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trump is single handily destroying the Republican Party

Is Trump hurting the Republican Party?

  • yes

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • no

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • maybe

    Votes: 6 24.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


It's the end of the world as we know it!
The year is TWO!
Could Trump be the Anti-Christo as predicted by Nostradamus?



~~~~~~~~Trump’s Republican Party~~~~~~~~

Let this be a warning in spades, Trump is dragging your party through the pig farm slug pit. Please hold your nose, don’t breathe or open your eyes cause you be in the disgusted land of ooze.

If you don’t save your party from this blogger-butt you will not only lose what integrity you have but every seat in Congress.

Then again, maybe that is a good thing after all.

typo---- it's the Republicon party.,. sorry, my mistake

Trump has told more lies in his first year in office than all the previous Presidents put together

This weeks obligatory Establishment, leftist operative, ad hominem talking point, troll-flame-rant.

BTW, how is this a religious topic?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
At this point, the Republican Party no longer exists because it is now the Trump Party. The conservatives in Congress that marked the party prior to Trump have left or are leaving, leaving pretty much many in the more radical elements of the Tea Party to take their place. Much of what Republicans previously supported, such as free-trade for just one example, are now in the dust bin.

So, what happens when Trump leaves the White House, one way or another, is anyone's guess, but they have essentially "sold their conservative soul" either way, and Ryan and McConnell are significant culprits as they were nothing but obstructionists for eight years, offering nothing but "no" while the economy was tanking. And now they refuse to stand up to the Groper-In-Chief no matter what he says or does. "Chicken-hawks" are they, and that's the nice word for it.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
"Chicken-hawks" are they, and that's the nice word for it.
What a silly criticism.
Both parties are chicken hawkish....especially your "landing under sniper fire" Hillary.
She never served...hubby & daughter never served...she pretended to endure dangers
of war....& she really likes to vote for war.


Well-Known Member
Well, technically there are already four parties, and I haven't seen anything great happen to our democracy yet.:rolleyes:
Only the two count. When people stop talking about third party candidates, as opposed to the two real parties, you will have a real third party.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It was an epitaph often applied to her by her followers and by many left leaning talk show hosts.
She wasn't dead at the time....just rather lifeless.

Well....except when she went after us "deplorables".
Then she seemed quite animated & motivated.
(The power of hate, eh?)


What? Me worry?
She wasn't dead at the time....just rather lifeless.

Well....except when she went after us "deplorables".
Then she seemed quite animated & motivated.
(The power of hate, eh?)

Oops, my bad...epithet. In my defense, I do have a raging head cold and she is dead to me.