I find myself wondering ever more often if we do not need some new venues for expression of male interest in females.
Thinking about this piece of news reminds me of that, because it is so odd an occurrence.
It is a long shot, but may it be that the person was holding very specific expectations about how the girls would present themselves and felt trouble because that girl broke those expectations? Perhaps because she seemed proud and accepting of her blooming womanhood and he was conflicted from impulses of, I don't know, perhaps find her attractive in a way he had trouble keeping in check?
I guess it can be difficult for a man not to look like a fool when he finds a nearby woman attractive, particularly if the social situation does not encourage any expression of that attraction.
To the best of my understanding, proms tend to be just such a situation. Lots of nubile girls with just the right appearance and age to be a bit conflicted, lots of adults to perhaps feel a bit more than just conflicted. And no apparent structure to know how to handle a man who, say, stares a bit too long for confort at a certain girl.
Or maybe I am projecting or guessing too much. Any opinions?