My atheism sounds pretty different from yours,but with some overlap. I use so many labels to describe my beliefsbecause I think atheism is such a small part of it. The meta-ethical systems I am drawn to are available to both theists and atheists. They aren't Christianity Lite like Secular Humanism or UU. And are descriptive rather than prescriptive. So I don't think I could call my atheism a faith or dogma, which are terms I reserve for POVs with more substance and ritual.
However, I am not allergic to the term 'belief as some atheists are. While it's possible some persuasive evidence will change my tune someday, I don' choose to be an atheist. I just don't believe there are gods (at least, not ones I've considered.)
As for dogma, I guess it depends on how we are defining it. There's a tendency by some to equivocate passion with dogma (or religion for that matter), but I think there' more nuance to the words than that. Someone who believes strongly in spaying and neutering pets isn't necessarily dogmatic. And outside loose colloquial slang, we don't actually consider football to be a valid religion.
If there's anything I could be dogmatic about it's that I am anti-authorotarian. Not in an anarchist sense but in a rejection of arguments from authority, human or divine, when in conflict with utilitarian consequentialism.
And as for nihilism, I wouldn't describe myself as one. Taking a purpose from what you suppose is a divine creator about what you suppose they want is no different to me than taking on a purpose from a self-help book. You're just accepting someone's opinion. Even if I believed in a creator I wouldn't automatically accept them as the arbiter of purpose, any more than I accept straws are meant to drink through rather than distribute and move droplets of ink on a page.
Contrary to beliving there is no purpose, I believe there's lots. To discover, to invent, then repurpose.
Ugh I can't believe I wrote all that on my phone.