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trump is single handily destroying the Republican Party

Is Trump hurting the Republican Party?

  • yes

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • no

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • maybe

    Votes: 6 24.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Voice Of The Martyrs Supporter
That party used to be about philosophy and had some ideas that I agreed with. Even without "45", I consider today's party a willing servant of plutocrats and kleptocrats especially on the national level. The current situation has convinced me totally that the party only cares about power with a few notable exceptions who have the courage and moral fiber to say "enough is enough". The rest don't care, at least where it counts, publicly, what he does or says. They're cowering under their beds at being tossed from office either from the "God Emperor Trump" brigade or increasingly likely, from the Democratic party.

Yep you are right "The rest don't care" ! The rest that dont care equal prob at least 75% of the USAs pop, and 95% of the worlds pop. The trouble here in the USA is is we (I include myself) are a nation of soft sheep. We sit in front of our plasma drawing our checks from work or the dole and taking what ever the boss or government shoves up our nether regions so we can buy our solyvent green and waddle to the beer store to ensure we have enough dope to comatose our selves until Monday etc. I had been sick of the world system for decades wondering what that little voice was REALLY telling me as I slogged not through rice paddies but rather mountains of paperwork! Yes I was God beach slapped so hard with truth that I died and was born again. The truly big truth about everything) finally hit me what was going on. I realized the solvlent green truth while dI served as a REMF PsyOps capaticty where I spewed out lies (disinformation) without pause....but I am digressing, but that lie and its supporting lies is only a tiny piece of the MESS..the mess that is KILLING OUR SOUL as a nation and worse its killing the individuals of the nation, and that is trickling down to me and is why I voted for trump. He is more truthful than the Wilderebeast.

See how simple it is?

its about truth.

See? See what I mean? Hmmm' how did trump get into office? The people, including ME put him there. If you really believe what you say you should revolt! A true American, if he feels he is being oppressed and should (actually has a duty to) revolt with the goal to form a NEW government, or repair our current system. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness"... (may need correction for minor detail).

yeah How the helil do I get the bolding off??



Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Yep you are right "The rest don't care" ! The rest that dont care equal prob at least 75% of the USAs pop, and 95% of the worlds pop. The trouble here in the USA is is we (I include myself) are a nation of soft sheep. We sit in front of our plasma drawing our checks from work or the dole and taking what ever the boss or government shoves up our nether regions so we can buy our solyvent green and waddle to the beer store to ensure we have enough dope to comatose our selves until Monday etc. I had been sick of the world system for decades wondering what that little voice was REALLY telling me as I slogged not through rice paddies but rather mountains of paperwork! Yes I was God beach slapped so hard with truth that I died and was born again. The truly big truth about everything) finally hit me what was going on. I realized the solvlent green truth while dI served as a REMF PsyOps capaticty where I spewed out lies (disinformation) without pause....but I am digressing, but that lie and its supporting lies is only a tiny piece of the MESS..the mess that is KILLING OUR SOUL as a nation and worse its killing the individuals of the nation, and that is trickling down to me and is why I voted for trump. He is more truthful than the Wilderebeast.

See how simple it is?

its about truth.

See? See what I mean? Hmmm' how did trump get into office? The people, including ME put him there. If you really believe what you say you should revolt! A true American, if he feels he is being oppressed and should (actually has a duty to) revolt with the goal to form a NEW government, or repair our current system. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness"... (may need correction for minor detail).

yeah How the helil do I get the bolding off??

Highlight the emboldened text, & click on <bold>.
This will unbold it.


Voice Of The Martyrs Supporter
At this point, the Republican Party no longer exists because it is now the Trump Party. The conservatives in Congress that marked the party prior to Trump have left or are leaving, leaving pretty much many in the more radical elements of the Tea Party to take their place. Much of what Republicans previously supported, such as free-trade for just one example, are now in the dust bin.

So, what happens when Trump leaves the White House, one way or another, is anyone's guess, but they have essentially "sold their conservative soul" either way, and Ryan and McConnell are significant culprits as they were nothing but obstructionists for eight years, offering nothing but "no" while the economy was tanking. And now they refuse to stand up to the Groper-In-Chief no matter what he says or does. "Chicken-hawks" are they, and that's the nice word for it.

Thank God the evergreen politicians are leaving and good riddance to the traitor's. Anyway before trump Republicans and Democrats were becoming an homogeneous cesspool of yes men. Political office should not be a 'give me career', it should be job based on love of country and it should be a job with strict term limits for all above the title of state rep. I would have voted for trump just for the shock effect & just to shake up those that thought Trump could never win. They finally found how out of touch they are /were with REALITY. o_O

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I do think the Republican Party is becoming more and more fringe and radical over time, which will decrease its appeal to future generations as younger people tend to be more progressive then the former and that Christian quasi-Fascist crap isn't going to fly anymore. Good. The Republican Party deserves to be destroyed. It's been a menance holding this country back for decades.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
The Republican Party deserves to be destroyed.

If it is destroyed, then maybe the Whigs will make a comeback.


Or maybe...



Voice Of The Martyrs Supporter
Yeah, lets get rid of Trump and the GOP because the stock market has been going into the stratosphere since he was ELECTED. He is reversing the rust belt horrors that both republican as well as Democrats created by moving the industrial base out of America and his administration is correcting other stupid moves minions such as Obama implemented. Moves like Obamas insistence on funding failure prone alternative energy endeavors. (About half of Obama administrations funded 'green' business failed). What Bush and others did not choose to see is this; service industries etc don't create wealth, fabricating and/or creating 'products' create wealth! Really Trump has accomplished quite a bit in his first year even with all out attacks Trump has suffered at the hands of well moneyed Soros types and his cronies. Lets not forget the assassination attempts on his integrity etc by popular (hopefully not for long) weeping and otherwise sniveling Hollywood bottom feeders like Meryl Streep etc. Yes, Trump has somehow prevailed while even keeping many of his campaign promises to we the people, ie the citizens of the USA. (the latter does not include illegal immigrants read as criminal immigrants).

What most angers those the haters is that Trump is continuing to crushed the opposition, you know who I am referring, the brain dead elitist socialist bubble people that said such a man could never ever, ever, not ever be elected to the office of president! Personally I could give a crap about what someone or some party labels themselves as, democrat independent, whatever. I only care about them doing the job they were elected to do. The haters on the other hand consider PERSONAL issues are more important than job performance, and that is truly pathetic.
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Well-Known Member
He's destroying the whole damn world and the environment protection programs at first sight. I don't give a **** about any party. You're lucky to survive at all


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Anyway before trump Republicans and Democrats were becoming an homogeneous cesspool of yes men.
The Republicans were not "yes men" but "no men" when Obama was president, and it came back to haunt them because most Americans knew we had some serious problems but all the Pubs did was to say "No!" like spoiled little children who didn't get their way.

I would have voted for trump just for the shock effect & just to shake up those that thought Trump could never win
And that's worth the damage he's doing to this country, which is likely to get worse than better in the near future?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Yeah, lets get rid of Trump and the GOP because the stock market has been going into the stratosphere since he was ELECTED.
Apparently you've not been following the DOW recently, and also the concerns of even the conservative economists.

Moves like Obamas insistence on funding failure prone alternative energy endeavors.
It's called "competition", and it goes hand-in-hand with something called "capitalism".

service industries etc don't create wealth, fabricating and/or creating 'products' create wealth!
False, as both create jobs.

Really Trump has accomplished quite a bit in his first year even with all out attacks Trump has suffered at the hands of well moneyed Soros types and his cronies.
Oh yes, that all-so-evil Soros. BTW, who do ya think attacked the Obama's, angels?

(the latter does not include illegal immigrants read as criminal immigrants)
Ever hear of "DACA"?

What most angers those the haters is that Trump is continuing to crushed the opposition
Buy far most of the hate speech I've heard and read has come out of the Trump supporters, and that also includes quite a few hostile actions by that element that even goes back to what Trump said his followers could do during his campaign.

The haters on the other hand consider PERSONAL issues are more important than job performance, and that is truly pathetic.
I tend to think that morals are important-- even for a president.