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UN chief warns global leaders: The world is in ‘great peril’


Veteran Member
I'd wonder how anyone still denies Global Warming, as it's getting to a point where denying it is like denying evolution.
There's some psychology in both cases - the science is offensive to a cherished belief - but mostly it's because the corporate owned media in conjunction with "free market" think tanks did what it could to play it down/obscure the issue/shout loudest as distraction.


Veteran Member
UN chief warns global leaders: The world is in 'great peril' | AP News

Conflicts, climate catastrophes, increasing poverty and inequality, and divisions among the major powers that have gotten worse since Russia invaded Ukraine.

What do you think of Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' remarks?

Is the world in great peril? Sometimes I hear conflicting views on this topic. Some people seem to believe that the world is better off than it was 50-100 years ago, and others say things are worse.

Is it a lack of foresight? Negligence? Myopia? Should we have known better? Or was all this inevitable and there was nothing we could have done to prevent it?

I remember back when we were treated to visions of the future like "Soylent Green," so at least some people had an inkling even back then. Why didn't we heed the warnings?

On the other hand, some may argue that the world has turned out nowhere near as bad as it was envisioned in "Soylent Green," so maybe the doomsayers are exaggerating? I do recall dire warnings being made about overpopulation, although those warnings seem to have subsided and toned down since the 1970s.

What about the geopolitical divides? Are we in worse peril now than we were during the height of the Cold War? What could we have done differently? What did we do wrong, and have we learned from our mistakes?
They need this sky to be constantly falling so they can make more rules about what we're allowed to do.
Overall it's the same old, same old... Certainly better than some times in history and maybe worse than others.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
The planet dying is not the concern. The concern is the planet being so inhospitable that it becomes too diificult and expensive to survive. Think you'd make the cut?
Sure. I've been in inhospitable climates for protracted periods. I doubt however it's going to become so apocalyptic to the point I will buy Jim Bakkers survival gruel out of desperation.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Still , this planet isn't going to turn into Venus with fossil fuels that the fear mongers push. Even if every remaining oil reserve is burnt all at once to the last drop.
Perhaps not, but it's still toxic and deadly and has poisoned everything from rains falling from the clouds to the deepest ocean trenches.
And it's not something like massive volcanic activity causing it, but stupid apes who believe the fantasies of us being so far above and removed from nature that some of them don't even accept their behaviors can possibly be destructive on a global scale.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Perhaps not, but it's still toxic and deadly and has poisoned everything from rains falling from the clouds to the deepest ocean trenches.
And it's not something like massive volcanic activity causing it, but stupid apes who believe the fantasies of us being so far above and removed from nature that some of them don't even accept their behaviors can possibly be destructive on a global scale.
I'm certainly not against green technology.

My only beef is when it's under par to the object it wants to replace. I'll rant and rave over that as you already know.

I'd definitely support green R and D and sincerely wish much success in those endeavors.

My only fear is how bad corporations will take advantage of this and start ripping people off with things like costs and planned obsolescence.


Veteran Member
And it's not something like massive volcanic activity causing it, but stupid apes who believe the fantasies of us being so far above and removed from nature that some of them don't even accept their behaviors can possibly be destructive on a global scale.
Spot on !


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
In addition to what @PureX said, I'd add:

7 billion people on the way to 11 billion people is simply too many people for our planet's environment to sustain. Our fresh water aquifers are being drained far faster than they can be replenished. Our topsoil is being destroyed far faster than it replenishes itself. We're losing species in the natural world at alarming rates. Rising sea levels will likely displace ONE BILLION people in the next couple of decades.

So I agree with @PureX, we MUST defang corporations and the 1% ASAP. We must also start taking sustainability seriously. All subsidies to oil and gas must be shifted to more sustainable energy sources. We must stop subsidizing the cattle and pork industries. Even if you don't care about the animals themselves, it takes far too many resources to produce edible meat. Without subsidies, beef might cost $30 / pound. Good! That's what it friggin' should cost.

We need to improve our education systems worldwide. And so on.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Then why the focus on Venus? Of course Earth can't become like Venus, it's an entirely different planet that's also way closer to the sun the we are and an atmosphere that is lethal before you get to the temperatures.
So, yes, lets go realistic instead if sci-fi.


Veteran Member
In addition to what @PureX said, I'd add:

7 billion people on the way to 11 billion people is simply too many people for our planet's environment to sustain. Our fresh water aquifers are being drained far faster than they can be replenished. Our topsoil is being destroyed far faster than it replenishes itself. We're losing species in the natural world at alarming rates. Rising sea levels will likely displace ONE BILLION people in the next couple of decades.

So I agree with @PureX, we MUST defang corporations and the 1% ASAP. We must also start taking sustainability seriously. All subsidies to oil and gas must be shifted to more sustainable energy sources. We must stop subsidizing the cattle and pork industries. Even if you don't care about the animals themselves, it takes far too many resources to produce edible meat. Without subsidies, beef might cost $30 / pound. Good! That's what it friggin' should cost.

We need to improve our education systems worldwide. And so on.
Right. The status quo attitudes that are tyical among more conservative people is destructive, and it's destructive for being lazy at a time when direct action is crucial.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
In other news, Henny Penny warned that the sky is falling and a little boy cried "Wolf!"


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
In other news, Henny Penny warned that the sky is falling and a little boy cried "Wolf!"

Show us the math that proves that when Greenland's ice cover melts sea levels won't rise enough to displace hundreds of millions of people. We have good data on how quickly Greenland's ice is melting, so then your math should be fairly simple, correct?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
My only beef is when it's under par to the object it wants to replace. I'll rant and rave over that as you already know.
We could be like the Saxons building with thatch as they looked upon the stone buildings left by Rome.
But green energy has actually come a long ways. Like solar panels. They keep getting cheaper and cheaper, and if you don't go nuts the electric company will owe you most months. With electric cars we're just about to where infrastructure is the issue.
And, ultimately, we'd be further along now had people not dragged their feet and opposed green energy research.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Show us the math that proves that when Greenland's ice cover melts sea levels won't rise enough to displace hundreds of millions of people. We have good data on how quickly Greenland's ice is melting, so then your math should be fairly simple, correct?
That you think the math would be simple shows you really don't know what you're talking about. There are so many assumptions it would be a pointless exercise. Besides which "hypotheses non fingo."

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Civilisation statuses is all humans natural life conditioned problems now.

To make choices to continue it's function is like a dysfunctional machine.

Choices made about the status civilisation built was on fake greedy man's inhumanity of our natural family.

Hence you won't ever be correct or right as you arent in any correct first position. Natural.

Natural earth was. Natural heavens was. Natural life was.

In a mind memory human Theist thinking about all those historic positions still exist. Are a statement life is just abused.

Humans self destructive conditioning is by civilisation standards. That also proves destroys civilisation standards ..... as self destructive human behaviour choice was owned naturally first.

We know we need a healthy heavenly balanced cooled water oxygen position. No argument about it.

We know human lifestyle greed status self Idolating is a human condition and problem Inherited.

You know.

If you begin with basics. You then need to pretend no position now is real.

Think about who we once were as natural family. Then proceed to think what best choices to continue life is left.

As we dont need rich human stories coercions manipulations about what is or isn't happening now. We already own a human answer about very evil men in the past who caused all inherited problems now.

Removing coercive stories manipulations for humans whose behaviours haven't changed. Is to ignore them. Base advice only about who we all should be now and should have been now.

We know what's natural and what needs support to not change. So you chose now what will support only very slight natural change and stop anything else. As chosen human bad behaviour.

The position men in groups choosing an evil rich lifestyle only over natural continuance of all things natural first.

Is the known answer.


Veteran Member
Is the world in great peril?

Even so we are living in the best times ever, there are a lot of trends to betterment reversing.
We had a trend of more countries becoming (more) democratic - which is already stalling and might reverse.
We had a trend of people becoming more intelligent (Flynn effect) - which is reversing.
We had a trend of the environment been taken care of. Acid rain, ozone killers, lead, polluted rivers, etc. have been tackled in the last 50 years but it seems global warming is not going to be.
We had a trend of unification. The EU lost a member for the first time recently and Poland and Hungary are doing their best to get kicked out.
Until recently ever fewer people had to suffer from hunger or malnutrition. That trend has been reversed.
Life expectancy is shrinking in some regions for the first time since over a hundred years.

As I said we still have it good but if we take that for granted, we might lose the good life.

Five Solas

Active Member
When such is put forth in religion, it's usually because they view scripture as being completely inerrant and thus are willing to ignore or dismiss some of the most basic scientific evidence.
This is a sweeping statement.
Scripture is inerrant but that has nothing to do with the relationship between Christianity and modern science.
To claim that Christianity ignores or dismisses basic scientific evidence because Scripture is inerrant is a false and malicious statement.


Well-Known Member
It's called anarchy. ...

No, it would be true democracy, if all people would decide everything about their own life and only about their own life.

....Many citizens protested, and they were arrested and threatened. That is a dictator at work.

Yes, I know, many protested how Biden's regime stole the election and then arrested people without any just cause. Biden truly looks like a dictator, with his FBI hunting his political opposition like Gestapo. It is truly sad that democracy and freedom is dying under Biden's totalitarian regime.

....Look at your religious belief, you really think it is true and real, don't you? I'll bet you believe it has authority over everyone even if they aren't your stripe of Christian, am I wrong? Gods and authoritarian leaders are the problem, not solutions. As it is the world problems seem to be coming from right wing politics, with greed, indifference to suffering, science denial, authoritarian leadership like putin and Trump and Erdogan and Le pen, etc.

Funny thing is that you sound authoritarian and totalitarian more than Trump.

Five Solas

Active Member
There's some psychology in both cases - the science is offensive to a cherished belief - but mostly it's because the corporate owned media in conjunction with "free market" think tanks did what it could to play it down/obscure the issue/shout loudest as distraction.

To all those who preach the truth and certainties of science with so much enthusiasm - read this article

Why my own Royal Society is wrong on climate change: A devastating critique of world's leading scientific organisation by one of its Fellows | Daily Mail Online

He said:
"The implication was clear: the Society seemed to be saying there was no longer room for meaningful debate about the claim that the world is warming dangerously because of human activity, because the science behind this was ‘settled’."
"Those who fail to provide balance are not giving advice, but lobbying. It is with the deepest regret that I must now state that this is the role which has been adopted by the Royal Society. And when scientists abandon neutral inquiry for lobbying, they jeopardise their purpose and integrity."