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Veteran Member
He is off line, but his posts are still here. He has not started well but usually people do get "three strikes". Look at how long our Flat Earther stuck around.

EDIT: Oops, clicked on his profile. The system would not pull it up. I guess that he may be gone.
Yup, that's what I did.

But unlike the flat earther, this guy was overtly sexually offensive, which would have had the the staid Americans that set the rules here reaching for their smelling salts. ;)

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Yup, that's what I did.

But unlike the flat earther, this guy was overtly sexually offensive, which would have had the the staid Americans that set the rules here reaching for their smelling salts. ;)
I saw the gay comment and that he has 24 total comments. It is likely that he used up his three strikes.

Wait a second, are you saying that I cannot offend members in an overtly sexual manner? Oh oh . . .

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Well you can, but only with British or Australian terminology and spelling, I have found.:cool:
I have seen that too. In the US twat is taken to be synonymous to the "c" word. The rection to either word in polite company would be the same. As a fan of Jim Jeffries the "c" word appears to be about the same in Australia as "darn" here, at least by his speech patterns. One has to be very upset or vulgar to use it here. For him it is a mil punctuation mark.