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Understanding Satanism...


I am trying to understand Satanism. I listen to a wide variety of music, and one of the genres happens to be Death/Black Metal. When I listen to some of the lyrics it makes me wonder why it is that they feel these ways about certain topics. I understand that many of the topics are also Neo-Pagan, but I am not looking for answers to those questions here.

The most common topics that I think about are:
1. The relationship of Satanism & Christianity, Islam, as well as other religions.
2. The relationship of a Satanist with God, Allah, etc..
3. The relationship of a Satanist in regards Jesus, Muhammud, Krishna, etc..
4. The concept of Satan, himself.
5. The perception that Satanists have of Satan's relationship with God, Allah, Vishnu, etc..
6. Satanic influence upon other religions and/or belief systems.
7. The Satanist's understanding of the universe.
8. The Satanist ideology in terms of human relationships.
9. The Satanist ideal of what Satan truly wants from them.
10. The Apocalyptic situation.

So, would anyone be willing to give me some insight? Any understanding would be helpful. Thank you.
I am trying to understand Satanism. I listen to a wide variety of music, and one of the genres happens to be Death/Black Metal. When I listen to some of the lyrics it makes me wonder why it is that they feel these ways about certain topics. I understand that many of the topics are also Neo-Pagan, but I am not looking for answers to those questions here.
Firstly, black metal isn't Satanism, nor do most of the lyrics presented by black metal artists represent Satanism. You can find songs that offer a Satanic message or philosophy in just about any genre. Try rush or blue oyster cult for a start.

The 'black metal' death, devil and destruction imagery exists to sell records. It's just an act.
The most common topics that I think about are:
1. The relationship of Satanism & Christianity, Islam, as well as other religions.
Satanism is the inverse of what these religions preach. This isn't so much by design as it is an observation that these belief systems have most things completely backwards.
2. The relationship of a Satanist with God, Allah, etc..

3. The relationship of a Satanist in regards Jesus, Muhammud, Krishna, etc..
Figureheads representing harmful and destructive semitic desert death cults. Nothing more, nothing less.

4. The concept of Satan, himself.
Satan is a representation of the adversary to popular semitic death cult tradition and morality. The enemy of faith, the accuser and opponent of enthroned lies and popularized self deceit. On a more personal level he is the internal projection of ones utmost and highest potential.
5. The perception that Satanists have of Satan's relationship with God, Allah, Vishnu, etc..
If god is an external deity that wants faith and submission, Satan is surely an internal deity that wants questioning and defiance. As such the relationship, insofar as the memetics are concerned, is a sort of photo-negative.
6. Satanic influence upon other religions and/or belief systems.
Satanists are those whom manipulate things to their will using whatever they deem necessary to do so. As such it seems only logical that many Satanists have used the powerful tool for manipulation and control that is externalized religion. Do you honestly think all of those televangelists selling little bags of sand or vials of water from the 'holy land' (for exorbitant fees, of course) are true believers? Religion is often no more than a means to an end.
7. The Satanist's understanding of the universe.
Well, there are actually two universes. There is the objective universe, or OU..everything that is..cause and effect..matter and energy..the whole shebang. Satanism itself says nothing about what the objective universe is or where it comes from, because it really doesn't matter. Only how it operates, and more importantly, how to operate it.
The 'other' universe is the Subjective Universe, or that which is created by our sensory data and how our brain interprets that data. The SU and the OU are often at odds.
8. The Satanist ideology in terms of human relationships.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates! [/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]5. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek! [/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires! [/FONT]:cool:

9. The Satanist ideal of what Satan truly wants from them.
He wants exactly what I want.
10. The Apocalyptic situation.


Thank you very much for all of that information. I did not even explore most of those ideas when I was thinking about it. I was truly surprised to learn that Death/Black Metal is just a front to sell music.

1. Stemming from that point, though, doesn't that mean that there is manipulation in the aspect of the music? Which is an ideal device for those who are Satanists? So, would you say that Satanists would be proud that there is something like that there where they are putting on an "act"?

2. So, what exactly does Satan symbolize? Why does he exist? Is he, himself, needed at all?

3. Would you say that there is a belief in a multiverse or would it be a dualverse, or some derivative thereof? Is there room for other possible universes?

4. Would you say that Satanism is a religion of self-serving?

5. Would you say that it stems from the Semitic religions, in being that it is an opposition-oriented religion?


1. Stemming from that point, though, doesn't that mean that there is manipulation in the aspect of the music? Which is an ideal device for those who are Satanists? So, would you say that Satanists would be proud that there is something like that there where they are putting on an "act"?
Maybe. Some Satanists, myself for example, would rather listen to Cab Calloway or Frank Sinatra than metal. Satanists are staunch individualists and while not immune to stereotype, they will likely as not, transcend them.
2. So, what exactly does Satan symbolize? Why does he exist? Is he, himself, needed at all?
To me, a power symbol. There is no 'he' to me. There is only a 'me'. Satan represents to me a way to keep people at arms length who would force their belief systems onto me via litigation or other social constructs. Satan represents wisdom to me and serves to remind me of the power of one.
3. Would you say that there is a belief in a multiverse or would it be a dualverse, or some derivative thereof? Is there room for other possible universes?
The answer to that would depend on how many Satanists you ask the question of. There is no pat answer because most Satanists shun 'belief' in favor of observable fact.
4. Would you say that Satanism is a religion of self-serving?
5. Would you say that it stems from the Semitic religions, in being that it is an opposition-oriented religion?
To me, it's more of a reaction to this versus stemming from it because Satanism (as codified by LaVey) rejects all 'belief' systems with regard to religion.


The Heretic
Are their any other satanic denominations besides LaVeyan and theistic Satanism?

What's the goal of Satanism? How does a Satanist live?

What is the Satanist's stance on karma?

Is Ayn Rand's Objectivism related to Satanism?

Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
Firstly, black metal isn't Satanism, nor do most of the lyrics presented by black metal artists represent Satanism. You can find songs that offer a Satanic message or philosophy in just about any genre. Try rush or blue oyster cult for a start.

The 'black metal' death, devil and destruction imagery exists to sell records. It's just an act.

SSE, I just stumbled upon this video again. I couldn't help but want to show it to you. It's pretty effing tight. I was wondering what you might say. :D

LoL ST. Pretty much exactly what I was talking about. It's all imagery. Those lyrics are pretty much nonsense from my perspective.

Good video, though.
Hi Neil. Must have lost this thread in the morass.

Are their any other satanic denominations besides LaVeyan and theistic Satanism?
Depends on who you ask, and how they define Satanism. Ask a hardcore christian and they might say anyone who doesn't believe is a Satanist. Some would only include devil worshippers, some would only include pure 'LaVeyan' Satanists. Some might define Satanist as anyone friendly to the Satan archetype whatsoever. If you accept this last definition then there are countless 'types'. personally I feel that Satanism only makes sense in the context of an atheistic materialist worldview, but not everyone agrees.
What's the goal of Satanism? How does a Satanist live?
Again, many possible answers based on above, but my personal goal is aligning My subjective universe with the objective universe to maximize the potential to exact my Will.
What is the Satanist's stance on karma?

Is Ayn Rand's Objectivism related to Satanism?
Yes, there are many similarities, but also many differences.


Do some Satanists believe in joining Satanism with other belief systems, such as the Chakras, Divination, etc.?

Do Satanists believe in charity?

Do Satanists believe in gifts?


The Devil You Know
Do some Satanists believe in joining Satanism with other belief systems, such as the Chakras, Divination, etc.?

Some might, depending on what "kind" of Satanist you ask. Personally, I have an interest in other religious systems and occultism, but it's more of an idle scholarly interest.

Do Satanists believe in charity?

Again, I can only truly speak for myself, but generally I believe the answer is no. I suppose it also depends on what you mean by charity. Giving a homeless guy on the street a dollar? Or a sizable donation to an organization that seeks funding for research into cures for diseases? It was asked above whether Rand's system of Objectivism is comparable to Satanism. I concur with SSE's response in that there are some similarities and some differences. The Objectivist view of charity is that it should be voluntary. Ideally, it is voluntary in Christian terms as well, but there is a religious mandate for charity within the Christian religion, so there is very little choice. No such religious mandate exists for Satanism.

Do Satanists believe in gifts?

Well, it makes it kind of hard to cultivate a personal relationship, especially with a member of the opposite sex, without giving an occasional gift. ;)


Some might, depending on what "kind" of Satanist you ask. Personally, I have an interest in other religious systems and occultism, but it's more of an idle scholarly interest.

Again, I can only truly speak for myself, but generally I believe the answer is no. I suppose it also depends on what you mean by charity. Giving a homeless guy on the street a dollar? Or a sizable donation to an organization that seeks funding for research into cures for diseases? It was asked above whether Rand's system of Objectivism is comparable to Satanism. I concur with SSE's response in that there are some similarities and some differences. The Objectivist view of charity is that it should be voluntary. Ideally, it is voluntary in Christian terms as well, but there is a religious mandate for charity within the Christian religion, so there is very little choice. No such religious mandate exists for Satanism.

Well, it makes it kind of hard to cultivate a personal relationship, especially with a member of the opposite sex, without giving an occasional gift. ;)

Thank you for the information. It is well received.


The Devil You Know
To be fair, Behemoth do not claim to be Satanists, as far as I know. Nergal is an occult scholar, if you will. He is lyrically inspired by the writings of Aleister Crowley, Austin Osman Spare, and modern Chaos Magic(k)ian Peter S. Caroll, among others, as well as Mesopotamian and Babylonian mythology. You will find no substance in terms of Satanic philosophy within the lyrics because, quite simply, it is not there.

The trouble with music is that people seem to forget that for a lot of musicians, they are chiefly entertainers. That does not mean that they are not serious about their music (though many are decidedly not; that's right, I'm looking at you, KISS), but of course it is mostly going to be entertainment. The joke is on those who take the lyrical content too seriously. These are the brainiacs who shoot up their schools, kill their friends, or engage in other criminal behaviors and blame the music. Despicable.

Furthermore, the "Satanist" epithet is often tagged on to a band by those who misunderstand and, therefore, misapply the term. There are few bands in the black metal underground that can be correctly tagged as Satanists in the LaVeyan sense of the term. The rest are either the inverse faith types (many of which are, admittedly, very musically interesting, if not lyrically) who are very DEADLY serious about their lyrical content, or the Dungeons and Dragons, demons 'n' wizards type.

Personally, I like black metal not for lyrical content (I very rarely pay attention to lyrics), but for the compositional aesthetic; in other words, the meat and potatoes, the nuts and bolts of the music itself: the musical intervals, the harmonies, the melodies, the rhythms, the instrumentation, the timbre (tone quality), and the instrumental interplay. These are what make music what it is, NOT the lyrics so much. This is something that the music listening public misses and bypasses altogether.

On that note, I agree with fnord's statment. While I enjoy metal, I like art music more so. My favorite composers are Chopin, Liszt, Beethoven, Richard Wagner, Gustav Mahler, Dmitri Shostakovich, and Olivier Messiaen (a deeply devout Catholic, whose works, many of which are purely instrumental, still have a sacred significance. Nevertheless, I can easily set that aside, and enjoy his works for what they are: masterpieces of 20th century art music. I recommend his Quatour pour la fin du temps).


To be fair, Behemoth do not claim to be Satanists, as far as I know. Nergal is an occult scholar, if you will. He is lyrically inspired by the writings of Aleister Crowley, Austin Osman Spare, and modern Chaos Magic(k)ian Peter S. Caroll, among others, as well as Mesopotamian and Babylonian mythology. You will find no substance in terms of Satanic philosophy within the lyrics because, quite simply, it is not there.

The trouble with music is that people seem to forget that for a lot of musicians, they are chiefly entertainers. That does not mean that they are not serious about their music (though many are decidedly not; that's right, I'm looking at you, KISS), but of course it is mostly going to be entertainment. The joke is on those who take the lyrical content too seriously. These are the brainiacs who shoot up their schools, kill their friends, or engage in other criminal behaviors and blame the music. Despicable.

Furthermore, the "Satanist" epithet is often tagged on to a band by those who misunderstand and, therefore, misapply the term. There are few bands in the black metal underground that can be correctly tagged as Satanists in the LaVeyan sense of the term. The rest are either the inverse faith types (many of which are, admittedly, very musically interesting, if not lyrically) who are very DEADLY serious about their lyrical content, or the Dungeons and Dragons, demons 'n' wizards type.

Personally, I like black metal not for lyrical content (I very rarely pay attention to lyrics), but for the compositional aesthetic; in other words, the meat and potatoes, the nuts and bolts of the music itself: the musical intervals, the harmonies, the melodies, the rhythms, the instrumentation, the timbre (tone quality), and the instrumental interplay. These are what make music what it is, NOT the lyrics so much. This is something that the music listening public misses and bypasses altogether.

On that note, I agree with fnord's statment. While I enjoy metal, I like art music more so. My favorite composers are Chopin, Liszt, Beethoven, Richard Wagner, Gustav Mahler, Dmitri Shostakovich, and Olivier Messiaen (a deeply devout Catholic, whose works, many of which are purely instrumental, still have a sacred significance. Nevertheless, I can easily set that aside, and enjoy his works for what they are: masterpieces of 20th century art music. I recommend his Quatour pour la fin du temps).

Well said. Thank you for you insight, as well as your suggestions for music. I think I will look into it.


Left Hand Path
To be fair, Behemoth do not claim to be Satanists, as far as I know. Nergal is an occult scholar, if you will. He is lyrically inspired by the writings of Aleister Crowley, Austin Osman Spare, and modern Chaos Magic(k)ian Peter S. Caroll, among others, as well as Mesopotamian and Babylonian mythology. You will find no substance in terms of Satanic philosophy within the lyrics because, quite simply, it is not there.

The trouble with music is that people seem to forget that for a lot of musicians, they are chiefly entertainers. That does not mean that they are not serious about their music (though many are decidedly not; that's right, I'm looking at you, KISS), but of course it is mostly going to be entertainment. The joke is on those who take the lyrical content too seriously. These are the brainiacs who shoot up their schools, kill their friends, or engage in other criminal behaviors and blame the music. Despicable.

Furthermore, the "Satanist" epithet is often tagged on to a band by those who misunderstand and, therefore, misapply the term. There are few bands in the black metal underground that can be correctly tagged as Satanists in the LaVeyan sense of the term. The rest are either the inverse faith types (many of which are, admittedly, very musically interesting, if not lyrically) who are very DEADLY serious about their lyrical content, or the Dungeons and Dragons, demons 'n' wizards type.

Personally, I like black metal not for lyrical content (I very rarely pay attention to lyrics), but for the compositional aesthetic; in other words, the meat and potatoes, the nuts and bolts of the music itself: the musical intervals, the harmonies, the melodies, the rhythms, the instrumentation, the timbre (tone quality), and the instrumental interplay. These are what make music what it is, NOT the lyrics so much. This is something that the music listening public misses and bypasses altogether.

On that note, I agree with fnord's statment. While I enjoy metal, I like art music more so. My favorite composers are Chopin, Liszt, Beethoven, Richard Wagner, Gustav Mahler, Dmitri Shostakovich, and Olivier Messiaen (a deeply devout Catholic, whose works, many of which are purely instrumental, still have a sacred significance. Nevertheless, I can easily set that aside, and enjoy his works for what they are: masterpieces of 20th century art music. I recommend his Quatour pour la fin du temps).

Dimmu Borgir is Satanic, but that is a given :D

Though I do recall in a Behemoth song called "Scuplting the Throne of Seth". However, I do not know the lyrics by hand, or claim to speak of Behemoth as taking on Setian philosophy. However, I do relate a lot of their lyrical Opuses to Left Hand Path philosophy. Of course, though, arn't all musicians relevant to LHP philosophy? Since they promote their own believes, justices and injustices, and willful acknowlegdement of the self and their own capabilities.

And I heard some where that Nergal developed lukemia...:(


Left Hand Path
Are their any other satanic denominations besides LaVeyan and theistic Satanism?

Well that all depends on what you chose to look at as a "denomination" of what is. One could say all things are denominations of what Satan represents, what is, and what isn't. Of course, this is my view on Satanism. I find all things in Life are subjective, simply because we are born into life only knowing, life.

What's the goal of Satanism? How does a Satanist live?

I believe that is a question you could answer yourself. My goal is to live, to be, to create, and to overcome. It is within my own personal belief, that man is intrinsically divine, as all things known are of man's creation. Others may chose to this differently however. For all you know, a self acknowledged Satanists could be sitting at you at any moment, or be walking down the street, unknowing to you. As for myself, I view all things as Satanic, as all beings are carnal and represent their own reflections to society. On all levels, whether it is high or low, all beings are selfish, even if they act out seflessly, it is an act that gratifies the self.

What is the Satanist's stance on karma?

Heh, good question, perhaps one I have never thought of, so I am going to wing it.

Karma, what comes around goes around right?

Well it is a common Satanic quote, "Do unto others as they do unto you". I think that could pretty much answer that.

Sure, some things happen that a person may have wanted to happen to another. Perhaps the person may give significant meaning to something that has no meaning.

But of course, this relates to the Lesser and Greater Magics. If you read the Devil's Notebook, Anton LaVey will state, "recignition is the key". He is speaking of the acknowledgement of magic in work, when some one applies their own will to their desires.

Is Ayn Rand's Objectivism related to Satanism?

The philosophy of Objectivism can be related to numerous amounts of religions, since all religions try to define man's nature. Yes it is closely related, yet also so far away.

Man's nature is just that, to be, all things consisting within and out of our minds contribute and evolve our own nature.

Not one Aspect in Life has less than One Advesary, for all things Oppose. For One who constitutes being accepts their own carnal desires, to be, and not to be.

Thank you very much for all of that information. I did not even explore most of those ideas when I was thinking about it. I was truly surprised to learn that Death/Black Metal is just a front to sell music.

1. Stemming from that point, though, doesn't that mean that there is manipulation in the aspect of the music? Which is an ideal device for those who are Satanists? So, would you say that Satanists would be proud that there is something like that there where they are putting on an "act"?

Hmm...interesting and well thought out. I could agree with that statement. Music and art is simply an expression of emotion. Depending on your definition of "corruption", which is relative to manipulation, of course all music slowly affects and changes one's own being.

All things affect all things. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Depending on who you are you will either be repulsed or attracted to the enviroment in which artists attempt to expose you.

2. So, what exactly does Satan symbolize? Why does he exist? Is he, himself, needed at all?

From my view, not others, Satan represents all things, as all things consist of our perception, because we are, so is everything else. Really though, nothing is needed, as we all return to nothing, what we came from, what we ("truly") are. In my voice, truth is all, as is false. Nature seems to have its own ways of solving paradoxes.

3. Would you say that there is a belief in a multiverse or would it be a dualverse, or some derivative thereof? Is there room for other possible universes?

Ha, of course! The possibilites are endless!

4. Would you say that Satanism is a religion of self-serving?

Of course, it is consistant with LHP philosophy as well as RHP philosophy, in an ambiguous or vague manner of course. If you look at it, RHP and LHP are really the same path, it is just a different way of describing what is different. They both serve the self, as the self seeks something to believe in.

5. Would you say that it stems from the Semitic religions, in being that it is an opposition-oriented religion?

Satan literally means Opposition or Advesary, among others meanings.

I am trying to understand Satanism. I listen to a wide variety of music, and one of the genres happens to be Death/Black Metal. When I listen to some of the lyrics it makes me wonder why it is that they feel these ways about certain topics. I understand that many of the topics are also Neo-Pagan, but I am not looking for answers to those questions here.

The most common topics that I think about are:
1. The relationship of Satanism & Christianity, Islam, as well as other religions.
2. The relationship of a Satanist with God, Allah, etc..
3. The relationship of a Satanist in regards Jesus, Muhammud, Krishna, etc..
4. The concept of Satan, himself.
5. The perception that Satanists have of Satan's relationship with God, Allah, Vishnu, etc..
6. Satanic influence upon other religions and/or belief systems.
7. The Satanist's understanding of the universe.
8. The Satanist ideology in terms of human relationships.
9. The Satanist ideal of what Satan truly wants from them.
10. The Apocalyptic situation.

So, would anyone be willing to give me some insight? Any understanding would be helpful. Thank you.

Well the above I think are all in regard to the Theistic Satanists, so I will let them answer them on their behalf.

However, the apocalyptic situation is laughable. All major religions have an end that is threatend to them if they are not faithful, or an after life that is horrible if they are not faithful...

Manipulation and mind control tactics. Fear of the Great Absence (not living).

Do some Satanists believe in joining Satanism with other belief systems, such as the Chakras, Divination, etc.?

Personally I believe in everything. "He who is slow to believe in anything and everything is of great understanding, for the belief in one false principal is the beginning of all unwisdom."-Anton LaVey. I believe we should all unite for humanity, instead of "individual" beliefs and purposes.

But then again, this question is subjective to those Satanists who view things differently.

Do Satanists believe in charity?

Depends on what you mean by "charity". Family wise of course.

You will find that some of the most selfish people, are in fact, some of the most successful. These people are more conducive to society, rather than the common sympathizer that works a dull job, with dull hours, and donates to the church.

As for charity, if I had money, of course I would share it with those that I love, and with those that I feel deserve it. I wouldn't just go around giving it out.

Do Satanists believe in gifts?

Of course! Some of the best gifts are in fact not material, but conceptual or even empathetical. Satanists are some of the most beneficial people to be around.

Though their "gifts" may be disacknowledged, or recoginized as "egotistical" (which every one is), it is the Satanists that drive people to be "better".

We offer plenty of gifts, all which make people become, even create themselves.

I am glad you asked these thought provoking questions. Of course, these are my personal beliefs and may vary from different Satanists.

I enjoyed answering these questions, as they are very strong and thought provoking. I hope I furthured your understanding of what it is to be "Satanic".

Of course, you could also read the workings of Anton LaVey, which is the Satanic bible and The Devil's Notebook among others.

Here is a link that will lead to you a good peice of work written by Anton LaVey Pentagonal Revisionism

On this site you may also find other information that will "enlighten" you more.

Perhaps it may be easier to understand what the site has to offer, or at least narrow it down into a few simple statements.





Here is a good overview taken from the writings of Jashan A'aL:


by Jashan A'al

_What is Satanism?_

Satanism is a term encompassing many different religious and philosophical paths which have among them certain commonalities, being:

1. Admiration of Satan as a (usually non-Biblical) life-positive rolemodel
2. Belief in the supremecy of the here-now life
3. Belief in the autonomy and, in turn, responsibility of each human being
4. Seeking of continual self-improvement and self-fulfillment
5. Exaltment of knowledge and wisdom as a means to those ends.
Two additional points which are widely shared but not universal among the Satanic paths: 6. Belief that mankind is but one among many species of animal 7. Belief in the reality and efficacy of magick and/or prayer


Satanism is much more a philosophy than a religion. It can, in fact, be combined with other religions as an "add-on," much like Taoism or Buddhism. Since Satanism itself holds no official stance on theistic matters, so long as you belong to a religion which is morally and philosophically compatible with Satanism, there's technically no reason you can't, say, worship Thor and hold Satanic values as well.

[_Commonalities_] ... all Satanists have some manner of positive tie to Satanism. ...


Satanism sees Satan as a life-positive rolemodel, on the other hand. Someone (or something) which empowers us, celebrates us, and nurtures our lives. Someone who helps us fulfill our potential and be happy. Whether this is the "enlightened one" motif of Lucifer or the "shock you out of your complacence, in-your-face" appeal of the classic Satan, it does something to help you move forward, better yourself, appreciate your life, and do something that many people seem unable to do -- be happy.

[_Emphasis on This Life, Here and Now_]



Satanism is very big on the concept of individuality and self-determinism. We revere the greatest anti-authoritarian in the world, after all. Often you'll hear Satanists say something to the effect of "We are our own gods," or "We worship ourselves." This is basically just another way of saying we prize personal autonomy. Satanists generally don't hold a god, prophet, divine messenger, or whatnot as being in control of their lives. We don't like being told what to do, even if it's by Grand High Lord X of the Council of Elder Gods.

...Satanists are loathe to interfere with another person's autonomy. It's really not our place to try to press standards (even our standards) on others, or to tell others they must conform to our aesthetics, etc., and nor do we enjoy it when others attempt to do that to us. So you go your way, I'll go my way, and we'll get along fine on the basis of the shared mutual respect for our respective self-determinism.

...Praise and blame go where they are due in Satanism, not shoved off on a mysterious Benevolent Lord or Wicked Tempter. Satan doesn't make you do anything. Satan merely gives you the keys; which doors you walk through (and what lies on the other side) is purely up to you.



Those who appreciate their life and their abilities are more likely to fulfill their obligations and dreams in life. Someone who has seen the benefits of hard work in their own life may work harder in other areas; they will reap the rewards there as well. When you strive -- not for the sake of striving, but for a tangible end -- you have a sense of accomplishment, of success, of happiness when complete. Fulfillment. Contentment. Peace. The two aspects of improvement and fulfillment are intimately intertwined. Satanism encourages its practitioners to obtain both.

[_Exaltation of Knowledge and Wisdom_]


[_Satanism and Adolescent Behavior_]

... Satanism is not about shocking your parents or getting a reputation as a bad boy -- despite popular opinion to the contrary. Satanism is about living your life to the fullest, finding your path in life, and unashamedly pursuing what delights and contents you. It is about rejecting the mindless conformity of modern pop-culture and being who you want to be. It is being ambitious, proud, joyous, and free. It is about truly living.

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I am trying to understand Satanism. I listen to a wide variety of music, and one of the genres happens to be Death/Black Metal. When I listen to some of the lyrics it makes me wonder why it is that they feel these ways about certain topics. I understand that many of the topics are also Neo-Pagan, but I am not looking for answers to those questions here.

The most common topics that I think about are:
1. The relationship of Satanism & Christianity, Islam, as well as other religions.
2. The relationship of a Satanist with God, Allah, etc..
3. The relationship of a Satanist in regards Jesus, Muhammud, Krishna, etc..
4. The concept of Satan, himself.
5. The perception that Satanists have of Satan's relationship with God, Allah, Vishnu, etc..
6. Satanic influence upon other religions and/or belief systems.
7. The Satanist's understanding of the universe.
8. The Satanist ideology in terms of human relationships.
9. The Satanist ideal of what Satan truly wants from them.
10. The Apocalyptic situation.

So, would anyone be willing to give me some insight? Any understanding would be helpful. Thank you.


Left Hand Path
... Satanism is not about shocking your parents or getting a reputation as a bad boy -- despite popular opinion to the contrary. Satanism is about living your life to the fullest, finding your path in life, and unashamedly pursuing what delights and contents you. It is about rejecting the mindless conformity of modern pop-culture and being who you want to be. It is being ambitious, proud, joyous, and free. It is about truly living.

"Pop occultism is fodder for nincompoops, and its only merit is that it detracts from established religious mores."-Anton LaVey



Thank you very much for the information. I think that I have a pretty clear understanding of what it is to be Satanist. Orias, your information was very helpful. I do understand that it is one filled with personal preference. I think that that may be the point of Satanism's belief structure, and that is that the main objective is for you choose your own path.


New Member
Thank you very much for all of that information. I did not even explore most of those ideas when I was thinking about it. I was truly surprised to learn that Death/Black Metal is just a front to sell music.

You are correct in that much of the majority of 'fake' Satanism that is fairly prevalent in black metal, paired with a variety of other 'traditional dark' topics-- ie goats, blood, snakes, serpents, images of the death, grotesqueness, graves, coffins, etc.-- are primarily/generally used as a medium for attracting attention. While you are correct in this remark-- ie that Satanism in (most) black metal is primarily used a front to sell music and attract fans-- I believe you are under-estimating the prevalence of self-styled 'true' Satanism in metal itself. There are 2 chief individuals that do not even really need mentioning (as their past wiles and wickedness extend far beyond the general strain of heavy metal music in general), but I will (for the sake of the benefit of those who are unaware). Glen Benton is what one might call a "true" Satanist what plays metal. He is very 'attached' to his religion, so to speak. In addition to Glen, there is also Gaahl of the Norwegian black metal outfit Gorgoroth (who, in addition to having already avowed his Satanism, is also an open homosexual). For a true-to-life demonstration of just how 'tied' he is to his beliefs and religion (Satanism) just check out one of his most iconic interviews. It may be noteworthy though that there are perhaps innumerable others among the mentioned 2, but these are by far the more known (see: more media-inclined).

While Satanism in black metal may be a good vehicle for attaining an unassailable aesthetic/image, more 'hot topic' concepts and ideals are also used. Among them include individualism, nihilism, etc. It is (or rather should be) by now (as you are reading this post) evident that the exertion of black metal is not solely on the music itself... but also on the image.
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