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Trump makes conflicting comments, both of them ominous and disturbing


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
You're predisposed to see Trump in a positive light and to steelman his comments. And you do that because he supports the Christian church.

Or, you are predisposed to see Trump in a negative light and to twist the meaning and context of his comments. And you do that because you have Trump derangement syndrome?

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
With "I don't need your vote" he means "the polls (those that I listen to) still have me in the lead, and I don't need more votes". He is telling himself that he has already won
He probably does or did believe the election was in the bag, but that's the most charitable understanding of his words possible, and when has Trump not been as horrible as he can be? When has the charitable interpretation of his words been correct?
With "you won't have to vote any more" he means "we will stack the courts, put loyalists into all positions and change legislation, so that even if the dems win in 2028, they won't be able to rewind the changes or govern in any effective way".
That's the Trump we know and loathe.

Trump is fixated on winning because of two powerful motivations: his malignant narcissism that only allows him to think in terms of adulation (he fixates on crowd size and previously on TV ratings) and his fear of prison. He hopes to make his legal problems disappear.

I'm reminded of this from Friend Of The Devil:

Got two reasons why I cry away each lonely night
The first one's named sweet Anne Marie and she's my hearts delight
The second one is prison, babe, the sheriff's on my trail
And if he catches up with me, I'll spend my life in jail
The election is months away. Then this crap can stop.
Until then, expect more of Harris and the Democrats pummeling Trump.

The memes for Trump are criminal, demented, and intending to end democracy in the States, and for both Vance and Trump, misogynistic, racist, weird and creepy. Expect to hear a lot of that over the next few months.
you are predisposed to see Trump in a negative light
Post-disposed. My view of Trump is based in observation, not pre-judgment. I'm a critical thinker, not a faith-based one. My beliefs are based in evidence.

Maybe you haven't noticed what a loathsome, despicable creature he is. He has no virtues or redeeming features, no humanity. He's a parasite, a pathological liar, a serial fraud and grifter, a serial adulterer, a sexual predator, an insurrectionist, and now a convicted felon succumbing to dementia. What's not to like?

Is that the kind of thing you promote in your church? Shouldn't a preacher be put off by such morals? Isn't your job among other things to condemn such behavior? What would Jesus say about Trump? What would Jesus say about your behavior?

You don't seem to notice or care how horrible Trump is or how much damage he intends to do to your country. Why is that? Where are your loyalties? Rhetorical question (no need to answer).

You no doubt see your religion as a moral beacon and a shaper of good people. I see the opposite. I see that the more one is into it, the further he strays from humanistic values, which are life and opportunity affirming. Humanists are repulsed by that man, but not evangelical Christians, who overwhelmingly support him.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Or, you are predisposed to see Trump in a negative light and to twist the meaning and context of his comments. And you do that because you have Trump derangement syndrome?
Its good for Trump the Democrats keep ranting and raving about. It reflects really well on just how massively unhinged this party is showing that it's completely incapable of leading this country in any real beneficial way.


Veteran Member
Trump is delusional. With "I don't need your vote" he means "the polls (those that I listen to) still have me in the lead, and I don't need more votes". He is telling himself that he has already won - as if polls won't change until November and the election will follow the polls.
That's what Trump did in 2020 s he got got early leads in election day voting counts, and then later the early and mail in ballots were counted which tended to be for more democrats, and he called it fraud. He still cites this as "suitcases of ballots" being added and he lost, as if these early and mail in voters don't count.

We can expect more of these kinds of lies and deceptions. Will the courts and election officials stand for this MAGA fraud and cheating?

With "you won't have to vote any more" he means "we will stack the courts, put loyalists into all positions and change legislation, so that even if the dems win in 2028, they won't be able to rewind the changes or govern in any effective way".
I think the only hope is that there are many courts that have ethical judges. We can't be sure what happens if things end up in the SCOTUS again. In any event all the counting has to be resolved by Jan 6.


Well-Known Member
He probably does or did believe the election was in the bag, but that's the most charitable understanding of his words possible, and when has Trump not been as horrible as he can be? When has the charitable interpretation of his words been correct?

That's the Trump we know and loathe.

Trump is fixated on winning because of two powerful motivations: his malignant narcissism that only allows him to think in terms of adulation (he fixates on crowd size and previously on TV ratings) and his fear of prison. He hopes to make his legal problems disappear.

I'm reminded of this from Friend Of The Devil:

Got two reasons why I cry away each lonely night
The first one's named sweet Anne Marie and she's my hearts delight
The second one is prison, babe, the sheriff's on my trail
And if he catches up with me, I'll spend my life in jail

Until then, expect more of Harris and the Democrats pummeling Trump.

The memes for Trump are criminal, demented, and intending to end democracy in the States, and for both Vance and Trump, misogynistic, racist, weird and creepy. Expect to hear a lot of that over the next few months.

Post-disposed. My view of Trump is based in observation, not pre-judgment. I'm a critical thinker, not a faith-based one. My beliefs are based in evidence.

Maybe you haven't noticed what a loathsome, despicable creature he is. He has no virtues or redeeming features, no humanity. He's a parasite, a pathological liar, a serial fraud and grifter, a serial adulterer, a sexual predator, an insurrectionist, and now a convicted felon succumbing to dementia. What's not to like?

Is that the kind of thing you promote in your church? Shouldn't a preacher be put off by such morals? Isn't your job among other things to condemn such behavior? What would Jesus say about Trump? What would Jesus say about your behavior?

You don't seem to notice or care how horrible Trump is or how much damage he intends to do to your country. Why is that? Where are your loyalties? Rhetorical question (no need to answer).

You no doubt see your religion as a moral beacon and a shaper of good people. I see the opposite. I see that the more one is into it, the further he strays from humanistic values, which are life and opportunity affirming. Humanists are repulsed by that man, but not evangelical Christians, who overwhelmingly support him.
Bleach my mind. Donald Trump as Anne-Marie.


Veteran Member
Or, you are predisposed to see Trump in a negative light and to twist the meaning and context of his comments.
Any decent person finds Trump to be what he is, a self-serving liar who has committed fraud and other criminal acts. Decent people don't need to judge criminal behavior, all they have to do is recognize that Trump is indifferent to ethics and the law, and those facts themselves are what condemn him to decent society.
And you do that because you have Trump derangement syndrome?
The sickness is those otherwise good people who try to deceive themselves about Trump, and imply the truly decent are somehow wrong for having social standards. This vilifies the decent and ethical to hide from the self that they have compromised their decency because Trump has appealed to their lower beast.

Citizens have a right to assess and even judge any candidate, and as we see Trump has exploited many citizens with his rhetoic and performaces. It's a curiosity why so many have allowed themselves to be taken for a ride when the evidence is so clear that Trump is a disturbed person and has an agenda that will cause a great deal of instability for the nation.


No religious beliefs
Maybe. I don't know the law in this area, but if you're correct, that's Trump's path to the White House. Of course, if that can happen it will happen, which means the country is already lost now. It means the outcome of the next election is already decided even if we don't know that yet. It would account for Trump's comment that he doesn't need any votes.
I'm not quite that pessimistic. There are several points at which the dastardly plot could fail. Something could be done at the local level to force the certification of the votes. The number of missing votes might be insufficient to defeat a big "blue wave". The House might fail in its attempt to "elect" Trump (their majority is razor thin and there are still some decent Republican representatives). The SCOTUS might have a rush of conscience to the brain (they've been under a lot of pressure recently). And my understanding of the whole thing could be wrong. And let's not forget that the Democrats know about this and could be planning counter measures as we write.

All speculative of course.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Or, you are predisposed to see Trump in a negative light and to twist the meaning and context of his comments. And you do that because you have Trump derangement syndrome?
I think it's quite clear what he said to Hannity, who clearly was taken aback, and what he said to the Christian PAC. He could have negated the obvious implications of his words but hasn't as far as I know.


Active Member
In this election, there is not two bad choices', there is not two 'lessor of two evil choices,' there is not two. "Better one than the other' choice, there is a choice between two absolutely awful characters.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I'm not quite that pessimistic.
Maybe you misunderstood me. My words were, "if that can happen it will happen, which means the country is already lost now. It means the outcome of the next election is already decided even if we don't know that yet. It would account for Trump's comment that he doesn't need any votes."

I don't know if that can happen, but I still believe that if it can happen, it will happen. It's passes the dog test:

"You defrosted a steak on a plate which you put on the table but forgot to put it back into the refrigerator before you left for work. Your dog is home alone, loves steak, has never been trained, and can get to the steak. Question: did the dog eat the steak? Of course it did. If it had the will and the means to get to it, there is no other possible outcome unless the dog dies of a heart attack trying to get to the steak."

This speaks to character. I wouldn't say the same thing about the Democrats. Most have ethics and there are some things they just wouldn't do even if they thought they could. But that's not true with MAGA. Hillary wouldn't have accepted help from Putin, but we can feel assured that if Putin offered it, Trump took it.
In this election, there is not two bad choices', there is not two 'lessor of two evil choices,' there is not two. "Better one than the other' choice, there is a choice between two absolutely awful characters.
Tens of millions of people disagree with you from both sides. MAGs don't care how awful Trump is except the ones who prefer it, and the response to Harris' candidacy has been off the charts in terms of inspiring record donations from first time donors, new voter registration, and volunteerism. She's even more of a juggernaut than Obama was in 2008.

Harris just had a huge turnout to hear her speak in Atlanta while Trumps rallies are small with people walking out. You can just imagine his rage over that, but my point is that Kamala is incredibly popular. She's taken the lead from Trump in four toss-up states (NV, MI, PA, WI).
Its good for Trump the Democrats keep ranting and raving about. It reflects really well on just how massively unhinged this party is showing that it's completely incapable of leading this country in any real beneficial way.
You can expect to hear plenty of this "ranting and raving" over the next three months. Harris will cement it in the American consciousness that Trump is a criminal and she is a former prosecutor who put people like him in prison. Vance is being pilloried for his cat women comment. Trump is now being hammered for his recent racist remarks directed at Harris.

Throw in the ads showing Republicans complaining about Trump killing the border legislation, improvement at the border despite Republican obstructionism, falling crime rates, the best economy in the world, and the messaging about refusing to go backward regarding the rights of women, Obamacare, Social Security, Medicare, more tax breaks for billionaires, and the treatment of LGTBQ+, and the Republicans will be on the defense the whole time.

Their only reasonable hope of winning this is dirty tricks.
Last edited:


No religious beliefs
Maybe you misunderstood me. My words were, "if that can happen it will happen, which means the country is already lost now. It means the outcome of the next election is already decided even if we don't know that yet. It would account for Trump's comment that he doesn't need any votes."

I don't know if that can happen, but I still believe that if it can happen, it will happen. It's passes the dog test:

"You defrosted a steak on a plate which you put on the table but forgot to put it back into the refrigerator before you left for work. Your dog is home alone, loves steak, has never been trained, and can get to the steak. Question: did the dog eat the steak? Of course it did. If it had the will and the means to get to it, there is no other possible outcome unless the dog dies of a heart attack trying to get to the steak."

This speaks to character. I wouldn't say the same thing about the Democrats. Most have ethics and there are some things they just wouldn't do even if they thought they could. But that's not true with MAGA. Hillary wouldn't have accepted help from Putin, but we can feel assured that if Putin offered it, Trump took it.

Not misunderstanding, but adding to what I wrote and you commented on. The idea that the election is already lost is certainly pessimistic, don't you think?

As far as the dog goes, I think "if it can happen it will happen" needs qualification, which is "unless something intervenes to stop it". I added some things that could provide that intervention.

As an aside, I'm not sure how much you know about dogs, but it's (relatively) easy to train a dog to do or not do something while you are present. It's more difficult to have him do or not do it all the time. I had a dog who had worked out how to open one of those kitchen trash cans where you step on a pedal to open it. She discovered if she pushed it over the lid would spring open. I would come home to find the trash all over the kitchen floor, though she would never do it while I was at home. One day I left the house, then remembered something I had forgotten and came back in. I found the trash can turned on its side with the back half of a dog protruding from it. I took the opportunity and banged on the can with a rolled up newspaper, while shouting "NO!". She never bothered the thrash can again. Not, I think, because she suddenly grew a conscience (dogs don't see things like that as "wrong") but in case I might be hiding outside the door, waiting to catch her.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
The idea that the election is already lost is certainly pessimistic, don't you think?
Yes, but I presented it as a conditional, not as a done deal. IF it's possible, it will happen. I don't see pessimism there. IF Trump gets back into the White House, he'll severely damage America some more, but perhaps that he won't get a chance. Do you agree with that conditional statement? If so, are you being pessimistic?
As far as the dog goes, I think "if it can happen it will happen" needs qualification, which is "unless something intervenes to stop it".
If something stops it, then it wasn't possible for the dog to eat the steak.
I added some things that could provide that intervention.
So did I - a heart attack.
I'm not sure how much you know about dogs, but it's (relatively) easy to train a dog to do or not do something while you are present.
Yes, but the dog in the story was untrained.

I don't think we disagree here. Nothing you've posted seems to contradict my position, which is that if the dog can eat the steak, we can be sure that it will, and if the Republicans can scuttle the election and they don't like the outcome, they will for exactly the same reason - they lack the self-restraint, whereas trained dogs and ethical, patriotic people don't lack the restraint.
The more unhinged ranting and raving the better it is.
Your wish is the Democrats command, although I would word it as pummeling Trump.

I'll bet he's suffering now unless he's sure that the election will be stolen, but even then, this has got to be humiliating for him. You can tell by his unhinged ranting and raving. Speaking of dogs, Harris has Trump on a leash:

‘Duckin’ Don’: Team Harris ridicules Trump over new debate dodge

Team Harris stresses prosecutorial record, calls Trump a criminal


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
I'm not quite that pessimistic. There are several points at which the dastardly plot could fail. Something could be done at the local level to force the certification of the votes. The number of missing votes might be insufficient to defeat a big "blue wave". The House might fail in its attempt to "elect" Trump (their majority is razor thin and there are still some decent Republican representatives). The SCOTUS might have a rush of conscience to the brain (they've been under a lot of pressure recently). And my understanding of the whole thing could be wrong. And let's not forget that the Democrats know about this and could be planning counter measures as we write.

All speculative of course.
On that subject of "big blue wave," I am seriously beginning to see that as a possibility. There is a feeling in the air, and more to the point, I truly think that it is contributing to Trump's own unhingedness.

Yes, it's possible I could be wrong, but I think more Americans are looking for a bit of sanity, a bit of calm than the MAGA zealots suspect, and they may well ote that way.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
On that subject of "big blue wave," I am seriously beginning to see that as a possibility. There is a feeling in the air, and more to the point, I truly think that it is contributing to Trump's own unhingedness.

Yes, it's possible I could be wrong, but I think more Americans are looking for a bit of sanity, a bit of calm than the MAGA zealots suspect, and they may well ote that way.
There's no such thing as a blue wave. More like a blue trickle since it's only half the country that has to contend with the other half.

It's in reality a blue trickle vs a red trickle.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
There's no such thing as a blue wave. More like a blue trickle since it's only half the country that has to contend with the other half.

It's in reality a blue trickle vs a red trickle.
I don't know. I think 2008 was more than a trickle. Obama/Biden won 365 electoral votes, compared to McCain/Palin, carrying 28 states to 22, and winning the popular vote by nearly 10 million votes, 52.9% to 45.7%, or 69.5 million to 60.0 million votes.

They also won both houses.


Well-Known Member
On that subject of "big blue wave," I am seriously beginning to see that as a possibility. There is a feeling in the air, and more to the point, I truly think that it is contributing to Trump's own unhingedness.

Yes, it's possible I could be wrong, but I think more Americans are looking for a bit of sanity, a bit of calm than the MAGA zealots suspect, and they may well ote that way.
I doubt that tRump thinks or cares about the house or the Senate, he only cares about himself, though he probably believes they will follow his lead because he is so great.