been said in the forum a few times now, Atheism is a kind of religion (they don’t like that we think so but……..) or at least it behaves so much like one that they would do well accepting that it is a kind of religion, they preach very strongly against what they see as the evils of religion, for one they think that religious people are unhappy people, that steams out of their belief that practicing or pursuing a virtuous life is boring, that seeking balance and self-control is boring. Another thing that seems to worry them is what we do we our money, but as you can see R. Dawkins paid tithes to his just like we do. I like to think that he does this compel by love for other people that he sees as people living a boring life, a good look at his biography will show that his own life is a tormented one, not one that I would like to live anyway.
Do they have a right to their religion? Absolutely!
You will also understand that they don’t deplore theist’s evangelisation methods, I say that they rather envy them, what could be reason for their lack of success? Maybe God is not in everything after all.
Uhm, I'm not dumb enough to think that atheism is "a kind of religion," so please, don't lump me in with such idiots.


The Devil's Advocate
Uhm, I'm not dumb enough to think that atheism is "a kind of religion," so please, don't lump me in with such idiots.
I am. :cool:

To me, religion = world view. It's not about rituals and creeds. It's about the underlying assumptions that you bring to the world that shape how you interpret everything. In my view, everyone has a religion.

Strong atheism fits into that definition. And certain (not all) strong atheists proselytize as much as any theist.

Weak atheism does not, but I also think that as soon as one identifies oneself as an atheist of any kind, then one is a strong atheist.
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Well-Known Member
From the dictionary:


"a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion. "

Atheism is not a religion in the sense that all atheists have a specific set of beliefs and practices they adhere to. NOT believing in deities does not mean one's world view is the same as all other atheists, and their world view may have little to do, or not be greatly affected by their non belief in a deity.


Well-Known Member
Uhm, I'm not dumb enough to think that atheism is "a kind of religion," so please, don't lump me in with such idiots.

Glad to know that, I was just trying to respond to your statement that you don’t understand the campaigners behaviour, and it so happenes that the majority of Atheist that I know behave like religious people do and the article in the OP is an example , I have not met many atheist though. It seems that they are a very small portion of the population, in fact I have met most of them in the internet so my opinion is based on what I see in this forum and others that I have participated. Having a look at what you see posted in here you should have your answer to the why they are in this campaign. Is this copying the religion’s campaign or what? Why do you think they a copying it?


Well-Known Member
Since when did asking someone to contemplate a philosophical position become the sole domain of religion? I didn't know religion had a monopoly on marketing philosophy.

Since when did theism, not to even mention atheism, become a religion as opposed to a characteristic of certain religions?

Gummy bears.


Is this copying the religion’s campaign or what? Why do you think they a copying it?

It's called a rebuttal, and it happens in every healthy debate. Religion set the standard of discourse low, so the standard of the rebuttal is equally low.

You wouldn't expect a lengthy essay by Mark Twain or Kurt Vonnegut in rebuttal to "REPENT OR BURN!" Just a simple "NO THANK YOU!" would suffice.
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The Devil's Advocate
Atheism is not a religion in the sense that all atheists have a specific set of beliefs and practices they adhere to.
If that is your definition of religion, then Unitarian Universalism is not a religion. And neither is Judaism. And neither is Hinduism. And neither is Paganism... And you're going to presume to tell certain Christians that they aren't really Christian.

Your definition is seriously outdated.


The Devil's Advocate
Since when did asking someone to contemplate a philosophical position become the sole domain of religion?
Religion is simply philosophy put into practice.

If philosophy is not practiced, then it is nothing more than navel-gazing.

I didn't know religion had a monopoly on marketing philosophy.
As I said, *everyone* has a religion. There is no monopoly.

Since when did theism, not to even mention atheism, become a religion as opposed to a characteristic of certain religions?
That is true. I was being semantically lazy. But it was because I thought addressing that would confuse the issue.

Gummy bears.
Milk duds.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
If that is your definition of religion, then Unitarian Universalism is not a religion.
Unitarian Universalism has struck me more as a supportive framework in which to practice religious faith rather than a religion in its own right. However, the seven UU core principles could be seen as a statement of shared belief.

And neither is Judaism.
Since the term applies both to a religion and an ethnic group? In that sense, no, it probably isn't.

And neither is Hinduism.
Not sure about this one; what do you mean?

And neither is Paganism...
It's not a single religion, no.

And you're going to presume to tell certain Christians that they aren't really Christian.
Where does this come from?


The Devil's Advocate
Unitarian Universalism has struck me more as a supportive framework in which to practice religious faith rather than a religion in its own right. However, the seven UU core principles could be seen as a statement of shared belief.

Since the term applies both to a religion and an ethnic group? In that sense, no, it probably isn't.

Not sure about this one; what do you mean?

It's not a single religion, no.

Where does this come from?
All the cases I listed are examples where there is difference of belief within the same label.


Well-Known Member
lilithu are you trying to say athesim and UU are both religions... or do you see the difference? (Im not happy tonight btw.... stupid chats with friends who say voting is stupid... seriously...)

Obviously you as a UU have a religion but an atheist does not neccesarily have a religion... right? Im an ordained minister... and Im an atheist... I can legally marry you in my state and think god is imaginary... (all in your head... bull patties...)


The Devil's Advocate
lilithu are you trying to say athesim and UU are both religions... or do you see the difference? (Im not happy tonight btw.... stupid chats with friends who say voting is stupid... seriously...)

Obviously you as a UU have a religion but an atheist does not neccesarily have a religion... right? Im an ordained minister... and Im an atheist... I can legally marry you in my state and think god is imaginary... (all in your head... bull patties...)

Atheism is not a religion, no.

Just as theism is not a religion.

They are both theological stances, just like pantheism, panentheism, polytheism...

All not religions...

BUT, in my view, every person does have a religion, whether they are theist, atheist, or whatever.