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Unfair opinions about Islam :(


Well-Known Member
I just find it strange that a lot of people demand that Muslims condemn Islamic terrorism when there are already Muslims doing that. I mean how absurd is this? ISIS has killed quite a few Muslims and fought quite a few. Jordan's already angry with them and over 3/4 of Jordan is Muslim even when it comes to other Islamic terrorist groups like Boko Haram, you have Nigeria and Chad fighting against them and most of Nigeria and Chad are Muslims. Not to mention other Muslims from America, Canada and Europe condemning Islamic terrorism.

But no, there's no Muslims that condemn Islamic terrorism, right? That's laughable. I mean with all of this going on, what more proof do you need?

I agree, and personally, I don't need to see the larger peaceful majority of Muslims ''standing up'' in solidarity verbally 'condemning' these acts of ISIS, etc. If they choose to, that would be a positive, but it's not necessary...What does that really accomplish anyway? Appease the ignorant non-Muslims of the West and elsewhere...who actually think that ISIS and other extremist groups are representative of Islam? :rolleyes:

The question is...what is the world going to do to put an end to violent extremist groups?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Of course there are many Muslims condemning ISIS. Many of them claim that they are not true Muslims in so doing, though. That tends to reinforce the notion that it is a matter of correct adherence as opposed to just plain refusing dogma for dogma's sake.
Unfortunately none of these groups seem to take the slightest heed of this Muslim outrage. They don't think they are genuine Muslims. Nobody, but nobody does the "no true Scotsman" better than Muslims. :)


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately none of these groups seem to take the slightest heed of this Muslim outrage. They don't think they are genuine Muslims. Nobody, but nobody does the "no true Scotsman" better than Muslims. :)

Christians do a FINE job of it, actually...which is why the US is filled with Bible thumping, racist bigots who claim that God is the most important thing in their lives.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
The question is...what is the world going to do to put an end to violent extremist groups?

Well, when it comes to groups like IS, we need to exterminate them, provide support and backing for groups that seek true social justice and liberty to bring those areas into the 21st century, work with governments like Assad's to help them move towards democracy and immediately stop our entanglements with evil governments like Saudi Arabia.


Well-Known Member
very disappointing colored "explaination" of verse !!! In red ,In purple ...blah blah .

who made this explaination ?

do you know translation decline the beauty and meaning of origin langauge ?

My friends tell me this, too. They say if I knew Arabic, certain readings in the Qur'an might 'come across' differently, than how it's been translated. Yes, no matter what language we speak, I still think it's important Godobeyer to apply our own sense of reasoning. And that much of what we read in these texts is based on context. I believe that it's important to note Muhammad's life story, and how he worked to form a Muslim community, but times are different now, and one should view the readings in terms of the time period of which they were written. If non-Muslims don't do this, then why aren't we all enslaved to the Old Testament, as well?

Just my thoughts to it. Thanks for your response.

@LuisDantas - thank you for your color coded interpretations lol Like I said to Godobeyer, I view a lot of Bible and Qur'an readings in the context of which they were initially written. Not that I excuse or dismiss what I'm reading, but not sure I'd say that Islam is dictating for people to live a mirrored life of Muhammad. That is how extremists view it, because it would be extreme not reasonable, to think that way.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately none of these groups seem to take the slightest heed of this Muslim outrage. They don't think they are genuine Muslims. Nobody, but nobody does the "no true Scotsman" better than Muslims. :)

So Jordan, Nigeria and Chad are pretty po.d against ISIS as well as the others. There's good and evil in all of us. Muslim and Non Muslim alike.


Well-Known Member
Well, when it comes to groups like IS, we need to exterminate them, provide support and backing for groups that seek true social justice and liberty to bring those areas into the 21st century, work with governments like Assad's to help them move towards democracy and immediately stop our entanglements with evil governments like Saudi Arabia.

Excellent post and agree. The world has a TON of work ahead to get this to happen. But, we can do it if we put our collective world heads together.

Naw, that's just hypocracy. Read up on the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.

lol I know what it states. No true Christian should ....(fill in the blank.)
I'm just stating that many hypocrites will be the first to pull the NTS fallacy out.


Well-Known Member
I agree, and personally, I don't need to see the larger peaceful majority of Muslims ''standing up'' in solidarity verbally 'condemning' these acts of ISIS, etc. If they choose to, that would be a positive, but it's not necessary...What does that really accomplish anyway? Appease the ignorant non-Muslims of the West and elsewhere...who actually think that ISIS and other extremist groups are representative of Islam? :rolleyes:

The question is...what is the world going to do to put an end to violent extremist groups?

When are they? It's a good question. Some people have looked at ISIS or The Lord's Resistance Army and think they represent Islam and Christianity when it couldn't be further from the truth. It's really sad these groups just go into peaceful religions and twist it around to suit their needs. Abrahamic religions, Dharmic religions Oriental religions even Pagan religions have their violent extremists. I just wish and pray it would stop.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Excellent post and agree. The world has a TON of work ahead to get this to happen. But, we can do it if we put our collective world heads together.


Also, in my ideal world, we would penalize any country that violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, going to war to overthrow their government, if need be. I'm a strong believer that all human beings should have equal freedoms and rights and the ability to maximize their potential. But that's not going to happen since our own government is corrupt to the core.


Well-Known Member

Also, in my ideal world, we would penalize any country that violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, going to war to overthrow their government, if need be. I'm a strong believer that all human beings should have equal freedoms and rights and the ability to maximize their potential. But that's not going to happen since our own government is corrupt to the core.

It's nice but you can't make something like that happen even if our government wasn't corrupt. It's not practical or wise to go to every country, overthrow it if they go against human rights and so forth. This costs money and live by the way, money which is something we don't have an abundance of, and you can't save everyone on the planet even if you wanted to especially when we have our own problems. If you go and try to help everyone except yourself, you'll later be in a position to not help anybody, including yourself.

I'd talk and trade with countries but not ally with anyone. That's how you get roped into problems. It's not that I don't want to help anyone but we have problems we need to take care first.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's nice but you can't make something like that happen even if our government wasn't corrupt. It's not practical or wise to go to every country, overthrow it if they go against human rights and so forth. This costs money and live by the way, money which is something we don't have an abundance of, and you can't save everyone on the planet even if you wanted to especially when we have our own problems. If you go and try to help everyone except yourself, you'll later be in a position to not help anybody, including yourself.

I'd talk and trade with countries but not ally with anyone. That's how you get roped into problems. It's not that I don't want to help anyone but we have problems we need to take care first.

We have plenty of money to be able to do such things, but that's not how the money is being used. Our defense budget is nearly $1 trillion a year. Of course such a thing would cost lives, but the benefits would be worth it. So it could be done, but it won't be done.


Well-Known Member
We have plenty of money to be able to do such things, but that's not how the money is being used. Our defense budget is nearly $1 trillion a year. Of course such a thing would cost lives, but the benefits would be worth it. So it could be done, but it won't be done.

You avoid sending people to fight unless you have you. They aren't chess pieces to move across a board to win a game, these are peoples lives you're dealing with. No we don't have the money and America is in deep debt. We're not in a position to be overthrowing governments and reshaping entire countries.

I don't believe in the "ends justify the means" stuff. Because it doesn't.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
You avoid sending people to fight unless you have you. They aren't chess pieces to move across a board to win a game, these are peoples lives you're dealing with. No we don't have the money and America is in deep debt. We're not in a position to be overthrowing governments and reshaping entire countries.

I don't believe in the "ends justify the means" stuff. Because it doesn't.

No, I would go fight. It would be an honor to die for freedom and the advancement of humanity. One of the hallmarks of our present state of corruption is that none of our leaders are warriors. They are politicians who send others to fight while they hide with their luxury. There are no warrior kings or queens who are first into battle anymore.

You and I have a very different worldview, it seems. Okay.


Well-Known Member
No, I would go fight. It would be an honor to die for freedom and the advancement of humanity. One of the hallmarks of our present state of corruption is that none of our leaders are warriors. They are politicians who send others to fight while they hide with their luxury. There are no warrior kings or queens who are first into battle anymore.

You and I have a very different worldview, it seems. Okay.

I'd only fight if I had to. I'm not a total pacifist but if you can solve a problem without violence, do that, not just go to violence immediately. We have warriors but we lack sages. There haven't been too many of those lately.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I'd only fight if I had to. I'm not a total pacifist but if you can solve a problem without violence, do that, not just go to violence immediately. We have warriors but we lack sages. There haven't been too many of those lately.

The best thing is to be both a warrior and a sage. Remember, a soldier isn't necessarily a warrior. Few are.

I didn't say anything about immediately resorting to violence, either.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
My friends tell me this, too. They say if I knew Arabic, certain readings in the Qur'an might 'come across' differently, than how it's been translated. Yes, no matter what language we speak, I still think it's important Godobeyer to apply our own sense of reasoning. And that much of what we read in these texts is based on context. I believe that it's important to note Muhammad's life story, and how he worked to form a Muslim community, but times are different now, and one should view the readings in terms of the time period of which they were written. If non-Muslims don't do this, then why aren't we all enslaved to the Old Testament, as well?

Just my thoughts to it. Thanks for your response.
you welcome any time .
ideed the translation missed the origin meaning of "origin language " especially when it's used word by word ,

for exemple :
هتا نحن نذهب

it's correct translation of " Here we go " in English , translation missed the origin meaning of " Here we go " in Arabic word by word , it's had crazy/funny sense .

so the same thing in Quran , so who want study deep meaning of Quran, he suppose study Arabic first , and it's Tafsir in Arabic , so study the historic/religious events of each Sorah (when,why , what for God said this ) .

there is TV channel in USA called DEEN TV or Huda TV , it's surelly will enlight you more about Islam and Tafsir of Quran
. this is thier youtube page : TheDeenShowTV - YouTube

and if you want good and moderate and modern high level of Tafsir of Quran, i required to follow Sheik El Sharawi tafsir (very famous Egyptian scholar)

I find some his videos with English subtitle , enjoy :)

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