Outliers made their choices in accordance with their nature...
...with their nature which is to execute a free will choice that is not predictable.
Human nature exists on a bell curve with outliers as well so outliers are what we would in fact expect to see if there were no free will.
I completely disagree. The outliers are behaving in ways that one would expect if there is freewill. If there was no free-will they would not be outliers. They would be predictable. When their behavior is at the pointy ends of the bell curve, that means their behavior is not predictable. Not predictable, is consistent with freewill. It is not consistent with no-free-will.
However, it is able to be predicted that they will be unpredictable. That means that free-will was predetermined. The outliers are, like I said: predictably-unpredictable. IOW pre-determined to have free-will.
The best model, I think for looking at the free-will question beyond , ya know ,the entire branch of statistics in mathematics is called , the 4 tendancies model. It's slightly conntroversial, but it does have some scientific support for it. Here are a few links for you. The first one establishes the scientific basis for trusting the 4 tendancies model, but you need to get a little over half way through the articlee to get to that part. The first part iss the critique, and then after that they show that this critique isn't entirely valid. The second one describes the rebel and questioner tendancies, and those are the ones who are most often executing their free-will.
Contrary to claims that the Four Tendencies are unscientific, there is scientific support for the four personality types and why knowing your type is useful.
I love to identify categories. Abstainers/moderators. Leopards/alchemists. Radiators/drains. And I now I can't stop thinking about these four categories.
For example take brain development. Most people's brain development falls somewhere about the middle then you have your outliers.
So what? The if the "nature" produces free-will choices, it's still free-will.
The same is true for environmental influences as well in my view.
It's still unpredictable choices being made by individuals, which is... free-will.