Back to the tragic events in New Zealand.
I first heard about it via NPR's news feed on my way to work, this morning. Tragic. Horrific were words used, and I have to agree.
As much as I do not respect *religion* all that much? (those who follow my words are saying "duuuh" about right now)
I *do* firmly believe everyone should have the right to gather as they see fit, to practice the religion of their choice. And that such gatherings be free from coercion or life threatening dangers.
You can never be successful at changing people's minds, using violence. Those that are dead, are beyond thinking, and those who survive? Will be galvanized against whomever perpetrates the violence.
I grieve for the victims, their families and anyone who was nearby when it all went down.
I am sad that those who perpetuated the violence will never see the punishment they deserve, as I cannot conceive of one that would make equal, the evil they did. I've seen photos, and read the words, of the evil-doers, and they were absolutely without remorse, without empathy, and were truly dead inside. That seems like it should be punishment enough, to be so... inhuman. *sigh*
What sickens me even more? Is that the USA is partly responsible for this tragedy. We "elected" a literal madman, who's sheer lack of empathy serves as inspiration for other madmen, who in turn, commit heinous acts of violence, because they saw the antics of a buffoon on TV. For Shame, America. For Shame.
As always, the only way to fix these issues? Is with education, more education, and education without limits on what is, and what is not permissible subject material. Teach *all* of History, not just the bits that agree with whomever is in power, or whichever religion is Most Favorite at the time.