OK..... Ask me a question, like 'Oldbadger, do you want to live within a rigid theocracy with very severe restrictions, blah blah....'
Answer:- 'Ummmm.... errr... not today, thankyou.'
But here in the UK we do have big HR difficulties at this time, and I for one would sooner concentrate upon those rather than point fingers at others, that's all.
Here's an example. You mentioned people born into lands where they would or could be repressed, mistreated, with unacceptable degrees of human rights. Now turn it round and ask, 'Are we making it easy enough for such folks to take refuge in our countries?' 'What are we doing to help such people?' Answer: Both our lot and your lot make it very very difficult for all refuge seekers to obtain permanent safety in our countries....... = a HR issue where we could do something but don't.
SandandFoam could tell you a few ideas about UK HR..... better than I could, but equally, if you type something like 'american Indian injustice' into the www you'll probably get a page or two of results.