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Thoughts On Current Wave Of Protest


A Free Man
President Elect Trump has gone quiet about prosecuting HRC, but will he have to do it to make her supporters realise their folly?

It might be the only way to restore law and order if things don’t calm down before he moves into the Whitehouse.

It might also help to quieten all these delusional celebrities that are encouraging the unrest.


A Free Man
What’s the answer?

Will Obama pardon Clinton?

If Obama does, will this be confirmation that she is guilty of a crime?

Should Obama go playing golf instead of trying to restore normality?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Who the people choose did not win. I only wish we were protesting like this, only much more strongly and unified, when this happened 16 years ago. It may have averted this mess today.
And, for the record, Gore, H. Clinton, and Obama are *****es for tucking their tails. They aren't in a position to encourage unrest, but they don't have to say "oh well."
And do you know why it's frustrating for young people? Because we have to live with it! The "dinosaurs" and "fossils" that voted for Trump, they aren't going to be living for decades with the consequences of this election like we will. And, for some of us, it's extremely frustrating because twice now our votes didn't count, didn't matter, **** what the voters said. It used to be rare for such a thing to happen, but apparently we need to move on because it's happened twice now in less than 20 years.


Well-Known Member
President Elect Trump has gone quiet about prosecuting HRC, but will he have to do it to make her supporters realise their folly?

It might be the only way to restore law and order if things don’t calm down before he moves into the Whitehouse.

It might also help to quieten all these delusional celebrities that are encouraging the unrest.

Lock up Soros and the US and the world will instantly become a much better place.


A Free Man
If the youth in the USA are anything like the youth in Britain they should have dragged themselves out of bed and gone to vote for their own futures instead of moaning about what their elders did (on their behalf and for their good even though they can’t see it yet).


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
My helper does something dumb.
He has pro Trump bumper stickers on his truck.
He lives in the People's Republic Of Ann Arbor.

Today he showed me a note left on his truck.
The writer also saw him, & yelled the same, ie,
to perform an impossible sexual act, followed by
"You Nazi!". Helper wisely didn't respond.
PTSD is rampant here.


Veteran Member
On the question of will Obama pardon Hillary.
Well first you have to be convicted of something before you can be pardoned for doing something that a court found you guilty of. Somehow the DOJ screwed-the-pooch and did not send the case to a grand jury. Hence the answer is NO.


Revelation all the time
There's multiple takes on what the protests are. Some say peaceful, some say they're riots.

If they continue for much longer, and keep going with messaging Trump needs to be prevented from becoming next POTUS, then may as well declare civil war. While Clinton did win majority of popular vote, you'd essentially be telling 60 million other people, sorry we are taking this from you. Deal with it. And given the precedent, riots and all, along with the idea that there are some Trump supporters who are violent, anti-whatever, you think they'll sit by idly? You really think that?

The current reality is a) Trump stays as next POTUS (like pretty much every other election in American history, b) Pence takes over, c) Dems take over executive branch and still Pubs rule every other level of national politics, though SCOTUS would probably go the other way. C is currently the end game as far as I think some protesters are concerned. Those that think C will occur through only peaceful measures are entirely delusional. Those that think you can keep going on with protests without end, are plausibly delusional, but depends if they truly can maintain absolute non-violence of all protesters. I highly doubt they can.

You say you'll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well, you know
You better free you mind instead

Don't you know it's gonna be
All right, all right, all right
All right, all right, all right
All right, all right, all right
All right, all right


A Free Man
What are they like?

What is the current leader of the USA doing about this?

When Boris Johnson was the mayor of London, he bought some water cannons from Germany.

Maybe the USA could borrow them and spray these protestors with indelible dye or smart water, so that they can be easily identified and prosecuted.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
New On the question of will Obama pardon Hillary.
For what?
What is the current leader of the USA doing about this?
Obama, and Hillary, told supporters to accept the results. Trump admired the protestors for their passion.
A part of Democracy is that people can voice their opinions, and peacefully assemble. That they can protest and make such requests is actually a pretty good thing for a society to tolerate, because it shows tolerance towards opposition, rather than telling them to shut up and go home or face the consequences. It's also showing people are caring enough to care about it, perhaps even reducing political apathy.


New Member
We have all seen on the news the protest that are occurring after the democratic process of electing a new President. Some of these are peaceful others are basically riots (violence against persons or property). I have no real issue with those that can not accept the results of the election peacefully other than what I am putting forward.

It seems that the majority of the protesters are young. In the past few years the concept of winners and losers has been deemed unacceptable for young children growing up. It has been put forward that there are no losers, everyone is a winner, everyone gets a trophy. In other words they have not be taught that in life not everyone wins. Some have been coddled to think they are "owed", that they can have their "way" and what they want they can have. This in some instances, this idea has been accepted in our institutions of higher learning. The old saying is the "inmates are running the asylum" is not exactly germane to this but it is close. What is going to happen when these "kids" get into the real world and find that life is not fair, some win some lose.

We have seem Obama and Hillary graciously (in public) accept the results of the election. What we have not heard from them is the condemnation of those that are violently protesting. We have not heard from them that even though the protesters candidate did not win, that we as a country must put aside our differences and accept the results. There is nothing that can legally be done to change the results. If they, the protesters, do not like something that is being brought before Congress then they should make their objection heard...peacefully

To those that are Trump supporters....if you are not being gracious winners, you are no better than the losers and in some instances worse. .
Well i am so upset that i understand the violence and a part of me except for killingand injuring civillians have been advocating it in my heart which is evil and wrong
i have allot of repenting to do and im not making small of this
Now to what i see is appropriate we should protest the election results legally and peacefully just because he won doesnt mean we are obligated to accept it ,,no violence is ever in my upinion justified except in self defense and the defense of others within the laws of God and man i want to not only see the protests peacefully continue but also we should block trump at every turn exercising legal and civil disobedience no violence


A Free Man
That they can protest and make such requests is actually a pretty good thing for a society to tolerate, because it shows tolerance towards opposition, rather than telling them to shut up and go home or face the consequences. It's also showing people are caring enough to care about it, perhaps even reducing political apathy.

Would you still say that if they were doing it on your doorstep?


Veteran Member
Well i am so upset that i understand the violence and a part of me except for killingand injuring civillians have been advocating it in my heart which is evil and wrong
i have allot of repenting to do and im not making small of this
Now to what i see is appropriate we should protest the election results legally and peacefully just because he won doesnt mean we are obligated to accept it ,,no violence is ever in my upinion justified except in self defense and the defense of others within the laws of God and man i want to not only see the protests peacefully continue but also we should block trump at every turn exercising legal and civil disobedience no violence
To your statement "just because he won doesnt mean we are obligated to accept it". No you do not have to accept it as long as you do not advocate violent actions to stop him from being sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. Everyone can protest all they want, but it will not change the fact that Trump legally won the election and will be the next President.

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
We have all seen on the news the protest that are occurring after the democratic process of electing a new President. Some of these are peaceful others are basically riots (violence against persons or property). I have no real issue with those that can not accept the results of the election peacefully other than what I am putting forward.

It seems that the majority of the protesters are young. In the past few years the concept of winners and losers has been deemed unacceptable for young children growing up. It has been put forward that there are no losers, everyone is a winner, everyone gets a trophy. In other words they have not be taught that in life not everyone wins. Some have been coddled to think they are "owed", that they can have their "way" and what they want they can have. This in some instances, this idea has been accepted in our institutions of higher learning. The old saying is the "inmates are running the asylum" is not exactly germane to this but it is close. What is going to happen when these "kids" get into the real world and find that life is not fair, some win some lose.

We have seem Obama and Hillary graciously (in public) accept the results of the election. What we have not heard from them is the condemnation of those that are violently protesting. We have not heard from them that even though the protesters candidate did not win, that we as a country must put aside our differences and accept the results. There is nothing that can legally be done to change the results. If they, the protesters, do not like something that is being brought before Congress then they should make their objection heard...peacefully

To those that are Trump supporters....if you are not being gracious winners, you are no better than the losers and in some instances worse. .

He was elected, he is the President for four years. The protests are just so much noise and smoke. They might have been useful BEFORE the election, but that time has past.

Their time is better spent lobbying for what they want to see happen in the government. And no, I didn't vote for him.....


New Member
To your statement "just because he won doesnt mean we are obligated to accept it". No you do not have to accept it as long as you do not advocate violent actions to stop him from being sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. Everyone can protest all they want, but it will not change the fact that Trump legally won the election and will be the next President.
i deleted my last post because i wanted to avoid misinterpretation
If you were speaking in general to everyone i agree but if you were speaking to me personally What violent actions have i suggested and if i have not suggested any isn't it rude for you to even imply that i might ? f that is what you did , At any rate notice i was denouncing my own feelings and i was advocating non violence and at that i end my defense of myself


Veteran Member
i deleted my last post because i wanted to avoid misinterpretation
If you were speaking in general to everyone i agree but if you were speaking to me personally What violent actions have i suggested and if i have not suggested any isn't it rude for you to even imply that i might ? f that is what you did , At any rate notice i was denouncing my own feelings and i was advocating non violence and at that i end my defense of myself
So just what did you mean when you wrote
just because he won doesnt mean we are obligated to accept it"


New Member
So just what did you mean when you wrote
I mean we have no obligation to accept Donald Trump as our President We can not only refuse vocally but we can preform disruptions as an act of civil disobedience that do not involve destroying property shooting people stabbing them we dont have to act like animals . i am for peaceful demeonstrations but also doing everything possible IF Donald trump proceeds with violating human rights to counter deter and disrupt every one of those actions . that is being a good citizen
As for attacks on trump himself no of course not unlike mr trump i believe in treating your enemies with love thats how i want to live ,, trump is not the issue its what trump decides to do does this answer your question ,,