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To those moderators who remain ...

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
There seems to be perhaps a handful of moderators who are no more.

To those who remain: why? Is it that you endorse the new owners or that you covet your position? I know this sounds like a harsh question but I'm sincerely interested in your answer. I'm beginning to view the "Mod" label as a badge of dishonor designating those who've turned their backs on those who have served here for some time. I realize that it is an uninformed reaction and I'm more than willing to hear from those who remain.



Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
There seems to be perhaps a handful of moderators who are no more.

To those who remain: why? Is it that you endorse the new owners or that you covet your position? I know this sounds like a harsh question but I'm sincerely interested in your answer. I'm beginning to view the "Mod" label as a badge of dishonor designating those who've turned their backs on those who have served here for some time. I realize that it is an uninformed reaction and I'm more than willing to hear from those who remain.



I am sincerely very sorry you feel the way you do. I realize personally that RF is going through a very difficult transition, and I had always hoped the moment this started that whatever decision I would make would not cause any wedges between myself and whomever else here I have come to befriend. With that said, I do realize that my decision not to join the other mods who have resigned places me in a position that deserves scrutiny.

I am also sorry for the loss of respect I have earned because of how I've handled this transition. Whether one feels it is warranted or not, or whether I am directly involved or not, I do realize that I am still regarded as a representative of what is termed "Moderator." And it's because of this title that I do bear some responsibility..........and I am sure that the mods who have resigned would argue with me assuring me that I had nothing to do with this.

My decision for staying as a Moderator on RF is perhaps the same reason that I agreed to sign on in the first place: I feel a commitment to the community as a whole, and I sincerely desire to help however I can to maintain an air of openness, tolerance, and respect for all faiths and all people. In so doing, I have made a decision to remain neutral, and to simply try to continue doing my job. My decision to remain is one to try to be of service to RF.

All those who know me has seen me visibly shaken by all of this. I have come to adore so many people here. I hope you know you are most definitely included on this list, Jay. Reading through many of the general posts, I have come to assume that - in the eyes of some - my decision to remain means that I have tacitly become "one of them." Since I have no control over anyone but myself, and because of this kind of suspiscion...........I will do my best to earn your trust again.

And by "you" I mean the community as a whole. This is your community, and it's what you deserve.


Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
I realize personally that RF is going through a very difficult transition, and I had always hoped the moment this started that whatever decision I would make would not cause any wedges between myself and whomever else here I have come to befriend.
There is no wedge between us. That said, may I ask if you feel this "difficult transition" warrants support or neutrality?


Obstructor of justice

I am sincerely very sorry you feel the way you do. I realize personally that RF is going through a very difficult transition, and I had always hoped the moment this started that whatever decision I would make would not cause any wedges between myself and whomever else here I have come to befriend. With that said, I do realize that my decision not to join the other mods who have resigned places me in a position that deserves scrutiny.

I am also sorry for the loss of respect I have earned because of how I've handled this transition. Whether one feels it is warranted or not, or whether I am directly involved or not, I do realize that I am still regarded as a representative of what is termed "Moderator." And it's because of this title that I do bear some responsibility..........and I am sure that the mods who have resigned would argue with me assuring me that I had nothing to do with this.

My decision for staying as a Moderator on RF is perhaps the same reason that I agreed to sign on in the first place: I feel a commitment to the community as a whole, and I sincerely desire to help however I can to maintain an air of openness, tolerance, and respect for all faiths and all people. In so doing, I have made a decision to remain neutral, and to simply try to continue doing my job. My decision to remain is one to try to be of service to RF.

All those who know me has seen me visibly shaken by all of this. I have come to adore so many people here. I hope you know you are most definitely included on this list, Jay. Reading through many of the general posts, I have come to assume that - in the eyes of some - my decision to remain means that I have tacitly become "one of them." Since I have no control over anyone but myself, and because of this kind of suspiscion...........I will do my best to earn your trust again.

And by "you" I mean the community as a whole. This is your community, and it's what you deserve.

Cuz, you sound like you need one.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
There is no wedge between us. That said, may I ask if you feel this "difficult transition" warrants support or neutrality?

Yes, you may ask. My part in this was neutral before everything was upended, and I feel that neutrality is the path that I must follow while I'm here. It hasn't made me the most popular person, and I understand this because lines have been drawn in the sand, but it is the decision I am making in order to operate best based on what my commitments are. And my commitment is to the community as a whole.



Done here.
I am also sorry for the loss of respect I have earned because of how I've handled this transition.
I hope that's not true. All those who earned my respect before this transition still have my respect, regardless of whether they have resigned or stayed, and regardless of whether I agree with their decision or not. I'm happy to count you among those who have earned my respect and for whom my respect is undiminished.


There seems to be perhaps a handful of moderators who are no more.

To those who remain: why? Is it that you endorse the new owners or that you covet your position? I know this sounds like a harsh question but I'm sincerely interested in your answer. I'm beginning to view the "Mod" label as a badge of dishonor designating those who've turned their backs on those who have served here for some time. I realize that it is an uninformed reaction and I'm more than willing to hear from those who remain.


I'm so new here, both to RF and to the position of mod, that it's very difficult for me to be anything but neutral. I'm not used to any old way of doing things, so I don't feel rattled by any changes, I'm not a longstanding member of the community who has forged strong bonds with the people involved in what happened, so I'm not struggling emotionally like others, and having been a mod/admin in other places, I realize that sometimes the higher-ups have to make hard, unpopular decisions. I think it's a shame things went down the way they did, because things like this hurt the community, but I signed on to try to uphold the rules here at RF and maintain order, and that's what I'm going to do.


Deviled Hen
There is no wedge between us. That said, may I ask if you feel this "difficult transition" warrants support or neutrality?

Jay, there are people on the mod staff who believe they can still make a positive difference for the forum, and so I respect the fact that they are still on staff.


Deviled Hen
Yes, you may ask. My part in this was neutral before everything was upended, and I feel that neutrality is the path that I must follow while I'm here. It hasn't made me the most popular person, and I understand this because lines have been drawn in the sand, but it is the decision I am making in order to operate best based on what my commitments are. And my commitment is to the community as a whole.

I am so sorry that someone has decided to turn this into an "us vs. them" situation. That's so uncalled for.

And you're still very popular with chickens. :hugehug:


Oldest Heretic
if ony one was to say the less the moderation the better the moderation; I would agree with you.

There is no doubt that if all mods had packed their bags and left, the Forum would have been in more serious trouble...
I am sure none of the members would have wanted to lose this forum. .. and as a member nor would I. So most of us have stuck to our guns and made the most of it....

If you look at the forum today, it has mostly quietened down with post and threads going on as normal, this is as it should be in a family.

We might have the odd row but we get over it and move on.

Long live the Forum and all who sail in her.:)


Veteran Member
If you look at the forum today, it has mostly quietened down with post and threads going on as normal, this is as it should be in a family.
I don't know about you, but I am noticing a distinct lack of participation by a good number of "regulars". And I'm also seeing mostly "lightweight" subjects being introduced. This is the direct result of both frustration and fear.

Make a note of this and keep it in mind. When you ban ONE person, especially a regular, there is a far greater effect then the loss of that one person.


Oldest Heretic
I don't know about you, but I am noticing a distinct lack of participation by a good number of "regulars". And I'm also seeing mostly "lightweight" subjects being introduced. This is the direct result of both frustration and fear.

Make a note of this and keep it in mind. When you ban ONE person, especially a regular, there is a far greater effect then the loss of that one person.

People are only moderated or banned for breaking published rules, and with out fear or favour...this will never and has never changed.
Far less moderation goes on than you might think, and that is all to the good.
Moderators are not police , they are here to keep things running smoothly... when some one is banned it shows we were not successful in changing someone's behaviour for the better.


tri-polar optimist
I personally love the forum for it's members. I am not into the politics of this forum. I love frubals from other members not because of the count but because of the love. Be they ten or a thousand they are all equal to me.
I have had 2 posts deleted out of over 600 and I deserved it. Good job MODS.
Religion can be the closest thing to someones heart and disagreements are part of it.
This forum is a place where people from all over the world can share their views.
I know my own views have been enriched by sharing thoughts and ideas with others of different faiths. My mind has been opened to new possibilities by the sincerity I have felt from others.
I also appreciate that the fact that someone with views contradictory to mine can come aboard and have their say. It wouldn't be much fun if we couldn't bring out the gloves once in a while.
I say power to the members and long live the forum.


Obstructor of justice
If you think this is your job, here, then God help us all!

Well, most people are willing to abide by community standards. There's a reason we have them, and the mods expect people to abide by them if they want to continue to be a member. People have several chances to find a way to abide by those rules before a ban is an option. The people who earn themselves bans, earn it by demonstrating to the mods and the community that they believe the rules simply don't apply to them, and they can do whatever they wish.

When the mods notice that someone is repeatedly violating the same rule, we do our best to precisely point out the behavior in question, and coherently answer why it's not appropriate. We also give people the opportunity to question whether or not the behavior in question is inappropriate.

This is not really a free-for-all where people can do as they please. The mods expect people to change their normal behavior here to fit with the rules, so that the community remains a place to have a civil discussion or debate. I don't think that's a lot to ask. If a person is normally loud and rowdy, do people expect that person to change that behavior in situations like a library, or movie theater? I don't really see this as any different.


Deviled Hen
Also, please keep in mind that though you see someone banned, odds are you did not see the mess they left that got them in that position.

I remember before I joined the mod team someone was banned and I wondered why. And then when I joined the mod team it was...rather obvious.

I know that many people here would like more transparency about issues like this, but the question to ask yourself is: Would you like your dirty laundry hanging out there for everyone to comment on?

Uh...oops sorry, Jay. I think I'm taking your thread off topic, so I'll trot along now.