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This is depressing.


Semper Perconctor
Matthew 7:13-14

13. Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

14. Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

God's plan results in the majority receiving destruction and the minority receiving life. It doesn't sound very efficient for an omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent being. Surely he could have saved, if not the majority, at least half of us. Why create so many people knowing most of us would be collateral damage?


Premium Member
You have to accept God if He is to accept you, fortunately, anyone can accept God. They choose not to.


Citizen Mod
You have to accept God if He is to accept you, fortunately, anyone can accept God. They choose not to.
For those that do not want to believe, that is their right and privilege. I do not need for anyone to LOVE ME or like ME or acknowledge ME. I AM LOVE, and I certainly have enough LOVE for the many who do not want to believe.

HELLO IT'S ME: An Interview With GOD
Chapter: Preference
Pg: 49


Veteran Member
Matthew 7:13-14

13. Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

14. Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

God's plan results in the majority receiving destruction and the minority receiving life. It doesn't sound very efficient for an omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent being. Surely he could have saved, if not the majority, at least half of us. Why create so many people knowing most of us would be collateral damage?
I've pondered this question and many other similar questions concerning this and everytime the thought comes to me loud and clear...

We have our free agency/will/choice to do whatever we choose but few choose to excercise this free agency/wil. to obey the laws of righeousness, but rather choose to fall into transgression and sin...

It's completely up to us, not God which path we choose....

God says "enter into the straight gate". Do we listen to his advice, no, at least most of us don't and we choose to ignore God and his spirit, which pricks our hearts now and again, but we continually push it aside, thinking, yeah maybe, but not now, I'm enjoying my life of sin right now, so go away God and let me be, at least for now.

I've done the same thing, but it's dangerous territory to be treading in, I mean a life away from God and his blessings...

Strange dreams result, which serve to warn us of the paths we are on..

God loves us and wants us safely back home with him in heaven...

God does not hate us, Satan does, and Satan will do all in his power to "quickly drag us down to hell" (Book of Mormon scripture, I forget which one and don't want to look it up)



P.S. Like your avatar Prometheus, been meaning to tell you that... I love flames... I'm crazy like that...I guess I'll be at home if I'm sent to hell..:beach:


Premium Member
For those that do not want to believe, that is their right and privilege. I do not need for anyone to LOVE ME or like ME or acknowledge ME. I AM LOVE, and I certainly have enough LOVE for the many who do not want to believe.

HELLO IT'S ME: An Interview With GOD
Chapter: Preference
Pg: 49

God does love you, but if someone keeps ignoring you no matter what you say or do, do you keep responding? The problem is that you want God to do all the work for you. God wants to all people to come to Him, it certainly is not His fault if someone chooses not to.

Let's use an analogy- A man has a son. He raises his son, yet when his son is grown, he says to his father who has done nothing but love him "You are not my father, I have no father and I reject you". The father still loves the son, but he can't have a relationship with his son because his son rejects him. All the son has to do is say "I am sorry, you are my father" and the father will once again have a relationship with his son. It is the son's choice in this matter. The same is true with God and His children on earth.
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Veteran Member
Let's use an analogy- A man has a son. He raises his son, yet when his son is grown, he says to his father who has done nothing but love him "You are not my father, I have no father and I reject you". The father still loves the son, but he can't have a relationship with his son because his son rejects him. All the son has to do is say "I am sorry, you are my father" and the father will once again have a relationship with his son. It is the son's choice in this matter. The same is true with God and His children on earth.
Wow, great writing and analogy...

I feel your great spirit Christine..


Semper Perconctor
Here's the problem, though. Jesus says that few will attain life as if it is predestined to be that way. The free will debates are so numerous I loathe to bring it up again, but it needs to be said. We don't have free will if God already knows most of us won't make it.


Premium Member
I think He is hoping that people will change their minds. I believe God and the angels in heaven would jump from sheer joy if everyone would accept God right now. It won't happen but I don't think it is because God doesn't want it to happen.


Veteran Member
Ah, this explains it...

From Wiki

"He is depicted as an intelligent and cunning figure who had sympathy for humanity."

If you identify with this character then you must have a great sympathy for the aweful plight of humanity, if most of us are to be sent away unto everlasting destruction and flames...

Just give back Zeus his flames and you'll be spared hell...just kidding...

Seriously, I feel the same way and so does God, no mortal or immortal man or woman wants to see anyone end up in hell, especially God...

He does all in his power to save us from destroying ourselves...

Hell is a permanent place for Satan and his angels but all will eventually be redeemed from hell, by the power of Christ's sacrifice, according to LDS theology, even Hitler will be redeemed from hell, but will then be sent to Outer Darkness.

Most of humanity will spend time in hell, but will be redeemed from hell and inherit the Telestial kingdom (kindgom represented by the stars in the heavens) which is far greater than this world, by comparison...

Hell can be used to refine us and purify us of our sins, if we don't accept Christ's sacrifice or do not repent (turn) from our sins..

It's would be far far far better to avoid hell and it's torture than to be sent there, but all will eventually be redeemed from it..

Take advantage of Christ's sacrifice and believe in him....he is willing to deliver all from this aweful place in which Satan is the head of...


Semper Perconctor
I think He is hoping that people will change their minds. I believe God and the angels in heaven would jump from sheer joy if everyone would accept God right now. It won't happen but I don't think it is because God doesn't want it to happen.

An omniscient God can not hope for anything. He knows what's going to happen. To hope for a different outcome than He knows will happen would be a contradiction in His nature.


Veteran Member
Here's the problem, though. Jesus says that few will attain life as if it is predestined to be that way. The free will debates are so numerous I loathe to bring it up again, but it needs to be said. We don't have free will if God already knows most of us won't make it.
God knows what choices we will make, this does not take away at all from our free agency, he just knows who will and who will not choose the "narrow" way, before we make any choices or are even born to this earth...

God sees all, past, present and future thoughts and actions...

This does not in any way take away from our ability to choose, God just knows what choices we'll make before we make them...

We are predictable, apparently...again just kidding... it is much more complex than that.. and only with powers of a god could we begin to see past, present and future events of all of humanity that has or will ever live on this planet..

Mind bogling to the human mortal mind...


Veteran Member
An omniscient God can not hope for anything. He knows what's going to happen. To hope for a different outcome than He knows will happen would be a contradiction in His nature.
Very true, good insight into the character of God.


Tree-Hugging Pagan
If God wants everyone in heaven why doesn't he just destroy the devil and his naughty angel/demons????? He MADE the devil, surely he can unmake him just as easily.

This idea about "free will" to choose is kind of a moot point when a gun (or a lake of eternal fire) is pointed at your head.


Veteran Member
We don't have free will if God already knows most of us won't make it.

Yes we do. God is not predestining (is that a word) us to heaven or hell. Since He is all-knowing, He knows who will choose what in the end, but that does not mean we do not have free will. God has a different sort outlook then we do.


The Lost One
If choosing to believe....or not to believe, is the free will for all, then why impose eternal punishment on those who don't believe?

It is not even free will because you are basically converting through being compel - more often out of fear and to avoid being punished, not out of love. That's not showing God's love, and it is certainly not justice.

Also, the supposed reward from heaven, the majority of them are not converting out of love, but through their own selfish motive - ie. out of greed.

The whole idea of Christian gaining entry into heaven is equally illogical. How come a murderer who believe in Jesus is forgiven and can go to heaven, but a good person who do believe in Jesus, sent to be punished and tormented eternally in hell? Where the justice in that? It is not just illogical; it is demented and egotistic dogma and teaching.

I can never accept such a god or such teaching.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Personally found people acceptations of Christ’s meanings, depressing…..

If you are “merciful you shall receive mercy”….
So if he asked for “mercy and not sacrifice and to spare the innocent”, does that mean being a follower of Balaam teachings (God would sacrifice) is merciful?

If following the commandments is the way too eternal life, then how can most follow things that contradict the 10 commandments?

The biggest point of depressing is this:

To attain Oneness, live Oneness…

Easiest Religion in one go….

So why people go off on quests for holy-grails and crusades killing (possibly second coming), then that is major depressing…..no wonder it says bad servants….:angel2:…….


The Lost One
Then you don't what it say in Revelation

Revelation 20:14 said:
And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
Revelation 21:8 said:
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
At this I unbeliever, so it is seem I am destined for this lake it speaks of.

Then there is Paul with Hebrews:
Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:

And in Luke 16, there is a parable of those being tormented by fire.

So I didn't make up this idea of fire-and-brimstone hell; Jesus did in Luke, and John in Revelation. The question is "do I believe in it?" The answer is "no". But if it is true, then God seemed to enjoy tormenting people in hell.

Satan is not the one who judge and sent people into fire and brimstone, God is judge and jury, as well as the ultimate tormentor.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Will find the post of mine made, on is the fire comming....the whole Bible says it...It's for killing God's prophets......