Totally agree.
There is a law of unintendec consequences ...
What would the carzies turn to if deprived of guns?
Something way worse?
I took chemistry enough to know things that are not to
even mention.
It's why I get so adamant about these types of subjects because if guns are vilified something else will be, and I think that's what affects our society in part.
People get on these legislative freight train rides and try to vilify and criminalize everything in sight if it's something that a deranged person uses for nefarious purposes. The media spams the airways with whatever is in Vogue creating more and more tension and propagandizing situations into something that's way more than it is.
I remember how things like this started with the Tylenol scare paving the way were everything in sight must be sealed now, the bombings of Ted Kaczynski the Unabomber, the anthrax scare affecting postal services and such where people are running around trying to look for a white powder in their envelopes to the point where you have news coverages of SWAT/MOPS teams swarming around a letter that turns out to have something akin with baby powder in it. Now it seems guns are at the forefront plastering pictures of guns in greyed out blurry darkened tones that make it looks even more evil and nefarious than ever promoting a picture that anyone who even touches a gun is the essentially the devil incarnate up to no good and hunting down your children.
Hell I remember books and things about bomb-making and explosives disappearing in light of the media frenzy during the Unabomber days. It gave me the impression that everybody who had an interest in chemistry was a potential killer waiting in the wings ready to pounce on the innocent.
Vilify enough, it becomes the object of your nightmares.
It boils down to if you can scare the public enough they'll vote for anything. Do anything. The thing is, sometimes these votes turn into things that people will regret down the road.
This doesn't create utopian societies imo. Rather, it paves the way to dystopia sometime in the future that another generation will have to contend with. It's a very slow process, sort of like slowly boiling frogs in a frying pan to where once they realize they're being cooked, it's already too late.
That's when tyranny comfortably sets in and requires the power of Hell to get out of.
To be more direct people will always find something to harm people with whether it's chemical, biological, or who knows someday. Nuclear? Remember the nuclear Boy Scout or that guy who built a nuclear plant on his stove.
Frenzy fear, fear Frenzy.
I'm getting a little off track with your question but I agree people will find something else to kill people with.
It will always be like that so guns will be vilified today but you're right, something may be far worse in the future than guns as our technology and knowledge increases.
It's why I would much rather look at people and the causes which makes them go off the edge and do horrible things to one another, rather than being continually distracted by the tools that they use and vilify them to no end while totally ignoring the person and the reasons why they do what they do.