nolonger active
If you loved what liberals did with the housing bubble you ought to be in high heaven with Obama care's virtues.
1. It was said to lower our private insurance premiums. This is a lie. It has doubled many, added at least 50% to almost all and lowered none unless coverage was drastically reduced.
2. It was said to save us money. That was probably a lie. It is not even going yet and is estimated to cost in the trillions.
3. It was said to improve health care. A lie. Even doctors with sons halfway through are counseling their children to get out of the medical field but the hundreds. Not to mention the ones that gave up servicing Medicare and Medicaid where they were allowed to.
4. It was said to be easy to access. probably a lie. It has a several hundred billion dollar web site that never works. Of course Obama denied responsibility even though the regime mandated only weeks for testing and went against the private companies recommendations.
5. It was said to be the will of the people. A lie. It has had majority rejection almost everyday it has been an issue and it is getting worse marks than ever currently.
6. It was said we could keep our own insurance. A lie. The government exceeding it power has mandated private companies offer additional services they can not pay for. hundreds of thousands of cancellation notices have been issued.
7. It was said to be constitutional. A lie. It had to be turned into a tax to even make it legal. Payment for a service is not a tax. It is a lie.
8. It was said to not ration health care. Thousands of horror stories concerning rationing already existed in all government health care programs. It can't be avoided.
9. It has been claimed as a right. That is a lie and incoherent as well. Who granted that right? Who had it to grant? On what basis?
10. I am getting disgusted doing this and the list will never end.
So call the thing that produced the above good, or blame it on Bush, and lets move on to the next nail in the coffin.
Robin You and I do agree on this! The whole thing is "yuck" and the reasons are without end!