Alright. Fair enough I’ll narrow the comparison.This thread seems to me to be confusing government food standards with cultural dietary habits.
And comparing the United States with the "rest of the world" doesn't make much sense, since "the rest of the world" is a big place and includes many different kinds of traditional diets along with many versions of food processing and storage standards (ranging from strict to none at all).
I live near San Jose California and I'm not really aware of any sort of distinctly Californian diet. Our local food is kind of international. We eat Mexican one day, Italian the next. Or it might be Chinese one day and Thai or Indian the next. Lots of Asian food around here. There's less and less of the older style 'meat and potatoes' cuisine imported from Europe that was consumed by previous generations. If visitors find portions are too large, remember that nobody is forcing you to eat all of it.
As far as FDA standards are concerned, I expect that they are equivalent to first world standards around the world, perhaps with some minor differences here and there that places like the EU might choose to exploit to protect their own farmers. American food standards are better than health standards in many poorer parts of the world. You aren't going to get Monteczuma's Revenge from eating American food.
First world countries in comparison to the US. You guys did seem a little more permissive in government food safety standards than my own country (Australia.) I did meet some very health conscious citizens but everything I ate did taste sugary. Someone mentioned everything was corn syrup flavoured and I have to agree, based on my limited interaction with US food. Some of the things I ate over in the US would easily be categorised as simply lollies (candy) in other countries. You guys did seem to have healthier milk, for what that’s worth. But your drugs for example. Like half the stuff I saw advertised aren’t approved in my country and all came with like a million disclaimers on possible side effects lol