1. What came first? Was there nothing before the big bang? But how can something come from nothing? So what came first, something or nothing? The usual response is that it is impossible that something came from nothing. But if there was something in the beginning, where did that something come from?
That's more than one question...
(In order)
No. There has never been "nothing".
It can't.
Conservation of energy - Wikipedia
something has always existed, so far as we know.
2. What came first, the chicken or the egg? If you say the chicken, then how did it come into being if there was no egg? If the egg came first, how did it come first when there was no chicken to lay the egg?
The egg - even though it's a stupid question.
The ingredients for the egg were formed through a process called Nucelosynthesis.
3. Take any book. Let us say that the book contains half a million words and many pictures. Lay it open in your hand. Can you say that the book formed itself? Did the pictures fall out of the sky? Did the trees cut themselves down to form paper? Did all the words form themselves on every page, each word, comma and full stop so that they made sense? Well the answer is of course not, that would be impossible. Millions of years could go by and nothing would have happened. But the truth is that the human DNA chain contains 4.3billion parts, enough to go to the moon and back. Each part is in the right order to construct a human being with everything in its order. This is evidence of design and therefore a Designer. I would ask you other questions. Where is the edge of space; when was the beginning of time? Man thinks he is so smart, but in the overall scheme of things, he knows nothing at all.
Your argument is that things are complex, therefore an invisible magic man in the sky must have created them via supernatural processes...
Your question and position are fundamentally flawed.
What you should be asking instead is how paper came to be...
Is modern paper made the way that ancient paper was made?
Was there ever ancient paper?
What did people write on before they had paper?
How did ink come to exist as we know it today?
What did people write on before they had pens?
Mass printing is a thing - where'd that come from?
When was glue invented?
What are the ingredients in glue?
Where did those ingredients come from?
How about binding?
Were the first books as well formed as modern books?
What can we learn about book construction by comparing ancient tomes to modern libraries?
You have to reduce your entire argument, whether you like it or not, to a God of the Gaps.
When you don't know something, you assume that it was the handiwork of an infinitely complex omniscient being... You have nothing to support that position or claim other than your personal conviction. It's the weakest argument that there is. It is equally as compelling as my argument that a Cosmic Pink Unicorn (CPM) formed the Universe via a series of Unicorn Snot Rockets last Thursday. We were all created fully mature, with memories and attributes already implanted in us by CPM. You cannot prove that it didn't happen this way, as you no have evidence. If you reject my claim of creation via the CPM, then you will banished to suffer for eternity in the pit of electric sparkles.