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Thoughts On Current Wave Of Protest


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I don't see this as having much to do with the Demopublicans or Republocrats.
I see it as having mainly to do with the uptick in campaigns for "change by any means". For a tiny slice of the enormous population being manipulated by low information, high emotion, campaigns, violence will be just another means to an end.
I see this as being more a product of #BLM and the Trump campaign. They both do a lot of incitement. They both said that they don't mean violence just often enough to distance themselves from the wackos they incite.
But they do incite people prone to violence and now there is a bunch. I don't think any of it has much to do with the major parties at all.

Hillary has her own large wacko element too.
It's just that they & the media play down this aspect.
Consider how loopy much of her support is.....
- Vote for her because she's female.....sexist.
- Vote for the hawk because Trump is dangerous....hypocritical & dangerous.
- She calls half of all voters in the country "deplorables"....in a "basket"....both hateful & weird.
- Pay for play is OK.
- Her gross incompetence at information security is excused because she wasn't prosecuted.
- Her supporters cannot accept that our system worked as intended, & she lost.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
At what point will Trump supporters stop explaining Trump by comparing him to Hillary?
It will happen on the day that Hillary supporters admit her less savory character traits instead of blindly attacking him.
Ya canna dump on Trump, & expect silence towards the very troubled Hildabeast.
She did have that, of course. But she didn't incite violence the way Trump and #BLM have.
Au contraire.....one of her contractors (remember Creamer?) got caught admitting fomenting violence.
And just look at what she hath wrought with all the special snowflakes rioting.
So, no....she takes the cake at creating hatred & anger.


yawn <ignore> yawn
It will happen on the day that Hillary supporters admit her less savory character traits instead of blindly attacking him.
Ya canna dump on Trump, & expect silence towards the very troubled Hildabeast.
Yes I can. Because Hillary is now just a trivia game answer in the 2030 edition.
Trump is now important and she isn't.


yawn <ignore> yawn
Au contraire.....one of her contractors (remember Creamer?) got caught admitting fomenting violence.
Someone who knew someone who who was associated with Hillary's no longer existent campaign being accused of incitement doesn't matter as much as our president elect offering to pay legal fees to his supporters.


Veteran Member
Effectively doing away with the electoral college doesn't require altering the Constitution.
Check out nationalpopularvote. com for complete information.
Then it appears that there is disagreement. According to U.S. National Archives & Records Administration

The founding fathers established the Electoral College in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. However, the term “electoral college” does not appear in the Constitution. Article II of the Constitution and the 12th Amendment refer to “electors,” but not to the “electoral college.”

Since the Electoral College process is part of the original design of the U.S. Constitution it would be necessary to pass a Constitutional amendment to change this system.

Note that the 12th Amendment, the expansion of voting rights, and the use of the popular vote in the States as the vehicle for selecting electors has substantially changed the process.

Many different proposals to alter the Presidential election process have been offered over the years, such as direct nation-wide election by the People, but none have been passed by Congress and sent to the States for ratification as a Constitutional amendment. Under the most common method for amending the Constitution, an amendment must be proposed by a two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress and ratified by three-fourths of the States.


yawn <ignore> yawn
Then it appears that there is disagreement. According to U.S. National Archives & Records Administration
The problem is that you seem unaware of how the Electoral College works.
Each state decides for itself how to vote in the Electoral college. If enough states decide to require their delegates to vote for the popular vote winner, a total of 270 EC votes, the electoral college vote will be determined by the popular vote. It won't matter what the rest of the states do or don't do. Nor does the Constitution need altering in any way.

ETA ~nationalpopularvote.com~


yawn <ignore> yawn
The problem is that you seem unaware of how the Electoral College works.
Each state decides for itself how to vote in the Electoral college. If enough states decide to require their delegates to vote for the popular vote winner, a total of 270 EC votes, the electoral college vote will be determined by the popular vote. It won't matter what the rest of the states do or don't do. Nor does the Constitution need altering in any way.
ETA ~nationalpopularvote.com~


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Yes I can. Because Hillary is now just a trivia game answer in the 2030 edition.
Trump is now important and she isn't.
She is beginning the process of fading.
To the protesters, it's still about her.
They fans mourn & rage.
Protests must be lodged, & the enemy must be opposed....property
vandalized....undegreed white males attacked....Trump threatened.

But perhaps you'll eventually be right about the irrelevance of Hillary.
So instead of pointing out why it's myopic to rail against Trump's wackos,
I will instead point out that this is silly because of the Democratic
opposition's wackos. Moreover, as president for all of us, instead of
being Trump's, the they belong to the whole country.
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Well-Known Member
In any election there are winners and losers. The losers can accept their lose and work harder next time or they can be cry babies and throw a temper tantrum. There is no excuse for anyone to riot and destroy property or try to harm other people.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Yes it is. That is the way our Constitution is written. If they have a problem with it then all they have to do is get 3/4 of the states to amend the Constitution

Well yeah, we aren't a democracy. And that sucks, especially when we're brainwashed to think it we are.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
The ins and outs of the US system also doesn't establish whether or not it's democratic to elect as leader the candidate who get second-most actual votes.

It's not even that, but that this candidate the people did not choose is also completely unqualified.


Premium Member
I didn't see it coming for either.
But I'm only 50% wrong.
One Christian Trump supporter told me at work that they thought there would be riots if Trump won based on how the campaign was going. He may be a prophet. My predictions are horrible and have a football team that hasn't won the superbowl since the nineties, yet the Cubs won. God is punishing me for being a Cubs fan, I'm sure of it.:)


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
One Christian Trump supporter told me at work that they thought there would be riots if Trump won based on how the campaign was going. He may be a prophet. My predictions are horrible and have a football team that hasn't won the superbowl since the nineties, yet the Cubs won. God is punishing me for being a Cubs fan, I'm sure of it.:)
Well deserved punishment, I say.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
While certainly the ways people react aren't always commendable, it is not unreasonable for people to be irritated upon seeing that one candidate wins the popular vote and the other gets in. That isn't democratic.
Well, we're not true democracy. We're a democratic republic.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I've never seen anyone riot over the election before but people saw this coming no matter who won.
People have rioted over election results in the past. Not sure on a presidential election but I'm fairly sure there were plenty of altercations.


Premium Member
I would guess that a lot if not most of the angst and anger we're seeing right now has less to do with having lost and more to do with who they lost to.

I really don't think we'd be seeing this kind of outcry if the election had been won by, say, Rubio or Cruz.
Exactly its about losing to a dinosaur. Their antics are very much the same, like electing a meme.