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try thinking


LOL you all make no sense the earth is 6000 years old!!! HAHAHA this is so funny the ignorance that you have. look at the grand canyon no way could that be made in 6000 years. did you know that it was PROVEN that the earth was frozen from pole to pole at least 3 times. how could you not exept the truth. organized religion is evil. how could be proud to be apart of a organization that is responseable for alot all the wars ever in history. you have kill millions of people because of the thick headedness that i am reading. plz stop!!!! you are stunning the growth and advancement of man kind. Religion is even killing us right now. im not saying your religon is wrong im saying all organized relgion is wrong!!! Try making you own desisons for once. the is no final judgement there is no resurrection just accept we are animals and when we die our brain dies meaning we die. the bright light? your brain shuting off. plz listen stop judgeing other because a book says so. you all are probably good people with a good intent. but that dosent matter. im not attacking you as a person but religon it self. plz reply with resonable answers not attacks on me because im not attack you.


The Celt
i never said the earth was only 6000 years old. I agree with you, i beleive it is much older.


The Celt
No. Not everything the bible says has to be taken word for word. Why couldn't the earth have been made, millions of years ago, but God waited to put man on earth. Just because you don't think science and religion can go tegether does not mean you are right. Try opening up to other people, then maybe you might find youself having a better understanding of religions and people.


maybe you sould pratice what you preach. if god really put us hear at a sertain time i think we would have been hear along time ago. if you look about 200 million lightyears away the could be a planet just like ours created say 13 trillion years ago. meaning that that planet would have life simalir to our own. meaning that they have over a trillion years of evolving under there belt.

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
jimbob said:
No. Not everything the bible says has to be taken word for word. Why couldn't the earth have been made, millions of years ago, but God waited to put man on earth. Just because you don't think science and religion can go tegether does not mean you are right. Try opening up to other people, then maybe you might find youself having a better understanding of religions and people.
That is a well put post, jimbo. Frubals

6000 years old? Wha? Explain the fossils of Dinosaurs, from millions of years ago?

krunk said:
just accept we are animals
In a sense, yes. We did descend from ape after all.


Active Member
Krunk said:
maybe you sould pratice what you preach. if god really put us hear at a sertain time i think we would have been hear along time ago. if you look about 200 million lightyears away the could be a planet just like ours created say 13 trillion years ago. meaning that that planet would have life simalir to our own. meaning that they have over a trillion years of evolving under there belt.
I have to say you arent making much sense.. what exactly is your point?

General comment though:
Evolution isnt always 'improving' and working towards producing an intelligent lifeform. We might have evolved in a matter of several billion years, but there could be a planet which started with life longer - but still without intelligent life.


Well-Known Member
Renaldo said:
In a sense, yes. We did descend from ape after all.
Forgive me....just wanted to clarify. The belief is not that we descended from apes, but that apes and man shared a common ancestor.


what is evolution? adapting the reason we are what we call intelligent is because we learned from it.
the human race would have died during the third ice age if we did not adapt and learn. we started off as cave men remember???? but define intelligent. every animal learns do they not? every living thing has its up side and down side. our upside was technology, science, knowlage. look at fish they have citys so to speak. coral. forest for other animals and jungle for others. look at insects they have a very keen ability to adapt that is why there are so many differnt kinds because they can not change there enviorment.


The Celt
Renaldo said:
6000 years old? Wha? Explain the fossils of Dinosaurs, from millions of years ago?
Huh? i don't understand what you're asking. i'm not denying dinasours or anything.


Active Member
Krunk said:
but define intelligent.
Good point. I was referring to the traditional view of 'intellect' (which is strictly speaking wrong) which holds that only man is intelligent (which clearly isnt the case).
Perhaps I should have said 'sentient' life instead..


High Priestess
First of all, the bible says that in the eyes of God, a day is like 1000 years and 1000 years is as a day. Next, God did not create the sun and the moon until the 4th 'day' of creation. Therefore, Genesis cannot be based on man's definition of 'day' which is the amount of time it takes the earth to travel around the sun.

And last, the bible does not tell us how long before Adam and Eve ate the apple and were sent out of the Garden. So, the bible does not conflict with scientific evidence, the mis-interpretations do.


Krunk said:
LOL you all make no sense the earth is 6000 years old!!! HAHAHA this is so funny the ignorance that you have.

We all make no sense, because the earth is 6000 yrs old, and then you diprove iit yourself.
Maybe i am confused maybe this continued off another thread.

You have ignorance in thinking you are talking to your computer which as views you have diagreed with in your mind.

This is a forum. There are other PEOPLE around the planet talking to you, and we do not all share one mind, that you have previously assumted assumtions to.
Now that would be funny.

how could be proud to be apart of a organization that is responseable for alot all the wars ever in history. you have kill millions of people because of the thick headedness that i am reading. plz stop!!!!

The organization i belong to has never held responsibility for any wars.
i am proud of that.

im not attacking you as a person but religon it self. plz reply with resonable answers not attacks on me because im not attack you.

This post is titled "try thinking" As though everyone here doesn't. That is an attack. Unwarrented as i am one individual who used this forum who has never posted on the same thread as you before, and you know nothing about what i think.

Now please try to come up with some "reasonable answers" for your broad generalizations, and why you think you are talking to a singular entity.

The Black Whirlwind

Well-Known Member
"LOL you all make no sense the earth is 6000 years old!!! HAHAHA this is so funny the ignorance that you have. look at the grand canyon no way could that be made in 6000 years. did you know that it was PROVEN that the earth was frozen from pole to pole at least 3 times. how could you not exept the truth."

maybe you should say, "i can't believe you Christians think the world is 6000 years old"

"organized religion is evil."

why do you think it is evil?

"How could be proud to be apart of a organization that is responseable for alot all the wars ever in history. you have kill millions of people because of the thick headedness that i am reading. plz stop!!!! "

that actually happened because of Catholics. There are many different denominations of christianity, try not to generalize so much.

"you are stunning the growth and advancement of man kind. Religion is even killing us right now. im not saying your religon is wrong im saying all organized relgion is wrong!!! Try making you own desisons for once."

Some people find solace in their lives only because of religion, it is what keeps them from giving up. How does it stunt the growth of mankind? because it doesn't agree with some of what science is doing? and how is it killing us right now? i tend to believe atheism is killing us right now. I do make my own decisions. i just do it with restraint and morals.

"the is no final judgement there is no resurrection just accept we are animals and when we die our brain dies meaning we die. the bright light? your brain shuting off."

How do you know that there is no resurrection and that there is no final judgement? what proof do you have? And i dont want to hear "because science says so." I already have accepted that we are animals, and that connects me more with the living force. Have you ever had a near death experience and seen the bright light? because if you haven't, how would you know that it is the brain shutting down, or that your soul is rejoining with the Force?

"plz listen stop judgeing other because a book says so."

like others have said, we all aren;t christians, and we all arent one mind

you all are probably good people with a good intent. but that dosent matter. im not attacking you as a person but religon it self. plz reply with resonable answers not attacks on me because im not attack you."

stop lying. you are attacking the good people of this forum. and please use better grammer next time you post, this isn't IM


The Celt
Krunk, you are talking just to talk. Try saying something not deragatory, mean, or stereotypical. People might like you more. Don't be the fool who talks just because he has to say something.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
"Try thinking"???? Gosh, I've never tried that before. Is it safe? What does the FDA say about it? What's OSHA's opinion on thinking? Are you sure anyone can do it? I get dizzy just thinking about thinking. Are you sure we should be trying it?


Saint in training
Well, I think (or not) that no one on here thinks. We ALL just hang around talking about meaningless stuff that we all just have meaningless opinions on. I don't think (or not) that I believe in thinking.


High Priestess
SK2005 said:
Well, I think (or not) that no one on here thinks. We ALL just hang around talking about meaningless stuff that we all just have meaningless opinions on. I don't think (or not) that I believe in thinking.
I tried thinking once, but it made my head hurt. Now I just open my mouth and let stuff fall out.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Isn't thinking addictive? I mean, my mom told me to stay away from things that are addictive.


Saint in training
EnhancedSpirit said:
I tried thinking once, but it made my head hurt. Now I just open my mouth and let stuff fall out.
yea, me too. That and we ALL just sit around typing about nothing, what a boring life we lead.....but what does it matter anyways?