No. That passage is talking about the gifts of the Spirit. Everyone has the same Spirit. How that is realized in each individual is a matter of individuality and personal growth. It doesn't mean you only have 1/16 of the Spirit until you are more mature, and then you have 1/2 of the Spirit, and then 5/8ths, and so forth.
Compare that with Eph. 1:
When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,
14who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory...
I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.
18I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,
As you see, everyone has the same Spirit or "seal", but the measure is that of better knowledge, wisdom, and revelation, or "gifts", if you will.
Yes, of course. That's the same with anyone. Why do you think we are told to "go and sin no more"? It blocks access to that which we already fully have within us. The Apostle's never taught, "Repent a little and you will receive some of the Spirit now, and a little more later when you repent more."
Different gifts, are the gifts of the Spirit, not the Spirit itself. That is consistent with what I said. Everyone gets the same Spirit, full measure. But how that is manifested will differ from person to person, and differently within each person over the coase of their own lives as they grow. It will either be freed for us to grow through surrender, or blocked in us by 'sin' and not allowed to transform us. "Grieve not the Holy Spirit", says Paul. Don't work against God through your stubborn self-will, or 'sin', in other words.
Each person has their own gifts, or ways in which the Spirit manifests in their lives, because they are unique individuals. That doesn't mean that one has only 1/8th of the Holy Spirit, and another 3/4's of it. They all have 100% Spirit, and how much that manifests or is held back by them is what the parable is about. It's the same principle as lighting a candle and hiding it under a bushel. It's the same flame on each candle, but what the bearer of the candle does with it that changes. Not the gift of the Flame itself.
To put this another way, does God half love you, or love you fully? Do you need to earn God's love, and the better you are, they more God loves you? Do you believe that is true? Do you understand the idea of unconditional love?