Income isn't a viable measure of equality since they largely choose to live in poorer areas and urban settings...
No, they don't, they're largely
born in poorer, urban settings and thus that is what they can afford and where all their loved ones are.
Because you've made less doesn't mean you were denied any opportunity.
So again, the fact that black people have
never, in the entire history of the country, made as much as whites is simply an indication to you that they just
deserve to make less, as a race?
You recognize how deeply disturbing and disconnected from reality that sentiment is, yes?
You could have taken less equitable paths. But, I still find this argument silly if only that if you have a mixed neighborhood of neighbors and talk to them all they probably all make exactly the same money. I don't live in a monochromatic neighborhood we like everyone here.
Neighborhoods are incredibly segregated in this country. The fact that you aren't aware of this is further evidence of the disconnection of your view from what's actually happening in the world.
1. Discrimination on employment is illegal. You can sue people for it, and companies aren't doing it for that reason.
So, nothing illegal ever happens in your mind?
Again, the disconnection from reality in your view is glaring.
2. Everyone is being paid the same with experience being the primary difference. Same condition as #1... Doing anything different = getting sued.
Same painfully obvious oversight as #1 - again, you actually believe black people as a race
deserve to make less money than white people. That speaks for itself.
Also, you understand that taking someone or some company to court costs
money, right? Especially something like a racial discrimination lawsuit.
3. They are more likely to get pulled over and searched, but also more likely to be doing something that will get them pulled over or searched. That's not selective enforcement.
How did you arrive at that conclusion?
Again, you're literally endorsing the belief that black people
deserve to be pulled over more often than other races. That is stunning, but at least tells me where your head is at.
4. Drug incarcerations are the same penalties for both, so nonsense.
You don't understand the issue. Black people are disproportionately incarcerated for drug use despite white people using drugs at equal or higher rates than black people.
5. They're less likely to get killed by the police than white people. Your statement is completely false. All crime reporting data shows this. White people are far and away more likely to be fatally wounded by the police.
You are, yet again, demonstrably incorrect.
Risk of being killed by police use of force in the United States by age, race–ethnicity, and sex
6. More likely to do the crime that results in the death penalty. But, given that a white person did the same crime they'd get the same sentence. Though very few states even have this as a sentence anymore.
The only crime we give people the death penalty for in this country is murder. So we're talking about homicide across the board. Again, your view is painfully incorrect.
You seem to have this idea in your head that whatever is written down on paper in law is exactly what happens in reality on the ground. Do you understand what bias in law enforcement even
is, as a concept?
So, the only truth in most of this is what you want to believe.
No. The truth is that if you have convinced yourself ahead of time that the disproportionately terrible treatment black people get from the criminal justice system is entirely their own fault, you'll dismiss any data put in front of you.
If you believe companies want to hand out free money to people in lawsuits I'll have a laugh at your expense. If you think cops should pull people over less even when they find someone doing something improperly based on their color... that's real racism... If you think we should modify sentences based on someone's race it's not only racist but putting them down and belittling them directly, as we begin to treat them as irresponsible children rather than grown folks.
Keep knocking down those straw men! Look at you go!