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To the Anti-Religious


RF Addict
It confirms my belief held in previous posts. UU seems like a trade union of politically correct polite religious fringe dwellers. Some where between the main stream(unbearable) and reality (scary). Observant of the real physical world but incorporates the mythical second universe of spirituality. Chuck it in the bag with the rest.

What, you are going to dismiss UU's without even discussing your concerns with them? All you have right now are a few quick links, which you have cherry-picked to support your arguments.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
What, you are going to dismiss UU's without even discussing your concerns with them? All you have right now are a few quick links, which you have cherry-picked to support your arguments.
Are you really surprised?

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reference

It confirms my belief held in previous posts. UU seems like a trade union of politically correct polite religious fringe dwellers. Some where between the main stream(unbearable) and reality (scary). Observant of the real physical world but incorporates the mythical second universe of spirituality. When quacks like a duck, walks like a duck.... Chuck it in the bag with the rest.

UUA: Our Principles

I'm amused that you would find that offensive. It's rather positive and life-affirming, a workable set of rules to live by in a community, and accepts a wide range of beliefs and points of view.

A large number of UUs don't believe in God, and prefer to focus more on humanist and atheist ethical systems.

I'm not sure exactly how we'd qualify as "fringe dwellers", either. We've been around for hundreds of years as Unitarians and Universalists, and our spiritual forebears can be traced back to the Arian heresy in Rome during the early Christian church.

However, it's easier to mock and dismiss than it is to discuss and learn, so I suppose that you've had your fun here. I wish you all the best in life.


Grumpy Old Man

Your cheating, this is the physical not spiritual view.


Grumpy Old Man
What, you are going to dismiss UU's without even discussing your concerns with them? All you have right now are a few quick links, which you have cherry-picked to support your arguments.

Yes I do dismiss it on my initial sorting criteria - "does it imply super-natural acceptance?".
Whilst, I don't have to discuss my concerns, why do you think I waste so much time here?
A few Quick "cherry picked" links, that just happen to be DEFINED as the basic SEVEN PRINCIPLES of this ideology. GEEEZ.

And yes they claim to include atheists with in their spiritual congregation, surely that would not be possible by definition perhaps agnostics would be a more appropriate term.


J Bryson

Well-Known Member
Yes I do dismiss it on my initial sorting criteria - "does it imply super-natural acceptance?".
Whilst, I don't have to discuss my concerns, why do you think I waste so much time here?
A few Quick "cherry picked" links, that just happen to be DEFINED as the basic SEVEN PRINCIPLES of this ideology. GEEEZ.

And yes they claim to include atheists with in their spiritual congregation, surely that would not be possible by definition perhaps agnostics would be a more appropriate term.


No, they're not agnostics. They're stone-cold "Don't believe in God or supernatural phenomena" atheists. I'm only a half-step away from atheism myself as a pantheist. We have a long history of treating sacred scriptures with respect, but also with skepticism and reason.


RF Addict
Yes I do dismiss it on my initial sorting criteria - "does it imply super-natural acceptance?".

Not at all. It implies that members are free to make their own decisions and rationalisations about religions.

Whilst, I don't have to discuss my concerns, why do you think I waste so much time here?

You are obviously interested in religion, even without being of a religious nature yourself.

A few Quick "cherry picked" links, that just happen to be DEFINED as the basic SEVEN PRINCIPLES of this ideology. GEEEZ.

And yes they claim to include atheists with in their spiritual congregation, surely that would not be possible by definition perhaps agnostics would be a more appropriate term.

It might be more appropriate to make up your mind after discussing the topic with several UU's. You know, since RF has quite a diversity in the religious affiliations of it's members, including several UU members whom you have just talked to. But that's just the opinion of someone actually interested in learning about religion and religious people.

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
Why "irrational"? Why not just "something that I don't understand or appreciate"?

You do realize most atheists were theists at some point? So "understanding" or "appreciating" spirituality does not enter into the equation at all.

It is irrational because, again, there is no evidence. If you want to claim "I believe souls exist" that's fine. If that gets you through the day, that's awesome. But it doesn't change the fact there is no evidence to support the existence of souls and thus it is an irrational construct.


Grumpy Old Man
If your very good I will allow you to be incorporated in my Universal Philosophy, defined as personally handed down to me by the great Avanuvago's lubra missus. As follows:

It just so happens I have just come back from 40 days alone (well almost) in the desert wilderness of sweltering hot Central Australia. While I was on top of Ayers Rock meditating about the Rainbow Serpent, some bruddas were burning the bushes. The sun was blotted out by a huge beautiful Lubra standing over me. Saying

"You white fellas come here and leave you're cigarette butts and and stubbies lying all about, so go back and tell em to stop littering, or I'll come down and sit on 'em."

"No probs" I said, sincerely "I'll let em know to clean up their act. I promise."

She smiled, then bent down and whispered these pearls of wisdom in my ear.

"If you want to be happy for the rest of your life,
never make a pretty woman your wife.
but to get on with all of your bruddas,
just follow these simple rulz:

Party with your bruddas as you would have them party with you.
Respect your elders, they have wisdom you have yet to find.
Respect your children, they are your future.
Read as many message sticks as you can, they will broaden your knowledge and wisdom.
Do not be led astray by the evil corporations such as Islam, Christianity, or Judaism, Nazism or Socialism or Microsoft they are all false prophets. They only use one message stick.
I know this to be true because I am alive and they are all Dead.
Do not fear death, you will have eternal life through your children.
The universe is a beautiful place, enjoy it.
Take charge of your life. Think for yourself.
Eat Kangaroo and vegies - Lubra's food."

Have a nice day


J Bryson

Well-Known Member
Frankly, I've heard worse. If the prophet of the religion were a bit more charismatic, it might catch on.