Nor can the flying Spaghetti monster and Santa clause
Fine, you can worship the flying Spaghetti monster and Santa clause.
It is God who gives us omniscience and immortality. Let's see who achieves that. We indeed have well preserved methods to know God.
No this conclusion is not at all entailed. All it shows is that the brain and the mind are correlated to one another. It is possible to affect the mind through the brain and affect the brain through the mind. Why this is possible I have already explained to you in the other thread: The mind and the brain are both material substances, only mind is made out of finer matter than the physical brain.
As mind is a material substance, it can be studied like any kind of matter. This is what recent research also bears out. For example in experiments on OBE in order to isolate the subtle body, it has been shown the subtle body can actually be detected by electronic fields. When the subtle body enters into an electronic field it can be detected. Long time OBEs have also reported how during their OBE experiences if they encounter any kind of electric field, it can trap them.
As the matter that makes up the mind is incredibly fine, existing in another dimension higher than physical matter, current means of detection are not powerful enough. However, as soon we can find ways to actually enter into higher dimensions, we will also be able to directly interact with the subtle body and the subtle world.
Science can study all material phenomenon, and as the subtle body, reincarnation, mind, thoughts, intellect and gunas are all material phenomena, science can study them. All of this is what is called aparavidya.
You're talking BS. What you're talking is pesudo-science. Science and Religion are two separate things. Science deals with Brain and Religion deals with Mind. Religion doesn't speak of Brain and Science doesn't speak of Mind.
You're doing a great insult to both Science and Religion by mixing those too. They cannot be reconciled like that.
Yes science cannot study the absolute reality, the noumenon, because science is limited to only the material world. This is what is known as paravidya. In order to know the absolute reality an entirely different method is advocated: self-realization. Only those who are self-realized can know Brahman.
There is a world to know before you know Brahman. Its something you don't know.
There is no such thing as gods. The Upanishads do not tell us to know gods, they tell us to know the self. If there is any god, it is the self.
The Vedas are full of hymns praising the Gods and Upanishads is the ending message of the Vedas not the end of Vedas. Got it? If we didn't had Vedas then we wouldn't have had Upanishads. Both Vedas and Upanishads is what makes Hinduism.
If you deny one and accept the other, you're not a Hindu, not a Advaiti, not a Sanatana Dharmin. You're a pseudo-Advaiti.
We don't try to convert people to Hinduism. What we care about is the wisdom of those traditions and don't misrepresent it. We don't tolerate it. Advaita is purely theistic. You're burning the Vedas and Upanishads.