ok, Muslims are too sensitive - like the
penguino guy said, besides of course his remarkable note about how beautiful my religion is, probably he was making a comparison to his one.
so, why provocating those Muslims over and over again? what's the point?
is it a good manner to do or say things that i'm pretty sure another person consider it as insult?
why not those who make such insults be on their own and make as much insults as they want to their sacred things - if any? why insulting others?
another thing, people talk too much about the freedom of speech, and how brave the editors who republish these cartoons, ok, what about the muslims right of expressing condemnations for that action? why some people prevent this right from muslims?
i know that nothing is above insult in the western culture. this's a westren value, why trying to impose this value on another culture?
but is't really nothing above insult or critisize on the west? what about holocust? can anybody form those brave editors deny or even discuss that issue?