What would the evidence for the nonexistence of white crows look like vs the the evidence for white crows? There is no such thing as proof for the nonexistence of things. Take white crows, I don't believe they exist because I have yet to be presented with one. How does one prove they don't exist, well one can't. They might be someplace where no one has looked or they fly away before they can be spotted. I believe they don't exist but it's not a firm belief because obviously my belief will change if I'm presented with a white crow. What would evidence for the nonexistence of a God look like? We don't even know what the evidence for a God would look like.
Hey dogsgod,
Of course there is proof against certain beliefs. Someone could hold the view that gravity acts to pull you away from the centre of a larger mass. Through a simple experiment involving an apple, an apple tree and Isaac Newton, that view would could be (and has been) proven wrong. This is just one example in which a belief could be insubstantiated through hard evidence.
Likewise, evidence could show a belief to be true. In such a case, this proven belief would not require faith, because faith is believing something without evidence. However, there are a lot of views which cannot be supported by evidence. My disbelief in invisible pixies and white crows is one of those views. Since I cannot prove or disprove the existence of invisible pixies, my disbelief in them is therefore an act of faith, by definition. The same applies to your white crow argument.
While I would not normally compare God to invisible pixies and white crows, much the same concept applies there. Since there is a lack of evidence for or against the existence of God, to believe or disbelieve in Him without such evidence is an act of faith - by definition.