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Those who believe there is no God live by faith

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It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
That is really the only purpose these sites serve, giving the crazies enough encouragement to embarrass themselves

I find value here practicing writing and vocabulary skills, refining my arguments, and practicing naming and identifying logical fallacies.

Also of great value is examining the spectrum of believers, which gives me a sense of what religion is doing in, and in most cases, to their lives - a topic I brush on below when I describe Christians like @Dan From Smithville , and compare them (in my mind rather than in writing) to those who have been harmed by their beliefs such that their thinking is ineffective.

I think most of us do not believe in the false AGW alarm and fear-mongering anymore.

You will if you live for more than a few years. When things reach a certain stage, people will be forced to take the science seriously or just perish.

I guess record temperatures, sea levels rising, the world being on fire, and there being a need for new categories of tornadoes and hurricanes doesn't tell you much. It would if you were an evidence-based thinker rather than a faith-based thinker. It's evidence that the scientists are correct.

Try the evidence-based approach. Ask yourself what one should expect to see if the scientists are correct, and what one would see if they are not, and compare that with what is actually being seen. It's a much more effective way of deciding what is true about the world.

The argument is Kalam Cosmological Argument which is quite powerful.

I consider it one of the worst arguments I have ever seen, making an enormous leap of faith with a non sequitur. Here's the argument as William Lane Craig presents it:

1. “Whatever begins to exist has a cause of its existence.”
2. “The universe began to exist.”
3. “Therefore, the universe has a cause of its existence.”

4. “If the universe has a cause of its existence, then an uncaused, personal Creator of the universe exists, who sans creation is beginningless, changeless, immaterial, timeless, spaceless, and enormously powerful and intelligent.”
5. “Therefore, an uncaused, personal Creator of the universe exists, who sans creation is “beginningless,” changeless, immaterial, timeless, spaceless, and enormously powerful and intelligent.”

Think of this as two connected syllogisms, with the conclusion of the first being a premise of the second.

We can ignore the problem with the first conclusion, line 3, which assumes that what is true within the universe is true about the universe itself, as well as the matter of quantum physics saying that subatomic particles do come into existence uncaused, and atomic nuclei decay without a cause.

Look at line 4. Craig has made a huge error in logic here. How did he rule out the multiverse being that cause? Why wouldn't changing line 4 to “If the universe has a cause of its existence, then an uncaused, unconscious multiverse must exist” not be just as (in)valid?

If you reject that conclusion, and you should, because Craig's sentient god possibility cannot be ruled out either, then you know why Craig's conclusion is fallacious, a non sequitur.

Here’s a worse argument - the ontological argument for God :

"Anselm began with the concept of God as that than which nothing greater can be conceived. To think of such a being as existing only in thought and not also in reality involves a contradiction, since a being that lacks real existence is not a being than which none greater can be conceived."

If you can conceive it, it must exist. Really? Why is that even a thing? How did that argument gain traction?

Here's another example of tortured reasoning from Craig:

"The explanation of God's existence must be that he exists simply by a necessity of his own nature." - Wm Lane Craig (podcast)

This is the kind of thing we expect from Christian apologists and philosophasters

Finally, here's a quote I find quite apt:

"When the philosopher's argument becomes tedious, complicated, and opaque, it is usually a sign that he is attempting to prove as true to the intellect what is plainly false to common sense." - Edward Abbey

If "lack of belief" means that a person chooses not to make an intellectual commitment to a position but to remain intellectually neutral regarding belief or disbelief, that would be more logical.

Like I said in an earlier post, every now and again you seem to hint at being able to understand what unbelief is, but then you relapse into calling all atheists disbelievers as if none can be unbelievers without active disbelief.

You failed to address my comment that it is possible to think without any faith-based beliefs at all. People that have learned to do that do not believe that gods do not exist. They merely say that they do not believe in any gods, and are content with that, since it is the limit of evidence-based knowledge - a distinction that eludes you. We can neither rule gods in nor out. There is zero faith involved in making that statement.

what logical proof do you have that negates God's existence?

What proof is needed to be an atheist? Or an aleprechaunist? Or an avampirist? We don't need proof to say that we don't believe what others believe without sufficient supporting evidence.

Why do you think we do? How many beliefs do you reject without proofs that they are wrong? Probably most of your nonbeliefs.


It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
you cannot prove your claims

For there to be a burden of proof, three things need be true:

1. One has made an existential claim that, if true, is demonstrable.
2. One wants to convince and be believed.
3. The one asking for proof uses evidence and reason to decide what is true about the world.

Regarding point 2, there are times when I make existential claims that I can prove, but don't care enough to do so, or don't care to do so again, or is already accepted as common knowledge by those I do care to convince. This is the case with arguments like human chromosome 2.

Regarding point 3, if a person is not open-minded and a critical thinker, by which I mean a person willing and able to consider evidence and any attendant argument dispassionately and logically, and is willing to be convinced by a compelling argument, then there is no way to prove anything to him, and thus there is no burden to even try.

I generally tell apologists requiring references to go find them themselves, since I know that they aren't really interested or else they would already have at least partial answers, probably won't even open any references provided, and won't understand them if they do. Since it's been invariably a waste of time in the past, I'm disinclined to comply.

Learning is a cooperative effort between teacher and student. The student has to be receptive to learning to learn. Nobody can be convinced of anything that they have a stake in not believing, which causes them to be unwilling or unable to cooperate in this process. There is no way to prove anything to such people, so no obligation to try. Many do anyway, but this thread is excellent evidence of the futility of that.

I post you and your words saying you do not believe in God or the existence of God and you say no it actually means something else.

You've never provided any evidence that you understood what @Subduction Zone said, and plenty that you didn't. Repeatedly, you transform the words "I don't believe in gods" into "There are no gods." Then, you tell people that they claimed the latter by faith.

I would say you have closed your eyes and ears to the things of God and feel more at home now with those who deny God.

Dan is one of my favorite Christians on RF, one of a minority of Christians who have learned to compartmentalize faith-based beliefs, and to reject all of the worst of Christianity such as its anti-intellectualism, homophobia, and atheophobia. There is nothing extreme or foreign about his thinking to me, which is similar to my own except for the god belief.

Nor does he seem to want to impose his beliefs on others, nor even to try to promote them. And he feels comfortable with unbelievers, not threatened or judgmental.

I guess that what I am saying is that his religion doesn't seem to have harmed him. I believe that he would be just about the same gentle, empathetic, intelligent, well-educated person without it.

And I suspect you agree, and are dissatisfied with that. It seems that you'd like him to be more religious - more like you, who has not compartmentalized his faith, but rather, allowed it to bleed into all areas of his thinking.

Whereas you would like Christians like Dan to become Christians like you, I prefer that we move in the opposite direction. I'd like to see Christians become more like secular humanists. It seems that cultural Christianity - Christian culture without theism - is on the rise.

When I was a Christian, we were asked whether people would know that we were Christian without us telling them. The implication was that if they couldn't, you just weren't zealous enough in promoting Christianity. It was seen as a defect. One's faith was too weak, and your fire for God too small. Of course, that just serves the church and its desire to grow and increase bank deposits and its cultural clout. It wants adherents to advertise for them, also called evangelize or proselytize, whatever the personal price or social stigma.

And they know that there would be a price paid by the evangelizer, so they made it seem like a virtue when people reject not just their message, but them personally. When potential customers rebuff them, they wear it as a badge of honor, tell us how this was predicted in scripture, and see it as a sign that the unbeliever is struggling with his unbelief, when it is merely a reaction to their arrogance and presumption. I generally feel like I should be giving them advice on how to live, but I don't, because it would be arrogant and presumptive to offer unsolicited advice like that. Maybe if I added that it was a gift of love and that I really cared about them it wouldn't be arrogant.

When I lived in the American Bible Belt, I'd frequently get a business card with a Jesus fish on it - somebody selling Jesus again. But this was counterproductive with people like me, who wouldn't do business with such people. Their church was surely glad that he was out selling Christianity, and I'm sure they didn't mind any price he paid to benefit them.

I am here because I care about people like you.

There it is.

Thanks, but I'm not looking for help. Try skid row and death row. They're pretty needy and receptive. When people are safe and comfortable, they don't have much need for religion.

No not everyone that calls themselves are really Christian. Only those who God has revealed himself to and believe and follow his Word according to the scriptures are "christian"

That's not my definition, since I don't believe in any gods. You're a Christian to me if you say are, which is the definitions that even Christians turn to when deciding how big their religion is. You've referred to billions of Christians, and 1/3 of the world.

I can't imagine there being more than a percent of a percent of people who call themselves Christians but believe that they aren't.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
That is not for me to say according to the scriptures as no one knows.
So what is your belief in the matter? You clearly understand that there is an issue. So, by what you have already said, you either believe one way or the other. Which is it?

Some people find God early and become Christian others find God after they think they are Christain and others call themselves Christian and never find God. No this does not support your point at all. No it is not me it is what the scriptures teach it is simply however not for me to judge when or if someone may or may not have an experience with God.

So what do you believe in this regard? You say it isn't for you, but by what you have said, you *must* have a belief one way or the other. You have denied it is even possible to be 'unsure' or to lack a belief one way or the other.

In fact the scriptures also teach that some have an experience with God but turn back to the world and leave God. While others find God on their death bed..

OK. As I see it, this is simply your mythology. It has a pretty bit of propaganda, but no real truth.

james bond

Well-Known Member
I think its hilarious


We'll all be laughing, even though we shouldn't when you and the low brow internet atheists get it. It'll be like drinking coffee and then spitting it out due to normal reaction.

Chick.com: No Fear?

james bond

Well-Known Member
Yawn. Your threats don't concern me since they are based on your mythology, which I find to be nonsense.

You don't get it. No threats are necessary. Just repentance and John 3:16 from the atheists.

REPENT. The end of the world is coming. John 3:16.

Dr. Lawrence Krauss, of ASU, was asked what would make him believe and he said maybe if the stars aligned themselves and said, "I am here." This wasn't good enough for one atheist. A week later, he made the news as he said the people in the southern hemisphere wouldn't see. Not only that the atheists who had already died would not see. He said all the atheists currently living had to see. He said every atheist from the past, present, and future had to see. This is when I started thinking atheists would have to experience pain and suffering to be convinced. That was the greatest thing an atheist ever said. Usually, it's stupid af stuff like prove it or change my mind. I mean what difference does it make? However, God has already taken care of this in the Bible under his prophecies. "Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen." Revelation 1:7

What Does the Bible Say About Every Eye Shall See Him?

This is how we know how people like Krauss get convinced. After that comes Judgement Day. Everything past, present, and future would be settled on Earth.

Only the flat Earth atheists don't get this as they'll think they'll see it from wherever they are.

james bond

Well-Known Member
Only if you think ginormous arguments from ignorance and assumed conclusions count as "powerfull".

Personally, I don't feel like blatant logical fallacies are very convincing.

Come now. It's the atheists and their scientists side that has no cosmological argument :D. Otherwise, we would've had it in this thread by now. Moreover, creationists have ontology.

Ontological argument.png

We have Pascal's wager.


You got nothing haha.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member

We'll all be laughing, even though we shouldn't when you and the low brow internet atheists get it. It'll be like drinking coffee and then spitting it out due to normal reaction.

Chick.com: No Fear?

Wow. I think this might actually be the first time I have had someone quote a chick tract as part of an argument. Thanks for lightening my day!


Admiral Obvious
I guess you would know you sound like a dementia expert are you speaking from experience (joking) lighten up :)
I am assuming stage 6 or 7 based upon your reply of being in late stage dementia.
If you are willing to share the exact stage, then I shall not have to make assumptions.

james bond

Well-Known Member
ou will if you live for more than a few years. When things reach a certain stage, people will be forced to take the science seriously or just perish.

LMAO. I'll just continue to drive an RV, truck and boat rig, and other fossil fuel toys. After all, we can't take it with us. I think electric cars will cause a problem with their lion or other source batteries. How can one get rid of those? I am against air and water pollution tho.

As for the rest, you need to stop reading Edward Abbey. He died early and died probably due to alcoholism.


Admiral Obvious
I never claimed there is no god.

See, this is why I said that you are arguing strawmen.

As stated multiple times already... Saying that you don't believe claim X is true is not the same as claiming that X is false.

The sooner you understand that simple concept, the better.
He seems rather content on endlessly chasing his own tail.
That it has been flat out stated numerous times by numerous members that he is only being engaged for entertainment does not seem to bother him any.


Admiral Obvious
Your disbelief is not my problem then. I can't help it if you are not a reasonable, rational, and logical person. I already established you believe in Satan's Antibible which science does not back up. Furthermore, your absolute proof will be provided to you when the "all eyes will see" event occurs. This is explained in the Bible. To the contrary, there is no "all eyes will see" event in the Antibible. I think there is a probable end of the world via large asteroid. I think most of us do not believe in the false AGW alarm and fear-mongering anymore.

Big bang isn't credible as it does not explain enough of what happened in detail. Thus, CMB is of no use for it. You also skipped how it was able to overcome such things as space time when there wasn't any and how such a thing happened when it violates the laws of physics. This is all part of its incompleteness and lack of credibility.

As for KCA, it backs up what is stated in the Bible. Facts, reasoning, and historical truth all back up the Bible, but not Satan's Antibible of evolution.

So, just be patient until the "all eyes will see" day and you will get what you have been asking for, but it may not be what you want. I used to think the only way to convince an atheist was pain and suffering, but the answer was there all along in the Bible. It also answered the greatest challenge an atheist ever presented. Thus, everything will be settled on Earth. What do you think about that?
Your empty threats only serve to make you look desperate.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I wonder why some Christians are so afraid of atheists or different knowledge, understanding and conclusion? Is it just plain old fear that their dominance is slipping or are they trying to convince themselves of something deep down that is fragile and cracking is really solid and absolute?
No, they’ve been taught that biblical statements are inerrant and absolute. They’ve been taught that Xy is the only correct faith/world view. Handing them logical arguments that trash that absolutism frightens and confuses them. They then have to writhe and twist in order to justify their beliefs.
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