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Veteran Member
It has always been the age of misinformation, partial-information, half-truths, one-sided histories.

I was hoping for a few more 1st hand accounts with this thread. Not debates about what others have seen, what strange things has everyone here seen?

I've seen:
It looked like a large boomerang - really large, with clouds surrounding it. Moved slowly - silently - pushing through cloud/fog.

Camping - it wasn't a meteor, too large, rectangular - burning up in atmosphere. 3 of us saw it from different camping sites.

Hiking - came across quite a few dead animals that had been carved up, missing organs, drained if blood - just shell left - hollow. Not old carcass, fresh. In the middle of nowhere. Clean cuts - not chewed on, no claw marks - clean cuts.

Everyone has seen a few strange things, right?
Yes, but most of us don't jump to exotic conclusions about the cause. The only truly strange thing I've seen personally was ball lightning, in a tank farm on an oil plant, after a lightning strike.


It has always been the age of misinformation, partial-information, half-truths, one-sided histories.

I was hoping for a few more 1st hand accounts with this thread. Not debates about what others have seen, what strange things has everyone here seen?

I've seen:
It looked like a large boomerang - really large, with clouds surrounding it. Moved slowly - silently - pushing through cloud/fog.

Camping - it wasn't a meteor, too large, rectangular - burning up in atmosphere. 3 of us saw it from different camping sites.

Hiking - came across quite a few dead animals that had been carved up, missing organs, drained if blood - just shell left - hollow. Not old carcass, fresh. In the middle of nowhere. Clean cuts - not chewed on, no claw marks - clean cuts.

Everyone has seen a few strange things, right?
Around 1979 - estimated 10:30 p.m. walking to my father's I saw what I first thought was a shooting star, up is high as some of the farthest stars (the Big Dipper for instance). I said to myself no it's moving too slow to be a shooting star and as if it was reading my mind, it actually made a z _ it zipped, zagged, zipped again and shot off in a straight line at a unbelievable speed. That was my first sighting. But I have had more since then two of which were within 100 ft away and above no more than 150 ft.


Veteran Member
Yes, but most of us don't jump to exotic conclusions about the cause. The only truly strange thing I've seen personally was ball lightning, in a tank farm on an oil plant, after a lightning strike.
People are strange. Some get up on Sunday when they could sleep in, go to a strange building to listen to a man (usually) spouting nonsense. Really strange.


Veteran Member
People are strange. Some get up on Sunday when they could sleep in, go to a strange building to listen to a man (usually) spouting nonsense. Really strange.
And some do weird exercises like yoga or "mindfulness" too. Or go and row a boat for 12km up the river and down again, just for fun. Quite irrational. ;)

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
It has always been the age of misinformation, partial-information, half-truths, one-sided histories.

I was hoping for a few more 1st hand accounts with this thread. Not debates about what others have seen, what strange things has everyone here seen?

I've seen:
It looked like a large boomerang - really large, with clouds surrounding it. Moved slowly - silently - pushing through cloud/fog.

Camping - it wasn't a meteor, too large, rectangular - burning up in atmosphere. 3 of us saw it from different camping sites.

Hiking - came across quite a few dead animals that had been carved up, missing organs, drained if blood - just shell left - hollow. Not old carcass, fresh. In the middle of nowhere. Clean cuts - not chewed on, no claw marks - clean cuts.

Everyone has seen a few strange things, right?
Sorry, not even a crop circle. Things I worked out later, a couple of times, like satellites at night, but no UFOs as such ─ let alone a UAP.


Question Everything
Sorry, not even a crop circle. Things I worked out later, a couple of times, like satellites at night, but no UFOs as such ─ let alone a UAP.

Well, hike around a little more, spend a little more time staring up at the clouds, perhaps a night or two under the stars :). It's a wonderful thing, to sleep under the stars - as you stir every now and then, look up, see the constellations slowly moving across the sky. Tomorrow night is the next full moon.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Well, hike around a little more, spend a little more time staring up at the clouds, perhaps a night or two under the stars :). It's a wonderful thing, to sleep under the stars - as you stir every now and then, look up, see the constellations slowly moving across the sky. Tomorrow night is the next full moon.
I vigorously applaud the sentiment; though, time being what it is, my days of camping in wildernesses are, I fear, behind me. Still, I walk by day a lot, so should Something land in a park in my district before sundown, I'll be in touch.


I think UFOs are just a scam of western establishment to fool the masses into their new age religion. I think UFOs are fallen devils which can do magic upon people.

Here is a information video about HARUT and MARUT the two fallen angels which teached magic to people in ancient babylon!

Harut (harlot) and Marut


Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I think UFOs are just a scam of western establishment to fool the masses into their new age religion. I think UFOs are fallen devils which can do magic upon people.

Here is a information video about HARUT and MARUT the two fallen angels which teached magic to people in ancient babylon!

Harut (harlot) and Marut

There is no need to invoke magic. UFO's when analyzed appear to be perfectly mundane. They are merely surprising observations cause by unexpected effects from new technology.


There is no need to invoke magic. UFO's when analyzed appear to be perfectly mundane. They are merely surprising observations cause by unexpected effects from new technology.

Even Coca cola uses the term REAL MAGIC when advertising their evil drink. So magic is absolutely real but westerners dont want to hear it because they get anxiety and pain when confronted with truth.



Veteran Member
Even Coca cola uses the term REAL MAGIC when advertising their evil drink. So magic is absolutely real but westerners dont want to hear it because they get anxiety and pain when confronted with truth.

"Westerners?" Are you in an Arab country or further East?


"Westerners?" Are you in an Arab country or further East?

with westerners i mean lost countries to Allah. Woke and LGBT countries. There is still some hope for eastern countries but not for western satanist countries. You are doomed.


Veteran Member
are you realy ok with the mindset that your woke male neighbor can kiss his boyfriend with tongue in the floor of your apartment while your kids are watching?
What are you talking about? In my country we can't see what other people do in the privacy of their houses. We have these things called "walls" you see.

But somehow I doubt you will be with us for long. I've reported you as a nasty troll, so we'll see what the forum moderation decides about you.

Fiy ma'an illah.


Well-Known Member
are you realy ok with the mindset that your woke male neighbor can kiss his boyfriend with tongue in the floor of your apartment while your kids are watching?
You do have a very strange view of domestic life. I can assure you the reality is much more boring.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Even Coca cola uses the term REAL MAGIC when advertising their evil drink. So magic is absolutely real but westerners dont want to hear it because they get anxiety and pain when confronted with truth.

That is some very faulty reasoning on your part. Do you think that you could make a rational argument supporting your beliefs?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
with westerners i mean lost countries to Allah. Woke and LGBT countries. There is still some hope for eastern countries but not for western satanist countries. You are doomed.
What makes you think that you Allah is real? You need something much stronger than you have presented so far.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
.............and..................he's gone!

Bye bye Serious Beard. :D
He is off line, but his posts are still here. He has not started well but usually people do get "three strikes". Look at how long our Flat Earther stuck around.

EDIT: Oops, clicked on his profile. The system would not pull it up. I guess that he may be gone.